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Ran's Palettes


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Huh, well this palette thread sure sticks out from all the rest thanks to it's presentation alone, in a style which I've not yet laid my eyes upon before. You really put in time and effort to make those beautiful previews and .gifs, for which I can only commend you! The only other thing I could think of preview wise is to, when people click on another palette, you see a different .gif with that palette but I'm not sure if that's possible to do at all.


Nevertheless, I'd love seeing more of your work Ran!


This signature would not have been possible without the combined efforts of RyoucchiZenesis. All credit goes to them for making this!

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-V.Akiha by Kohaku added




A well presented thread!


My thanks. :)


Simply amazing. Especially the gifs.


Ah, thanks for the compliments. :)


Dem fancy previews.


And i still love the Pink and Blue on Kongou :D


Aha, I'm glad you still do, Ryou! I used that color in the preview for that specific reason. :D


Huh, well this palette thread sure sticks out from all the rest thanks to it's presentation alone, in a style which I've not yet laid my eyes upon before. You really put in time and effort to make those beautiful previews and .gifs, for which I can only commend you! The only other thing I could think of preview wise is to, when people click on another palette, you see a different .gif with that palette but I'm not sure if that's possible to do at all.


Nevertheless, I'd love seeing more of your work Ran!


Thanks for the comments. :) If that's possible, I'd like to know! Would be a cool feature. The only thing I can think of that will work aside from that is an image that randomizes on refresh. Which is what I use in my thread at MFG. It'll more than likely work with .gif files too.


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Main Post updated  :=D: 

-Added section graphics

-Added Touhou Section
  -Added Yukari Yakumo palettes

-Added BBB section

  -Added Kyoudou Senna palettes

-Added Fulfilled Requests


Wow, your previews and palettes are great, you've sure put a lot of effort into it, amazing work.


Thanks a lot. :)

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Yo, it's me again. Got a request (or 2) for you right here:


Kugami Toru by Daniel9999999 (Idk if you did this already, but this is just in case you didn't)




Kuuga by Ruina&Azuma


However, if you're really bored and want to do one more:


Silvy by Hanma (Both Sff)


(This one is totally optional, btw. I did request someone to make a palette for Silvy, but I like to see your take on it. So.. yeah. :P )



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  • 3 weeks later...

Took a little break. Spent the past few days working on the Hibiki/Len/Kugami palettes so I wouldn't come back with nothing. Still working on most of the requests, though. If you haven't noticed, I'm a slow worker..  (Wish I could dish out palettes as fast as Mr. Brock!), So I apologize if it's taking a little long.


Not adding these to the main post just yet.




"Ran will have a gif preview up soon~! So until then, enjoy my being the placeholder, huhu"


Name: Hibiki Takane(高嶺 響)

Author: Zero-Sennin


ZkLOY5U.gif tmAyNbn.gif2PPntm7.gif 81d4iI4.gif ozeM5Xd.gif DuBErSy.gifx5Yorcq.gif 7fpOYKp.gif








"Ran will have a gif preview up soon~! So until then, enjoy my being the placeholder, huhu"


Name: Len(レン)

Author: RajaaBoy


0NWDlSB.gifZJtWt28.gif ETaUIqg.gif 2fiSbfp.gif 8S9ZccG.gif 3iS0nA6.gif MMlgw8i.gif 5f7yn7S.gif







"Ran will have a gif preview up soon~! So until then, enjoy my being the placeholder, huhu"


Name: Kugami Toru

Author: Daniel9999999


wbL2ri6.gif RVHWpjJ.gif oVWdqLp.gif sh4bjGM.gif AxeaTlp.gif P0edGL8.gif








"Ran will have a gif preview up soon~! So until then, enjoy my being the placeholder, huhu"


Name: Tesse Ronbllozo(ティセ・ロンブローゾ)

Author: NHK




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  • 3 months later...

It's been a while. Not coming back with much. Just a few palettes that happened over time. All in one pack because honestly.. I'm too lazy to make separate links.. Lol
Don't think I'll be taking requests for now but suggestions for palettes are accepted.
Download is down below.

Mech-Hisui by Rajaa




Len by Rajaa


Arima Miyako by Rajaa


Shiki Nanaya by Kohaku

Too much Melty Blood, I know.;__;
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