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Problem For Throw Command



i testing my if my throw is working if i used other command like basic punches and finally it work but when i want to create for thrown command nothing happens


Here is my code in CNS for Throw Attempt, Thrown, Throw into the Air



;Throw Atempt

[statedef 800]

type = S

movetype= A

physics = S

juggle = 0

velset =0,0

anim = 800

sprpriority = 2



[state 800, 1]

type = HitDef

trigger1 = Time = 0

attr = S, NT

hitflag = M-

priority = 1, Miss

sparkno = -1

p1sprpriority = 1

p1facing = 1

p2facing = 1

p1stateno = 810

p2stateno = 820


fall = 1


[state 800, 2]

type = ChangeState

trigger1 = AnimTime = 0

value = 0

ctrl = 1


;Throwing Opponent

[statedef 810]

type = S

movetype= A

physics = N

anim = 810

poweradd = 0



[state 810, Grab Sound]

type = PlaySnd

trigger1 = AnimElem = 2

value = 3, 0


[state 810, Grab Sound]

type = PlaySnd

trigger1 = AnimElem = 4

value = 17, 0


[state 810, Grab Sound]

type = PlaySnd

trigger1 = AnimElem = 6

value = 3, 0


[state 810, Throw Sound]

type = PlaySnd

trigger1 = AnimElem = 6

value = 16, 0


[state 810, Bind 1]

type = TargetBind

trigger1 = AnimElem = 1

pos = 45.666666666667, 2.0000000397364


[state 810, Bind 2]

type = TargetBind

trigger1 = AnimElem = 2

pos = 30.333333333333, -0.66666666666667


[state 810, Bind 3]

type = TargetBind

trigger1 = AnimElem = 3

pos = 69, -3.3333333333333


[state 810, Bind 4]

type = TargetBind

trigger1 = AnimElem = 4

pos = -3.6666666666667, -102.66666666667


[state 810, Bind 5]

type = TargetBind

trigger1 = AnimElem = 5

pos = -3.6666666666667, -100.66666666667


[state 810, Bind 6]

type = TargetBind

trigger1 = AnimElem = 6

pos = 60, -98


[state 810, Hurt]

type = TargetLifeAdd

trigger1 = AnimElem = 6

value = -78


[state 810, Throw]

type = TargetState

trigger1 = AnimElem = 6

value = 821


[state 810, State End]

type = ChangeState

trigger1 = AnimTime = 0

value = 0

ctrl = 1



[statedef 820]

type = A

movetype = H

physics = N

velset = 0,0


[state 820, 1]

type = ChangeAnim2

trigger1 = Time = 0

value = 820


;Thrown Into The Air

[statedef 821]

type = A

movetype = H

physics = N

velset = -5,-7

poweradd = 40


[state 821, 1] ;Gravity

type = VelAdd

trigger1 = 1

y = .4


[state 821, 2] ; Recover near ground (use ChangeState)

type = ChangeState

triggerall = Vel Y > 0

triggerall = Pos Y >= -20

triggerall = alive

triggerall = CanRecover

trigger1 = Command = "recovery"

value = 5200 ;HITFALL_RECOVER


[state 821, 3] ; Recover in mid air (use SelfState)

type = SelfState

triggerall = Vel Y > 0

triggerall = alive

triggerall = CanRecover

trigger1 = Command = "recovery"



[state 821, 4] ;Hit ground

type = SelfState

trigger1 = Vel Y > 0

trigger1 = Pos Y >= 0

value = 5100 ;Hit ground



and this for Command For  Throw



;Throw Attempt

[state -1, Throw Attempt]

type = ChangeState

value = 800

triggerall = command = "y"

triggerall = statetype = S

triggerall = ctrl

triggerall = stateno != 100

trigger1 = command = "holdfwd"

trigger1 = p2bodydist X < 3

trigger1 = (p2statetype = S) || (p2statetype = C)

trigger1 = p2movetype != H


Here is my screenshots of Stand Strong attack and Run forwards(if needed)


Command: FF


Posted Image


Command: x


Posted Image


Command: y


Posted Image


Command: z


Posted Image



Here for my throw animation


Throw Attempt:


Posted Image


Posted Image


Kato's Throw


Posted Image


Posted Image


Posted Image


Throw Animation


Posted Image


Posted Image


Posted Image


Posted Image

please help whats the problem


i'll try to change position add, lessen and its almost the same nothing happens :(

12 answers to this question

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  • 0

My basic standing command is at Command x for light punch, command y for medium punch and command z for strong punch still nothing happens

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Did you check the animation (SFF) for the hit collision(red) on the character when preparing to grab the opponent?


MARVEL VS. TOUHOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :awesome

  • 0

i post some pictures so that if i know my doing is correct and to help me to solve my problem 



please help 

  • 0

Sorry i delete it because you dont like i dont want give a warning i want the answer of the problem sorry for what am i post :(

  • 0

you will not get warning for that. you need to be trouble to get warning you are not.


from the looks of it you used throw creator. from fighter factory to make your throw.


that program is GOOD for getting the basic down, but otherwise you can not rely on it to actually code your throw.


make a video of it so i can see exactly what happens to help you more. or send him to me.

- Characters -  / - Stages - / - Screenpacks - / - Lifebars - / - Fonts - / - Full Games - / - Templates -


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I post the link of kato in releases-your edit. you can download easily sir because the link is mediafire sorry ryon if you angry for what am i post promise i delete the pictures that you dont like and i didnt do it again :(

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