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Everything posted by LightFlare_Da_Realest

  1. OH NO! I was going to get these. Does any have 'em? btw, nice avi, Todd!
  2. O...M...G! These jointz are KILLER! Wait...no "LINKAGE?!" NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Well, I'll just have to wait...
  3. Yea, it's cool. Just messing with y'all. Well, back to Da Lab...
  4. Thanks, homie. But honestly there are some great stage makers here. EX, Margatroid, Ryon and homie Foyox! I strive to become better everyday. Btw...a close friend of mine is gonna surprise y'all real soon...
  5. Thanks, Brock and ex! +1 for the both of yah. Oh and thanks, Ark. I'm honored...
  6. I said almost the exact same thing the other day...
  7. Yea this stage is tight. I got your other two stages, too.
  8. That's the same Karen in that UBER cool, Uber powerful Hires Bison's intro...!
  9. Yo! Streets of Rage SUCKS!!! I ain't NEVA playing it! MUUUUWAAAHAHAAHAAAAA!
  10. Heh...I've got that "SORR". I just haven't played it yet...thanks for the track. I see I have a message. Wonder what it's about...
  11. Your welcome. And this place is without a doubt the best forum to be a part of. I was welcomed with open arms and I've made some good friends along the way. Thanks guys...
  12. Well, "OPENLY I AM NOT." (OIAN).... Besides this is 2012, I'm not an actor and that MESS is not important. Thanks anyway... @Vex Good point...
  13. Drooling? LOOOOOL! And I thought I was dramatic... I respect that you are entitled to your own opinions, Vex. I'm the last guy to impose or be judgmental...
  14. "Are think?" Hmm...I'm not sure what he meant by this...maybe "Who think" But swag isn't what you are , it's what you have. Well maybe not you, Vex...but generally speaking it's short for swagger. Which is synonymous with the word "style." In any case, calling somonee stupid for embracing or finding enjoyment in something you don't understand is...in itself...STUPID.
  15. Marg...this IS the coolest...stage...I've seen in quite a while. No disrespect to ANY other contributor here. I'm even including myself...this stage is just too cool. If I could give you +10, I would. But I'll just have to settle for +1 instead. I usually just say "good job" or "nice" or something like that. But, everytime I comment on you stages...a short phrase never seems to fit the situation. Marvelous...
  16. This should sum it up for you... THEWORLDS MOST EPIC FAIL EVER!!!!!
  17. Nah, don't be like that Ark. Everybody else was cool. Don't mind Vex. He can be a little high and mighty, but don't pay him any mind...
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