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[LOW-RES] KFM Stage Edit destroyed Temple


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hello again guys!!! I'm not a good spriter or coder, but I love to do stages (specially edit the mountainside Temple). This was a great idea from Silentfailwhale (a camrade from MFG), and I have seen a couple of this stages before, and here is my version of it. I hope you like it.

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  • 2 months later...

Hekutta, I love your various stage edits/remixes.  I'd like to see one with a Torndo and overly-violent Lightning in the background!  Maybe using sprites from lastblade and kof for refrences?  I'll do what I can to see if I can locate the sprites if you'd want to join up!

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  • 3 weeks later...

@ Excahm:


Thanks man, believe me when I say "Is awesome to be back!"


@ Mr. KOtik:


I would think the same thing about me, don't worry about it. In this hobby, you know is common to be "absent." But I'm back and slowly, slowly, but I'm getting things done. Is good to be among friends.


@ Punk Vilain (Ness):


Yeah, it seems interesting.... very interesting. It gave me an idea of having some broken walls and pillars... kind of an abandoned part of the temple, or better destroyed after a battle with some demon. I look forward to see the sprites. :bow:

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YO HEKUTTA ! ALL your stages are AMAZING !!!   :confuse: I visited your site and I wanted to take this opportunity to tell you that :


I appreciate better mugen with your creations, we need CLASSICS stages for CLASSICS chars on CLASSICS Screenpacks...!



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YO HEKUTTA ! ALL your stages are AMAZING !!!   :confuse: I visited your site and I wanted to take this opportunity to tell you that :


I appreciate better mugen with your creations, we need CLASSICS stages for CLASSICS chars on CLASSICS Screenpacks...!



Thanks Lucabel, I'm really glad that you liked the stages and also thanks for your kind words. The whole porpoise of making them is for you guys to enjoy them. If you like the stages, you should check my WIP at


And I think there will be more stages coming...


the secret of his temple is now display.  :troll:

Hahahaha... Just don't tell anyone.


Idea: have a flaming, animated temple in the background, and add super jump. Then...the Groovy begins.

:hmm:  Interesting.. very interesting...

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Did you mean something like this????


Posted Image

Kind of, but with a night-time setting, and more "Sprited-looking" background flames, like that one Castlevania stage I saw somewhere...


Sack Tapping is Bad News, kids.

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Man that flaming temple is excellent! With the temple burning in the back its like an entire village is on fire!

Thanks man, those comments are what keep me going in this hobby.  Believe me, it's amazing when I see great creators like you praising my work, it makes me even more motivated. Once again, thank you so much. :)


Kind of, but with a night-time setting, and more "Sprited-looking" background flames, like that one Castlevania stage I saw somewhere...

Al right, all right, I will make it on night version, but where can I find those sprites???


Looks like someone called Vegeta a "ho" a few minutes ago.



Find your slacks!


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