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Lloyd Irving


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yep new wip after I finished kenshin the chat started talking about the new smash bros and i said i hope lloyd makes it in since namco is developing it. I doubt it however it gave me my next decision for a char I have wanted to make a lloyd for a long time just never felt confident i could do it right but now I feel I can do this. So i present to you Tales of Symphonia's Main Character Lloyd Irving

thus far I have 1 basic combo, and 2 basic artes meaning specials.

for now heres a screenshot of him ill post more as i get more progress and am able to make a video of it.

Posted Image

He will not play like kenshin or my usual way of doing things I am loosely basing his gameplay as the ACS tales of fighting game not fully accurate but he will be a combo whore.


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no visual update just yet but I did finish 4 more of his artes. Tiger blade, tempest kind of, sword rain, and double demon fang are finished now expect a preview soon when i find some hitsparks and do some fine tuning.


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