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Posts posted by MGSSJ2

  1. I wonder why didn't I see these posts earlier...


    On 6/4/2016 at 3:34 PM, Dylanius the Kirby said:

    Your stage making is actually pretty good for a first product. There's only one minor problem where the part that's behind the background leaks in through a small crack but aside from that it's flawless.

    As for the character...hoo boy. One, they're a bit too small. Two, WHY ARE THREE OF THEIR HYPERS UNBLOCKABLE?!


    On 6/4/2016 at 3:51 PM, Solid Snivy said:

    If I had to guess it's because Beta's supposed to be like a boss character, though I feel as if having more than one unblockable super is a bit much. Though I do gotta agree with Beta being a bit too small.


    Thanks. I knew about that stage bug, but I was unsure how to fix it, so I left it as it is :P

    And about Beta's feedback, I only work with small sprites because there're no normal-sized spritesheets available for the characters I want to make, also I can easily get addons made by friends in this style; also the full game where Beta is featured has similar sprites. The unblockable thing wasn't intentional for the Power Laser (I kinda forgot it was), but the other beams are really easy to dodge, they're unblockable for balance


    Character: http://www.mediafire.com/download/ks7aevwlb0m9ea6/MG-BetaMKII.rar

    Stage: http://www.mediafire.com/download/87m00og4xba57d0/Egg_Carrier.rar

    A quick character (2 months is quick, right?), but I think it turned out pretty good. Might glitch in 1.1 though.
    Stage probably ain't that good, I've never been good with stage coding and even less with spriting, but I needed this stage :P

    Any feedback is welcome :)

  3. After three years away from Mugen, I decided to come back for some time and code the characters I never got to finish, Alundra being the first in that list. I'll probably release it in the next month or so, since it's almost complete, it just needs a little fixing in some details. Any comment is welcome.

    Edit: also I'm not sure about how to make the video code for the preview, so I'll leave the direct link here, if a mod could edit it I'd appreciate it :)

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