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Infinite Kyo

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Everything posted by Infinite Kyo

  1. KOF jojo style........i dont know how i feel about this lmao
  2. hmmm satsuki and vergil now that i think about it they are similar WHY HASN'T THIS HAPPENED YET? Popeye>Superman
  3. i agree Kukri is badass never thought someone would show up with sand powers lmao SNK really put some creativity into him and Mumui went all enter the dragon on their asses lmao
  4. i cant even get to it because Onedrive keeps crashing came someone please post a mirror?PLEASE
  5. so i am using the King of fighters Memorial level 2 screenpack by Zelgadis and i try playing as numerous characters but this shit keeps popping up PLEASE HELP!!!!!
  6. i'v been trying to make my own KOFM roster its gonna take forever lmao i'v even been making my own portraits for it
  7. just finished uploading her to 4shared because mediafire is kinda screwing up for me http://www.4shared.com/rar/aUNGRRrDce/Cammy.html
  8. original release thread=http://lacalleomfg.foroactivo.mx/t629-cammy-snk-belial-clayton note-the site is in another language
  9. Author= DALA arranged by Ildanaf LINK=http://www.4shared.com/rar/7iQm_irYce/M_moriya.html COMMENT=he just has brutal AI its not auto ai though he isn't godly cheap either
  10. fathers day at the bar lmao never thought i would see a dragonball and slam dunk crossover pretty sweet not much to say about his one really
  11. LINK=https://www.mediafire.com/?ck8j4r4yi65bet6 COMMENT= its a pretty well.....flashy stage there are various anime characters that appear on the brick wall and it changes colours its a pretty awesome stage
  12. LINK=http://www.4shared.com/rar/0u5jvWdOce/CYM.html COMMENT=same as blood kyo has blood flame abilities also has Auto AI
  13. LINK=http://www.4shared.com/rar/O12VYrD_ba/CKB.html COMMENT=epic kyo edit with blood flames kinda like Khriz also has auto AI like all of Hell's characters
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