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What do you think would be cool to see in the next version of MUGEN?

Super Nicholas

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Copypasta from what I said over at the Guild (nothing has changed, so it may or may not make sense):  

Story mode is possible. Hasn't been updated for quite a while, though. I completely agree with the whole "advanced pause menu" stuff with character movelists, changing options during a fight, etc. A big old gripe with me personally is that you can't just plug in a gamepad when MUGEN is open - you have to close it first, plug in your gamepad and THEN open MUGEN...




-Something that determines the time of a round, or how long an Arcade mode is. -A proper character unlocking system, like that of which MSM gives. -Something that sets the amount of rounds you could have (say a trigger that forces the amount of rounds of a particular character to be 1). -Something that toggles the vs. screen on/off for certain characters. -Something that toggles the "K.O.!", "Round 1!", etc. stuff on/off for certain characters. With this, you could do something clever with Arcade mode: You could've beaten Arcade in a pretty swift time, beaten the final boss and gotten to the "exit door" (which'd be another character, but it'd stay as a door that you walk through if you've beaten Arcade too slowly). The door disappears and something emerges from the background (the final FINAL boss) - you beat him/her/it, go through the actual door and the win screen shows.

FXhJiHL.png XslF5vn.png malcsRF.png

Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Some more that would be cool to see:

Tag-Team Mode: Switch out between teammates.

Shared Health Mode: Teams share the same health. Could be interesting.

A character organizer: It's hard to organize your characters when you have so many...

Separate power bars in team mode: Each fighter has their own power bar.

A pause menu...

Tournament Mode: Like in Smash Bros., except in MUGEN.

Mah Boi! This MUGEN is what all true warriors strive for!


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An actual mode detection code.Something like: GameMode = Arcade GameMode != Training (GameMode = Arcade || Versus) && (enemy,name = "Rotom") && (enemy,authorname = "GarchompMatt") ^If only this existed, I could get something to work properly!

FXhJiHL.png XslF5vn.png malcsRF.png

Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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- A working tag team system

- A simpler way to add characters, stages, music, ect. (Not that it's simple enough, but it gets a bit old typing the same thing)

- Pre-fight dialog

- A way to have another song play in a stage after one's finished

Called Audacity 

Combine two or more songs in one file




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What do you hope Elecbyte puts in the next version of MUGEN?


I hope for:

Online Multiplayer (Doesn't everyone hope for this?)

Multiple songs for stages

Better control input for multiplayer (For some reason, it doesn't enter commands as well in multiplayer)

Quicker loading times for larger rosters

Human vs CPU mode instead of having to use debug in watch mode

A way to restore all health/all power without restoring the cpu's (Like spacebar, but without restoring cpu's health)

Better system for using F5 in survival (Restarting a match with the amount of health you started with instead of full health)

A way to set randomization of characters using randomselect (so you don't end up with a punching bag, a cheap character, or a boss)

Ctrl+2 in versus mode




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