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Prodigal Trailblazer

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Posts posted by Prodigal Trailblazer

  1. "Fix things" how?  If you mean make more, definitely yes.  They seem to never have enough for everyone who wants an amiibo to get one unless you buy from scalpers.  Nintendo knows about that, but they haven't done much to fix it from what I remember.

    yes exactly

  2. But they're not required to fully enjoy the game.


    i'll have you know the only thing stopping me from buying a wii u and splatoon is the fact that the amiibo would be hard to find or give money to a scalper. can we atleast agree that Nintendo needs to fix things with amiibos?

  3. At least with Amiibo you don't need them to play games.

    Except that stupid Amiibo Party game.

    may i remind you, that aiibos often have "dlc" challenges and exclusive costumes.

  4. Hey, Doctor Who is a good sci-fi show, and many people at MFG can agree with me on that!

    didnt say it wasnt good. im just not a fan.

    it not appeal to me and i hate it when so called fans demonize me because i not LOVE the series.

    its just not for me roboman.

  5. my only problem with it is some of those "panty shots" where not real panty shots....

    but im not gunna be a dick about it.

    i barely understand touhou but i'd rather a tohou circle jerk than dr who circle jerk any day.

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