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Everything posted by C.R.O.M.verydannyboy

  1. the sanzou looks great man!! thing needs a lil more darker tones in the black lines though , but like what you're doing with the blue one!! let's see sanzou as roah :)
  2. we knew squirtle lol!! my thing is that it was pretty much a rushed character. needs more frames of animation, the chain combos are very sloppy it felt like more than one person was working on this with no sense of direction. no disrespect to the creator but this needs more time in the lab before it hits the street.
  3. love that esaka night . thanks for your many contributions!!
  4. I hope he makes the whole cast (crosses fingers and toes for a ukyo ss2)
  5. nice!! got a persona 4 arena song to go with this!!
  6. a beautiful stage !! thanks for that throwback !!
  7. his characters are not bad. reminds me of beppu from awhile back , cept the a.i. is tougher
  8. many thanks on the info. i'll grab these and try them out !!
  9. well i guess i'll have to roll the sleeves up and go dumpster diving at IMT to find my old thread lol!!
  10. i'll try this out in a bit cuz the video didn't really show gameplay at all. but i'm still thinking about those legs and i guess it was probably a pain to hide those bats from morrigan
  11. nah , i'm obviously peter lol!!! but back on topic.. i'm not sure if they were stage triggered , or the character would have to have the stage code or a combination of both.... well, one way to find out...
  12. wow is that cel chaded ??!! joking , but all jokes aside , i wonder what was added to this character. last i recalled it was a very incomplete version that was in the database. i'm also curious if there's any injustice - inspired moves here as well.
  13. it does because i had her awhile back and made pals for her on imt a looooooong time ago
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