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So, you want the real Len edited MOMO-LEN? Here it is. Super Ultra Rare, saved by me. Version 1.05. @Moʋniƭorirɲ @DartzPie




MOMO-LEN ver.1.05 by sakura. Compatible with Winmugen, 1.0, and 1.1. https://www.mediafire.com/file/cxs5b9r2o9gx1iv/MOMO-LEN.zip/file

MOMO-LEN ver.1.10, latest of the old ver. Missing.


Unfortunately, this is not the latest ver. of the old ver. The latest is ver. 1.10, apparently released in March, 2012. The next update in October, 2012 was when new MOMO-LEN replaced the old. Ver. 1.05 is second to last ver. of old MOMO-LEN, so not too far off. For some odd reason, Grayeyes2020 does not have ver. 1.10, and Grayeyes2020 is responsible for this huge mugen list, usually able to collect all versions of chars when he was active. Character by default is AI only. How did I get this character? Long time ago in 2012, I downloaded MOMO-LEN from sakura. Kinda weird I got ver1.05, which could mean that I downloaded her sometime between February to March of 2012, which apparently is a lot rarer than ver. 1.10! I don't remember exactly when in 2012, but it could be possible ver. 1.10 was never released, and that would explain why Grayeyes2020 and myself don't have the version. But, apparently according to sakura in the read me file in a later version, ver. 1.10 got released. Well, enjoy, and you're welcome.


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