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Posts posted by GuyZero32k4

  1. I'm making a little of an annoucement here so bare with me. It's bit of a long post, but enjoy art after long winded explaination. And I haven't said it anywhere else either.


    For those out there who've been watching, as I've released intro and endings.  I thank everyone for thier support and encouragment, as I mentioned I have lots of fun doing them. 


    But at times, photoshopping the shit out of things to fit the story I'm trying to tell can be tedious.  Such as the Hulk ending I'm working on(due next week or week after), not coming together how I envision it.  What to do?  There's only one thing for me to do, and it's to do something I never thought I'd ever do again. 


    Draw them.


    I used to draw and had aspired to work in comics.  Backed out when I saw how the industry is and just stopped drawing.  To this day, every single person who knows me constantly asks me do you still draw?  That was the first trigger, second was thinking there's endings that I want to do, but there's no other way to make them happen.


    But there's two problems, the first is up till now I hadn't drawn in over 10 years.  Seriously.  Second, I have nerve damage on my drawing wrist which happened 2 years ago, and I'm still finding out now it hinders me.  But if there's one thing I'm good at, is over coming the odds.


    The next release wil be the Hulk done in the current style and methods I use now.  Then, it'll be Duke Nukem, new comic look, and me drawing it. 


    Enough talk here's what has happened with me not having drawn for 10 years, and the wrist bite.:


    Thought I could draw the hat without looking hence I messed up logo.

    Posted Image


    A study of Ralf Jones.

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    Study of Ben Grimm, who is going to appear in Duke's ending, along with Mai Shiranui.

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    Me trying to find my Duke. 

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    Finally, a preview of his ending, still in pencil rough, without any details.

    Posted Image


    The endings from Duke's on wards will look like comic panels, penciled, inked, lettered and colored by me.  The only thing making me nervous is the coloring part.  Been doing drawing drills for weeks and now while I'm on vacation to get my speed back.  Though I could use all the encouragement I can get.


    Thoughts or questions on me taking my stuff in this direction? 

  2. Thanks for the recommends.  I'm checking them out starting Sunday.  I'm going to try and watch as many as possible during my time off.  Turns out I'm going to be out for 10 days, not 7 like I first thought. 


    I'm even going to go see that damned Man of Steel sometime during that time.  I'm gonna go crazy stuck here.  If I'd known I'd have saved up and gone to Las Vegas, Hawaii, or Rio de Janeiro.


    I have seen a few of the ones recommended like FLCL, Full Metal Panic Fumofu, Super Milk-Chan, and liked them though it has been a long time, since I saw them.

  3. LOL.  I can't stand my friend's girl friend.  She's one mouthy bitch.  We don't get along. 


    She's flat as a board and I like mine with um-- body like you know,  Mai.  She'd made a smartass remark once that "I wished I had a girl friend like her."  I retorted "Like I'd ever want to be with someone I can't tell the front from the back!"  She got pissed.

  4. I did, we ended up together in a relationship for a while, till she went all crazy control freak.


    She tried to trap me with the fake pregnancy game, that's when I knew fun times were over.



    Recently, my best friend who just got a motorcycle thought he was cool reving the engine in front of his girl friend.  Time to get off, he falls sideways getting off with bike falling with him.  He yelps like a chick going "AAAHHH!"  as he fell with the bike.  His girlfriend couldn't stop laughing at him as I helped pick up his bike.

  5. I'd did an intro and ending for zombie. Why you ask? Wasn't going to release, but friend convinced me to release. May remake later on when time permits. Well, after I'd finished the Kenshiro ending those moons ago, I was sittin in front of my PC and thought what next as I was still planning out an endings for the Hulk and Duke Nukem. Then I saw the sig of site member ZombieBrock with Zombie2 cover picture and that's where I got the idea. Intro and ending have cameos and surprise guest stars for ending.:

    DL: http://www.sendspace.com/file/n4ed1i Next week is Souther from Hokuto no Ken. (I'm going by the spelling in the manga, anime series and anime movie.)
  6. Ok, here's the deal.  I'm being forced to take a vacation, gonna be stuck here at home for a week.  I need a good laugh.  The funniest animes you can recommend. 


    I've already seen Shin Chan, Nichijou, Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt, Kotoura-san, Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi


    Shows from this season that I'm watching are Hataraku Maou-sama! and Hentai Ouji to Warawanai Neko and those will probably be ending soon anyway.


