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Everything posted by TopKirby8305

  1. Sparkman looks awesome! Can't wait till he is completed! :3 Make sure he's got beast AI too. O_O
  2. Can this Zerozuchi's AI get beefed up some more? He's solid but I think he could be more aggro! :3
  3. Nice, a new Cooler.....I must test him out later! :3
  4. Yeah, that's the only thing I dread about Agrias. She has awesome AI but she can literally infinite with the sword combos to crystal lock into more sword shots. X_X; Thankfully I'm only using her in doubles so she won't be that broken there. :3
  5. I hope Ahuron decides to do a GalactaKnight next. :3
  6. Oooh, my good buddy NeoMegaMan will probably love these two. xD Hope both have solid AI. :3
  7. Ah Agrias...yeah she's debuting on my Mugen Series in the #2200s. She's teaming up with Oswald. They make a pretty devastating team too. :3
  8. Very nice! I'm definitely giving him a try when he's completed!
  9. HA HA HA HA, April Fools. You got me and Neo. We tested this out and we got some laughs. xD
  10. How goes Burstman's progress at this time? I may be interested in picking him up later for my Mugen Series! :3
  11. Very nice stage! Gonna dload for my roster! :3
  12. HOLY FREAKING HELL this Samus looks amazing!!! O_O; I just hope it fights decent and I'll be as happy as a clam. lol...
  13. YOU BETTER RESPECT THE PPGs!!! xD They are epic!
  14. Yeah I used it on Mixed Up Mugen Mayhem Episode 1. :3 Also happy you enjoyed the set man!
  15. My Main Event Super Set of the #2000s. Please leave comments & let me know what you think after viewing! :3
  16. Actually I see another Kirby with just as much potential....Spider is doing a Kirby over on CrusaderCast that's similar to DG's that can actually use the copy ability! So he can be Wolverine Kirby, Kratos Kirby, Link Kirby, among others. O_O;
  17. Only two sprites in and I'm already drooling over this. :3 If Hayabusa ever gets done I got big things for him planned on my Mugen Series. xD
  18. Ah yes, I use both of these ladies on my Mugen Roster. They are a team. xD
  19. Sean's Skullomania? Where could I locate it? My friend Neo would be very interested in trying him out.
  20. Kenshi is pretty epic! I may give Iari a try too later!
  21. Skullomania is pretty interesting but he needs better AI. ;-;
  22. GAAAH, can a direct link be provided if possible?! Edit: Nvm, finally found him. X_X;
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