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What type of characters do You like in MUGEN

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I'm a fan of diverse combo characters.

What I mean by that is the character is able to combo without ridiculous timing, but isn't literally an air juggle-fest; there are many different combos they can pull off without repeating the same attacks.

In short, they can combo quite well, but not so well that the opponent loses over half of their Life in one combo.

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Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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Yea combo ability is a huge factor for me too.  I also really like Samurai Shodown's play style.  Technical stuff is fun, dodges, parries, air throws, counters and the like.  I'm also a fan of the huge boss character types, and bonus games.  Those two just make playing mugen so much more fun for me.




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