    So, I need something to watch when I'm stuck here.  I don't care if it's slapstick, adult humor, constant cussing, messed up funny whatever.  I really wanna watch some funny stuff, especially since my best friend said my sense of humor is dead. (fucker)

  7. That'll be later on, as I'm still figuring things out.  I've got a total of four that are going to be released soon.:



    Souther (I'm going by spelling in anime, movie, and manga)

    Savage Hulk

    Duke Nukem


    For Duke Nukem, I'm putting it together with comic book creator for a totally different look. 


    So, as of this time not sure yet.   

  8. Here's a funny story about a friend of mine. It's a bit of a read but you'll see...


    He wanted to come work at my job and nearly ended up registering as a sex offender instead.  WTF you're thinking right?  Read story and laugh at his stupidity.


    A couple of years ago, a friend of mine who works as an overnight stocker for a grocery was tired of his job.  He wanted to come apply at my then place of work. Now, inside this building was our office, the recuriting offices of the SA fire department, SA police department, and... next to our office, the sex offender registration office.


    Well, my friend you see is dyslexic.  I didn't know at the time until the following happened.


    I'd just gotten off work from working over night, and had picked him up and my best friend who also worked with me.  My best friend walked him to the hallway while I wanted to sit in car a nap a little.  But instead of ending up at our office he stopped in front of the sex offender office and told my best friend "I'll be out soon I hope."  when he had his back to him.



    He walked into the sex offender office thinking it was my place of work.  He even began to fill out the paperwork thinking it was an application.  People are sitting in there heads looking down in shame and his ass is all like "I can't wait to to be seen"  and those people are all hating on him now.  Then, the officers that called him up were all dressed in normal clothes with badges, and dumbass doesn't notice it's a police badge, he thinks it a name tag of sorts.  They begin interview :  "How long have you been doing this?"  Stupid responded "It's my first time, but I'd been wanting to do this for quite a while now.  So it means alot to me to get in."  The officer is like what the fuck?  My best friend runs out to car to go get me at this point.  Dummy tells us  that the officer goes "You know you're going to be in for a long time right?"  His dumbass responds "I hope so.  I really need the change."  At this point the dectectives got up from table go to back of the office and were talking among themselves point at dummy. 


    The officers come back to the table "Do you know where you are son?"  He responds "I'm here to apply for a new job" The cops tell him "You're registering as a sex offender."  He then goes "WHAT???!!!"  Me and best friend make it in to see his face horrorified.  He had a stuck on stupid look on his face.   The cops tear up his papers and tell him to get the fuck out, laughing thier asses off at him.  We outside into the hallway and bust out laughing.  He got all butt hurt.  "Fuck you guys that's not funny."  We were "FUCK YEAH IT IS!"  I was awake now from laughing so fucking hard.  "FUCK IT THEN!"  as he stormed outside back to my car.  "You don't want the job then?" I said.  "FUCK NO!  You guys are asses." he said.

  9. I'll try my hand at making a random chatter topic for the first time.

    Let's see if anyone shares or whatever.  We all have those special moments.  Ones where we screw up OMFG kind of stuff, if you feel like sharing. I'll start.


    I have to censor myself being lots of you here under 18.



    Once a long time ago (no puns damn it) when I was 23, and in college at time, there was a girl I liked.  Really liked.  Really really liked.  She was 19 and had a body.  Quite a body.  She had all the right cruves and, er...let's just say built like Mai Shiranui.  We had good chemistry, and being that I was in the same art class she liked me and I intended to ask her out.


    Well, one day we'd went to the book store there together to get supplies to head over to class after.  I asked her out in the store and she'd said yes.  So we were walking out together.  Now I'm carrying a big ass, I mean really big ass art pad (the width the length of my arm big) in front of me with a box full of pencils and stuff, along with the shit I'd just bought in the store. 


    I'm trying my best to keep eye contact, and she'd wear loose clothes but you could still see it. And in my mind I'm thinking of all sorts of perverted things not paying attention in front of me.  She walked out the silding door while I walked right into the glass window on the sides of the door face first.  A very loud THUNG with my face.  I fell back, down feet up.  In those 2 seconds it didn't hurt.  Then the guy in the background says the noise.  You know the one.  The guy in crowd at a fight or stunt gone wrong, whatever.  The guy that goes OOOOOOOOOOOO......  making the pain set in more.  Even got a little blood out of my nose.


    First she's all "Oh my god are you OK?"  to giggling and laughing after I say I'm all right.  Even after we got together she'd never let me live it down.


    What's your moments?

  10. "Did swallowing your teeth feel like mints?" "Damn boy you ugly NOW!" (Vs female char) "I beat you so bad, you look like a bad cross dresser." "REMEMBER, you fell down stairs...." "Now, that's how I've always pictured you. On your back...."

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