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Avengers: United Battle Force

O Ilusionista

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Thanks! For the upcoming beta (I will try to release it in a week or two), those will be playable: 1- Captain America 2- Hawkeye 3- Iron Man 4- War Machine 5- Hulk 6- Thor 7- Beast 8- Quicksilver 9- Vision 10 - Emma Frost (guest) from that list, Vision, Beast, Hulk and Emma lacks some moves yet. There will be one stage (with two parts), one sub-boss (Hydra Golem) and one Boss (Whirwind). The final version will have something about 13 stages, with more than one part each one. About the roster, I don't have no idea yet :) But you can imagine something about 20 playable chars or more.



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Finally, Beast got his hyper move: He calls Reinforcement from his labs.

The robot fight for itself, attacking the enemies and obstacles. You can call another one once your powerbar is full again.

Plus, you can see the new HUD in action :)

What's next?


    [*][li]Fix Hawkeye's bow sprites[/li]

    [li]Fix Vision's sprites[/li]

    [li]finish Hulk's moves.[/li]

    [li]Fix some images at the title screen[/li]




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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally I managed to code something I wanted since I decided to do Tiger Shark:

When you fight him, he (and only him) can go into and out from the water whenever he wants to. Each time he dives into the water, he appears in a different location, and jumps to attack you. And how much he stays underwater...is random too, so no pattern to guess.

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You can't hit him while on the water (neither when he is jumping into the water, you can hit him just once he is jumping out from the water), and he can call reinforcement which will jump from the water too. By the way, he can call those reinforcements even when he is fighting you on the pier.

I need to add some water effects on the pier and I need to find a better water splash, but I liked the result.



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  • 3 weeks later...
I've been very busy, but here are some infos about what I've made to the game. Some points aren't finished yet:
Game Manual

This is consuming too much of my free time, but will worth the trouble. Its a page showing each char bios, power grids, all the commands and gives some tips about each char.

-Each character have different values for attack, defense, speed, mp, mp consumption, mp recover and status change.
-Some chars have double jump, some have fly mode, some will run while some will only dash,etc
Passive Skills

Some chars will have passive skills, designed to give even more uniqueness.
Asgardian - Can't be burned or poisoned (still receive damage from the attacks)
Super Armor - He won't enter into the pain state if the attack isn't strong enough.
Natural Leadership - Recovers powers quickly.
New char: Angel
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Jhfer is making an AWESOME work on his smartpalette.



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I hope to release a beta in less than 1 month

Just some quick info:

Namor's sprites are done, and Jhfer already made a wonderfull job with the smartpal, so we can have a lot of costumes (each char will have 4 costumes)

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(base smartpal -- Classic -- Sphinx Era -- X-men)

I am studying the idea of to change some attacks based on the palette the char is using. Nothing too fancy, maybe just one different attack.

And there are some cool surprises I will include down on the road, but they won't be avaliable on the next beta.

Working on Vision now. I've been watching Avengers cartoon with my son a lot those days, playing on the Facebook game...so I got a lot of ideas for him.

Vision will abuse of his density change ability:

-His block now just make him intangibly

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- When knocked down, he can escape by changing his density

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(you can control where he will appear again. The enemies doesn't knows where Vision is until its full tangible again)

- Uses a illusion (not show on the video) to tricky the enemy and goes from the ground to attack the enemies

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(the same for his spawn animation)

- Short blasts

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okay, I managed to find some time to record a new video, showing some stuff from:

-Vision: Almost done, with his density control system

-Hawkeye: Arrow system

-Beast: some new grabs and aerial super

-Hulk: No invencible armor anymore (still super armor), new special

-War Machine: fly mode, Gatling gun.

-Iron Man: Fly mode

All the characters have random combo finishes (Vision uses a short blast, War Machine uses gatling gun etc), to avoid the game turn into a repetitive thing.

(I love how OpenBOR handles the water. And those hooks will have a major role on this stage later)

yeah, youtube killed the quality again...

