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Everything posted by thekillnator

  1. you'll survive as well. you have a 99.9% chance of survivial.
  2. i'll be the only one standing cause everyone dies in the explosion. lol
  3. it won't be long now until we hit 800 members!
  4. See ya later zombie and good luck to you! XD
  5. Here you go. lol enjoy it and save me some!!
  6. Me too i love ice cream especially cookie crunch i crave that shit. lol
  7. mmmm ice cream, i wan't cookie crunch ice cream.
  8. @LightFlare: Well i may look mad but really i'm in good spirits. lol
  9. oops sorry i'll change it. [Edit] Ok it's changed.
  10. At long last noel vermillion is finally released i'm sure you people were waiting for her as well. lol [Preview] [Download] SFF - http://www.mediafire...94z243hc499ynne Rar - http://www.mediafire...4ya3g8muja8sr76 [Comment] After a few months of waiting Devilpp finally released her. i'm happy she out. so enjoy her until maybe they release an update for her.^^
  11. I know right? whenever i smile some people looks at me like i'm going to kill someone.
  12. Ok i'll forgive you. the mad look on my face is how i look everyday. lol i got the mad look from my dad.
  13. Thank you?...... i don't know if i'm offended or you are just fucking around.
  14. Hey it's the legendary super jesus! ''Raptor Jesus'' You can do everything jesus does but 10x better right? lol
  15. Hell yeah he's amazing he makes really good characters go to his site and download some of his characters.
  16. Yep he does exists and he's a funny character. lol
  17. Thanks for the update zombie^^ i was just about to get him back anyway. lol
  18. Well i guess, i'll show you my true self!! Dont mind the stuff on the wall my parents are old country. and there still new to the future. lol
  19. So pretty much you hate those kinds of characters that takes up more than 40% of mugen huh?
  20. That's an awesome sig Sou-bot +1 for you bro.^^
  21. Thanks for the stage Vibrant.^^
  22. oooh sashuno got burned big time. lol +1 for you Madlax!
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