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its basically mugen starring other mugen creators , pots is here so is iced titiln caddie and some others.



titiln ............ Should be drug out in the street & shot, that guy is a major fucking douche, god id like to get my hands on him and beat some respect into him, im not even kidding,


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 



titiln ............ Should be drug out in the street & shot, that guy is a major fucking douche, god id like to get my hands on him and beat some respect into him, im not even kidding,

LOL I hate him more then you will ever know. I would kill him without hesitation.


Duude, If ryon was in it then that would kick ass, but its just a bunch a douchebags.

LOL Ryon would be the only character I would play as.

But seriously, this "fullgame" is utter shit. I trashed it after playin about 2 seconds of it.

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