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So TekkenTag 2 won BEST FIGHTING GAME OF THE YEAR yet its sales are still REALLY low. I mean sure theres other fighting games out there but tekken got that rank for a reason right? so why dont more people get it? I asked some people and they all said the same thing "Fighting games are too easy" "Fighting games are too hard" "Too many noobs are out there" Then i put two and two together People dont hate tekken, the fighting game industry is dying. With game such as call of duty, assasins creed and skyrim why would people WANT to play a competitive game such as tekken, one that requires skill? The standard for games these days have come to an all time low and some ppl say they estimate by the time 2020 comes around, fighting games will all but have dissapeared into the world of once they which lived in. Tell me what you guys think on this subject: 


*Side note We (well some of us) said the new DmC would tank as soon as it comes out, but WE WERE WRONG. DmC scored a 9/10 on almost every site. Nothing below a 6 and won game informers game of the month gold award. Hows that for a sucky game? Lord help us...........game are getting dumbed down and the public LOOOOOOVES IT


The Power Of Excellence <3  ReigiOzora18's YouTube Channel

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How you posted two times the same thing?



I have a few mount with don´t try one of the actual fightings games....

The last one was MV3: FotW and actually liked....


I dunno about SFxT but as the other members talk it seems like quite a good game.

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Tekken games never really sold that well TTT2 however did sell a good amount because people loved TTT1, and the fighter game gene is slowing up but this has happen before which it out right died for a few years remember when Sf4 first came out? when was the last fighting game before it's release.


There wasn't any because even hardcore fighting games players felt there were to many fighting games out.


also Persona 4 won fighting game of the year.not TTT2


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...well all i can say is.. the new generation of gamerz don't know the pain and struggle of the retro/old school gamerz, that spent days, token after token to master a certain character..and the joy and satisfaction when they beat assezz wid' it..

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Tekken games never really sold that well TTT2 however did sell a good amount because people loved TTT1, and the fighter game gene is slowing up but this has happen before which it out right died for a few years remember when Sf4 first came out? when was the last fighting game before it's release.


There wasn't any because even hardcore fighting games players felt there were to many fighting games out.


also Persona 4 won fighting game of the year.not TTT2

it won IGNS best fighting game of 2012 over persona 4........guess i shud have put dat


The Power Of Excellence <3  ReigiOzora18's YouTube Channel

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Ugh, I could be here all day ranting on about how much I hate FPS/Survival Horror/Stealth/RPGs With Guns/Anything involving guns type games (They're really all the same to me). It's as if people will not play games unless it has guns in them. Rhythm games, Fighting games, platformers, etc. So many really fun genres of videogames all dying to generic shooting games.

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Companies are going to make the games that people are going to buy.

I don't like FPS games myself, but I can see the appeal. They do look better every year, even if nothing much is changing in them. It's been exactly the same since the beginning of gaming. The prettiest games are the best sellers.


Even though I love my fighting games, I can see that an outsider to the genre wouldn't really see much difference between Street Fighter 2 and Tekken Tag 2 apart from the graphics.

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So many really fun genres of videogames all dying to generic shooting games.

I agree with you there. There are just so many people who play Call of Duty and Halo, that games like fighting games and platformers don't seem to get as much attention as they used to...


I'm pretty sure this is one reason why lots of people tend to shy away from the Wii U and 3DS.

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HEY >:( i like Persona 4 

I'm sure I would too...if I ever played it. Honestly, it looks like a really awesome game. I'm a fighter at heart, but I've been really into Call of Duty since Black Ops 1. I used to be into rpgs, but even they have taken a back seat. I got the complete God of War series for Christmas. I haven't played it yet...lol! Basically, as long as it involved combat of some sort, I was into it. Fictional fighters, Wrestling, MMA and even a little Boxing. I just like combat sports. This played a big part in the type of stages I created wham I first hit the forums as an active member(I lurked for almost 3 years before that.)


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