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Custom SSFIV Abel & Oni updated 2014-02-10


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Custom SSFIV Abel & Oni released 2013-12-22

Finally this 9-month old MUGEN WIP is done! Thank you very much in the times!



Custom SSFIV Abel MUGEN update 2014-02-10:

- for every PlaySnd sctrl volumescale = 9999999999999, changed to volumescale = 214483647 (advised by Rimu)

- re-adjusted all standing and crouching normals' recovery frames (advised by Rimu)

- fixed Abel mid.pos and head.pos (advised by Rimu)


Download (SkyDrive):  https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=7DB65F02B0BBD12E&id=7DB65F02B0BBD12E!518#cid=7DB65F02B0BBD12E&id=7DB65F02B0BBD12E!518

Download (MediaFire): http://www.mediafire.com/download/91zxq5jxq1qj4me/Custom_SSFIV_Abel_2014-02-10.zip


Custom SSFIV Oni MUGEN update 2014-02-10:

- for every PlaySnd sctrl volumescale = 9999999999999, changed to volumescale = 214483647 (advised by Rimu)

- fixed Oni mid.pos and head.pos (advised by Rimu)


Download (SkyDrive):  https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=7DB65F02B0BBD12E&id=7DB65F02B0BBD12E!110#cid=7DB65F02B0BBD12E&id=7DB65F02B0BBD12E!516

Download (MediaFire): http://www.mediafire.com/download/tf4ngjjvorepif3/Custom_SSFIV_Oni_2014-02-10.zip

Custom SSFIV Abel


SF3 Alex has now to face SSF4 Abel in MUGEN! Two "A"'s from two SF generations!

preview video:

- if you have a nicovideo account: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm22510142

- if you don't have a nicovideo account: http://en.niconico.sarashi.com/?sm22510142 or http://nicoviewer.net/sm22510142

** from last WIP: not much beta-testing issue-related result reported.......only Rimu's "excess of frames" issue was fixed

** known issue: I couldn't get the proper localcord and MUGEN x/y scaling to work.........

Custom SSFIV Oni


Oni, "Akuma, let me fix your back!"

preview video:

- if you have a nicovideo account: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm22510064

- if you don't have a nicovideo account: http://en.niconico.sarashi.com/?sm22510064 or http://nicoviewer.net/sm22510064

** from last WIP: not much beta-testing issue-related result reported.......

** known issue: I couldn't get the proper localcord and MUGEN x/y scaling to work.........

Custom SSFIV Abel & Oni download here: https://skydrive.live.com/#cid=7DB65F02B0BBD12E&id=7DB65F02B0BBD12E!110

* that is, inside the two folders in the "Custom MUGEN Characters 2000 Series" folder........and please read the included MUGEN_manual_2013-12-22.txt and "Offline Abel/Oni Tutorial and Guide" for details

"I still care to share because I believe in Sharing is Caring" - Werewood

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 known issue: I couldn't get the proper localcord and MUGEN x/y scaling to work - What do you mean with that?


Aside from that, there are no more known bugs?


So fast response!


The know issue is about MUGEN 1.0 new feature.


Ryon and NotAGoodName suggested me to fix the localcord and the MUGEN x/y scaling.......I tried but things got broken......so I just keep my current setting:


(Custom_SSFIV_Abel.def - localcoord = 320,240) & (Custom_SSFIV_Oni.def - localcoord = 320,240)

(mugen.cfg - [Config] - GameWidth = 640 & GameHeight = 480)

oh and this issue by Vibrant:

>> A white glow sprite around the edges of the powerbar with sub trans will make the bars look not so jagged on the edge

sorry the bars weren't made by me; those were made by Rolento+Orbinaut (now Mr. I?) and I am not good at fixing those.....


Well, since not much issue-related reports besides the ones mentioned above in my WIP topic, I am not so sure.  You know I tend to miss to spot issues by myself therefore I opened a WIP topic...........so, if you find any issues/bugs, then please let me know thank you for your help!

"I still care to share because I believe in Sharing is Caring" - Werewood

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It's cool to see you've released some new characters that don't say "boring" in the screenshot lol.