I am aware of that the bios got covered by the char name. I will modify the image, since it seams that you can't put anything over the char name (this is a suggestion to the OpenBOR coders)

Thanks to MGMURROW for the UMVC3 sound effects.

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  • 8 months later...

I've been playing with some lighting effects, to make some different stages. This is the 3rd floor of Maggia's ship, the last one before the boss fight.


The lights goes from pitch black, to bad visible areas, to more or less iluminated and spot areas.



I just think I don't need to cover the HUD with those effects...


Those lights will be animated, so they can go on & off at random. plus, I plan to put some script into work by letting some moves lighting up the scene. For example, Thor's thunder should iluminate the stage.


Some people asked about what we plans for the history, which stages and such. Here is a small preview:

Starting heroes: Captain, Hawkeye, Ironman, Hulk, Quicksilver, some female avenger, Wolverine or Beast (both were avengers someday) & Thor.

Still thinking in what to do with War Machine. We need at least one x-men on the starting roster, because many mutants were attacked by Sentinels and some were kidnaped and the X-Men asked help from Avengers.


Stage 1

Part 1, Streets: Jarvis warned about some havok near the port, and heroes goes to investigate who are making this (Masters of Evil? Hydra? Who knows?) Sub boss - Hydra Golem


*BRANCH - where you fight Golem*


Part 2a, Port: Something tells that Hydra is not working alone...more Hydra soldiers (Riot) comes into play.

Part 2a-2, Port Platform: Seams that not only Hydra is involved, but Masters of Evil too. Are they working togheter? Boss - Tiger Shark.


Part 2b, Streets to beach: More hydra soldiers, bikers and such. The clues tells that there are more evil groups into the play, but who? Boss - Viper (but she escapes before you defeat her)


Unlocked characters - Namor, Vision, Black Widow or Spiderwoman. They are investigating Hydra's colaboration with another group, and something says that is...Maggia.


If you choose the port - Water stage - A TMNT-like stage, where you ride a board shoting enemies, to reach out Maggia' ship. Not all chars are allowed.

If you choose the streets - Transport stage/Aerial stage - A different path on the history, which will lead to different enemies and bosses. The paths can or can not cross themselves, still thinking about this.


Stage 2 - Maggia' ship

1st Floor - Maggia's minions. Sub Boss - Hammer Head. Possible NPC: Mockingbird.

2nd floor - Its a trap! Maggia's was waiting the heroes on a ambush. A lot of traps and other dangers.

3rd floor - Very dark room. This isn't a good day for the Avengers. 

4th floor - Boss - Madame Masque with Dreadnoughts. What a nice couple...


unlocked chars (after the stage): Some X-Men, after getting the info of where the others mutants are - Emma, Beast or Wolverine, ???, Sabra.


Stage 3 - Sentinels Base

Unlocked chars: Scarlet Witch (was locked on the base), Black Knight, ???, ????, ????


Stage 4 - Wakanda or Spiderman stage

Unlocked chars: Black Panther (wakanda), Spiderman, Black Cat, ???, ???, ???

Sub bosses: ???

Bosses: Klaw, Spiderman's enemies.


*bonus stage*


Stage 5 - A blast...from the Future?

SWORD's Brand come into play warning about a Starship-Yard (Dry Dock) has materialized in space, and she got an weird extraterrestrial signal coming from...a futuristic city? 

Sub Boss: StarHawk

Boss: Korvac


Unlocked chars: Brand, Major Victory, Yondu, Starhawk (after the subboss fight)


Hey guys, here is a small preview of Namor and some new stuff from the game.

Namor can do a great damage, has some scripted slams and will have more moves soon.

His dash move has an automatic followup, but the finisher is optional as cost more mp.


The jumping slam is a special move which needs to be done while grabbing and costs mp too. All the others are normal throws.


I've edited A LOT of frames, I hope you guys like the result.




And what about this Human Torch?



Some more progress:


-Namor and Thor have a small super armor, which make they immune to the first knockdown attack, to match the Comics


- New Riseattack for Thor, has more range



-Thor now grabs and execute slams and throws. On this move, he throws the enemy on the ground and hits him with the hammer




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