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Kaguto's Palettes

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I've been busy making color separations (Which I'm not releasing any until I have a good amount done I've only gotten 3 done so far I wanna atleast get 10 done for my first pack then I'll release atleast one every other day after.)


Request by Win for Omega Zero by Duck.

(Also a requested fix for the golden Iori palette I did.)


35k29dz.jpg 2egg27b.jpg 9sggv5.jpg

Golden, Reverse Mime and Golden (Fixed)


Link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/1fmf3vai2h1vavg/Another+Win+Request.zip



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I did not mind the wait anyway. Now your 3 palettes look good and I thank you for the Golden Iori fix however regarding the 2 Zero palettes I got some issues :


- Reverse Mime does not look bad however I had more of a bright white color in mind to make the black more noticable. Now it looks white-purple-ish (is that even a word lol?)


- Golden Zero looks, believe it or not, too golden in my eyes. Contradictory with Golden Iori, I can barely see Zero's individual body parts. I'm not sure how to explain it other than to compare it to Gold Iori to hopefully see what I mean (like now I can't see Zero's face all that well e.g.)


Aside from that I don't know if you took note of my updated request list. I shall put it below again and this one should be my final batch of requests :


1) Legend Iori (Lewis Legend inspired palette for Quickfist's Iori)

=> specifications : White skin tone. Black hair and black clothes. Brown shoes. Golden chain and necklace. Golden eyes.

2) Omega Aqua Zero (palette for Omega Zero by Duck)

=> specifications : Dark blue armor (same as the blue you used for Omega Zero's Wolverine pal). Light Blue (as in ice blue) hair, bracelets and leg rings.

3) Omega Shin Zero (palette for Omega Zero by Duck)


=> Specifications: palette based on this sprite : Akuma-shin-cvs2-stance.gif



This signature would not have been possible without the combined efforts of RyoucchiZenesis. All credit goes to them for making this!

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I did not mind the wait anyway. Now your 3 palettes look good and I thank you for the Golden Iori fix however regarding the 2 Zero palettes I got some issues :


- Reverse Mime does not look bad however I had more of a bright white color in mind to make the black more noticable. Now it looks white-purple-ish (is that even a word lol?)


- Golden Zero looks, believe it or not, too golden in my eyes. Contradictory with Golden Iori, I can barely see Zero's individual body parts. I'm not sure how to explain it other than to compare it to Gold Iori to hopefully see what I mean (like now I can't see Zero's face all that well e.g.)


Aside from that I don't know if you took note of my updated request list. I shall put it below again and this one should be my final batch of requests :


1) Legend Iori (Lewis Legend inspired palette for Quickfist's Iori)

=> specifications : White skin tone. Black hair and black clothes. Brown shoes. Golden chain and necklace. Golden eyes.

2) Omega Aqua Zero (palette for Omega Zero by Duck)

=> specifications : Dark blue armor (same as the blue you used for Omega Zero's Wolverine pal). Light Blue (as in ice blue) hair, bracelets and leg rings.

3) Omega Shin Zero (palette for Omega Zero by Duck)


=> Specifications: palette based on this sprite : Akuma-shin-cvs2-stance.gif


Ok I'll get right on fixing it btw how does this color separation look so far?





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It's looking good aside from the ugly combo of colours you used but that's for demonstration purposes so I understand. XD


A bit more of working on it and you'll have soon mastered the colour separation technique!


This signature would not have been possible without the combined efforts of RyoucchiZenesis. All credit goes to them for making this!

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so can i ask as a new found friend for a color seperation patch for any Cvs Benimaru im so sick of his shirt & pants having to be the same colr 


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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So sorry guys! My internet was cut off but I am back now.

It's okay, I can wait.


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Hey bro, don't forget I've still got a long due request standing too. I thought you had bailed out on us and I was THIS close to asking Brock to do it lol.


The request is in post #129 so no need to put it here again.


This signature would not have been possible without the combined efforts of RyoucchiZenesis. All credit goes to them for making this!

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  • 4 weeks later...

OK GUYS! I'm back and gonna get to all the requests I missed but as a little give away for the wait I made some quick palettes for ya.


2gy924z_th.jpg 52xi8n_th.jpg 243q928_th.jpg 28uihhd_th.jpg

Kaioken, New Mugen, Pandora's Rage and Ssj God (My usual palette setup for Ssj God).


2itpftu_th.jpg 5zearp_th.jpg 24dqzrr_th.jpg

New Mugen and Pandora's Rage.


Goku Ssj God by MugenMundo

Crash Bandicott by Lows 9.0

Link by NapoleonJonamite

The recent and 3rd version of Ryu Hayabusa by chuchoryu


Link to palettes: http://www.mediafire.com/download/429be4qijt98bc8/Another+Kaguto+palette+pack.zip



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Nice man, I'm gonna use this pal for MugenMundo SSJ God Goku too.


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Nice man, I'm gonna use this pal for MugenMundo SSJ God Goku too.

Sounds great to me. 

hi kaguto plz could you make a SS4 PAL FOR nappa and a zeel pal for frieza form 3 and a dr myuu pal for dr gero?


here the links. 











And good luck. ^^

Could you provide an alt link for Nappa? Also unless he is color separated I can't make a ssj4 one until after I do the color separation myself so do you mined if I put that nappa under my list of to dos for my color separation project?



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Could you provide an alt link for Nappa? Also unless he is color separated I can't make a ssj4 one until after I do the color separation myself so do you mined if I put that nappa under my list of to dos for my color separation project?

Sure here a alt link and yes you could put it in your color separation project. 

My Signature 

Fuck U :D I Don't Have one Asshole.

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Sure here a alt link and yes you could put it in your color separation project. 

Also I am going to put andriod 20 in there because he also needs some color separation but do not worry I'll get all my non color separation requests by you and my other requesters done as soon as possible.



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I have finally got around to fulfilling all previous requests (excluding certain ones due to me working on color separations for them which will take time because of the number of characters) but here ya go guys.


2vii78l_th.jpg 156wdah_th.jpg ivlcac_th.jpg 2lm6sz5_th.jpg r2ktj4_th.jpg 2hdya7t_th.jpg 15nt34m_th.jpg m7ubzt_th.jpg 2m6s6x1_th.jpg

Redone versions of previous Omega Zero palettes + one new palette for Iori (for Win), four new Pandora's Rage palettes (for Sham) and a Zeel palette (for Thomas).


Link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/p3wp6gnaa874367/Request+pack.zip



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