Well, Ryon my MUGEN father and Laharl have had educated me some months ago......................

"I still care to share because I believe in Sharing is Caring" - Werewood

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ONI IS BEAST!!!!!! Should award 2013 most epic mugen released :joyful:


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lol @ file sizes.  Closing Mugen after loading up one of these characters is frighteningly slow.  The SFF is so big, I can't even use crop to optimize it.  FF3 just ruined all the offsets when I tried on Oni.  The sprites really should be cropped, but yeah.  Don't bother.


Ok, so Oni is pretty cool.  In my opinion, localcoord = 352,264 makes him normal (CVS2 etc) size.  If you like SF3 sprites, then by all means, don't modify him.


I don't know what to think of Abel.  I don't know if I like him, but that isn't any of your doing.  He is bigger, so localcoord = 336,232 is more suitable. 

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lol @ file sizes.  Closing Mugen after loading up one of these characters is frighteningly slow.  The SFF is so big, I can't even use crop to optimize it.  FF3 just ruined all the offsets when I tried on Oni.  The sprites really should be cropped, but yeah.  Don't bother.


Ok, so Oni is pretty cool.  In my opinion, localcoord = 352,264 makes him normal (CVS2 etc) size.  If you like SF3 sprites, then by all means, don't modify him.


I don't know what to think of Abel.  I don't know if I like him, but that isn't any of your doing.  He is bigger, so localcoord = 336,232 is more suitable. 

Yea, Abel is better with localcoord so it will look the same size as the other characters but for Oni I will stay him big like that because that is Oni! He's supposed to have that awesome huge fat/muscular body.


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Yea, Abel is better with localcoord so it will look the same size as the other characters but for Oni I will stay him big like that because that is Oni! He's supposed to have that awesome huge fat/muscular body.


I was just going by what screenshots of SF4 I could find.  According to what I saw, he's the same height as Ryu, so 10% smaller = CVS2 Ryu.  He's still ridiculously bulky and awesome.  Although my JakeSF1989 can defeat him.  :troll:

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I was just going by what screenshots of SF4 I could find.  According to what I saw, he's the same height as Ryu, so 10% smaller = CVS2 Ryu.  He's still ridiculously bulky and awesome.  Although my JakeSF1989 can defeat him.  :troll:

Yea, CVS characters is a bit taller. I use Ryu from SF3 so it make Oni look like a boss compare to him LOL.


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Some feedback for Abel in particular:



* When you hit an airborne enemy with a basic attack, then cancel it into a Sky Fall / Falling Sky, the grab can catch the opponent. Intentional?


Demo:  http://www.mediafire.com/download/ppaytc4b5pg485i/abel.wmv



* A few codes of him involve unreasonably large values:


[state 830, voice]

type = null;playsnd

triggerall = p2stateno = 10706

trigger1 = animelem = 95

value = 2, 41

volumescale = 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999

ignorehitpause = 1


Not only this looks amateurish, but Mugen 1.0 doesn't handle values larger than 2,147,483,647 and lower than -2,147,483,648, so these are the values you want to use in situations like this one.



* More than a few of his attacks give massive frame disadvantage when they hit the opponent, varying from around -9 to -17.


See the Adv. Frame portion of Training's data in this video.




It means that even when you hit the opponent succesfully with a basic he still recovers 17 frames faster than you. How hard can a player be punished in the timing window of 17 frames? This overlook of yours is this dangerous.


It happens because the recovery state of his basics takes way too long. Tone it down, and/or increase a little the ground hittimes. The intention is keeping the frame advantage of his attacks around 0.



* In addition, as the video above shows, the mid.pos is at an incorrect position.


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Yo don't get too excited remember what I said at the very beginning of my SSFIV WIP topic:

"Don't put your hope in me too high too..............."


That decent SSFIV Cody was made by Orbinaut (now Mr. I?), who has much better MUGEN authoring skill than I do. Indeed, I use his Gouken and Cody as my Abel and Oni bases.


When I was ripping Abel and Oni "sprites", I used this SSFIV PC setting:

Posted Image

The "sprites" ripped size (dimensions and file size) is much bigger than KFM for sure.

KFM uses the standard setting:

xscale = 1 ;Horizontal scaling factor.

yscale = 1 ;Vertical scaling factor.


localcoord = 320,240

Look at Abel using localcoord = 352,264:

Posted Image

** you see the custom bars and the KO background are a bit off and some other not-yet-discovered issues......so that was why I keep my localcoord = 320,240 setting......

Look at Oni using localcoord = 352,264:

Posted Image

** you see the custom bars and the KO background are a bit off and some other not-yet-discovered issues......so that was why I keep my localcoord = 320,240 setting......

In my SSFIV PC setting you see 800x600 is the smallest possible I can use. So, in both characters' .def and .cns files, I need to use:

xscale = 0.42 ;Horizontal scaling factor.

yscale = 0.42 ;Vertical scaling factor.

while keeping localcoord = 320,240...............


You know I am not aiming at source-game accuracy and I am not good at mugenizing source-game accuracy because I have poor knowledge about the source game as well as MUGEN authoring skill, hence I label my current MUGEN stuff "Custom". Yet, your source-game accurate advises are always welcomed and I will take a note and try to fix according your information:

>> When you hit an airborne enemy with a basic attack, then cancel it into a Sky Fall / Falling Sky, the grab can catch the opponent. Intentional?

I will re-check with my SSFIV PC Abel about it. I hope I know how to fix that.

>> volumescale = 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999

>> larger than 2,147,483,647 and lower than -2,147,483,648

Where do you get this numbers range? I don't see it in MUGEN docs/sctrls.html. I had no idea about the maximum value so I just used these 9's.

Now that you tell me the proper numbers range, so from now on I will use your tip for my next MUGEN stuff.

>> -9 to -17 ............ recovers 17 frames faster

This one is harder to fix. It is because SSFIV is not a pure 2D fighting game, i.e. at different states, times, angles, frames get displayed differently.

So, unlike SF1 to SF3, source game frames data is very hard to follow for use in MUGEN. I have to do guess-work all the way.

Yet, I can improve your said dangerous recovery frames by my guess-work.

>> increase a little the ground hittimes

Sorry but I think it is better to re-adjust frames instead.....all my HitDef values are already off..........don't wanna make them worse.......

>> as the video above shows, the mid.pos is at an incorrect position.

Hey what is that Training character shown in your video please? Is it reliable and not wonky? It looks like quite useful..........

Rimu, you are nice enough to share your high source game knowledge and willing to pinpoint what I have done wrong, not like some other selfish MUGEN Pro's. I tend to miss to spot issues all by myself therefore I opened a WIP topic. As you see I am not lazy and ignorant towards useful feedback like yours. If there is something I am capable of repairing/fixing reported, then I will try my best to do it right. Be the tip early or late. So thank you so much for your interest and time and help! :bow:

"I still care to share because I believe in Sharing is Caring" - Werewood

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The bars and background stuff being off with localcoord is just one of those things that tends to happen.  I'm of the mindset that I prefer my characters to look the same scale.  Issues like powerbars and such don't bother me.  I'll remove them if I really have to.  I even fix xscale on CPS sprite characters without repairing the consequences!  What an evil person I am!  All of my SF3 characters are ruined with their standardized height and correct width!  So much inaccuracy.


The only real fix is to program the characters to allow any CNS scale.  Descolor seems to do this with his characters, but I'm sure it's an absolute pain to remember everything.  Every scale and velocity has to be multiplied by const(data.size.xscale) or yscale.  In your case, since you programmed the character for its current scaling (which is absolutely fine), you would have to refigure the true values for everything.


So yeah.  Don't worry about it.  Leave the worrying to dumb dumbs like me.

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I cannot download. Am I doing something wrong?


Yes you are.  :troll:


Just copy and paste the Skydrive link in your  adress bar and add !110 at the end. Then press Enter and voila! You have access to these two fine pieces of craftsmanship.


This signature would not have been possible without the combined efforts of RyoucchiZenesis. All credit goes to them for making this!

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