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Agni Blackheart

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Everything posted by Agni Blackheart

  1. Did it while chatting yesterday. Normal Size For MFFA use
  2. Well, we reached an impasse. How are we going to resolve this problem?
  3. Well, we have to consider that all of us are not controlling one single character, but many. Considering the sagas we currently have, it's hard for me to say that we should stay with only one thread. However, we have to consider that we'll might have to start all over again. After all, in a point or another, the Shrine Maiden and the Dimensional Master sagas were born from the Lightflare saga. Not only that, but we'll have to see if we can do this separation. I RPed a 1x1 story here once with Fael, but our topic got considered as spam and we had to move out to another forum to do it. That's my opinion.
  4. Scarlet Devil Mansion "Nope, nothing unusual. But let me check for a bit." Necrox started to meditate as he got enveloped into scarlet light. After a while, he got back down. "Well, she's there, nothing unusual. But maybe we should get more calm." "If you're guessing why, my brother Magio is with her. While I can travel through time, he can travel through space. With that said, he'll know what to do if her power goes out of control." Kalos City "No sign of anything." "Magio, what are we looking exactly?" "If I'm not wrong, there's a dimensional interference right at this city. If we don't move fast enough, it'll cause trouble." "I see. Is that what you usually do, Magio? If that is so, then why?" Magio's Theme: Strange Bird of the Moon, Illusion of Mysterious Cat "Because that's my duty." "Huh? Why?" "I am a Dimensional Master. I have the power to travel through space. And with every power, comes a responsibility." "I have the obligation to eliminate any Dimensional Distortion I encounter. If I don't do that, worlds will easily collide and they will be destroyed in the collision." "I see... so you felt something here and came to investigate." "Not only that. Another duty of mine is to guarantee that all Universes are Peaceful. If any of them are considered to be Threatened, I'll go and help." "And... this Universe is Threatened?!" "Exactly."
  5. Scarlet Devil Mansion "Well, I left her there. Was that a problem?"
  6. Scarlet Devil Mansion i = character thinking. "Heh... good answer, Time. Giving me tips is like feeding birds, easy and boring..." Then, Necrox looked at the maid. Thanks to his accidental time travelling, he eventually saw her. Sakuya...? No, you're Nameless... damned 200 year war... "In any case, it's important that you remember. But don't do that now." Then, he heard YokuMan. "He's not lying. That paradox is growing slowly, but it's still growing. If we waste more time, we'll eventually reach a clash between past and future."
  7. Scarlet Devil Mansion A portal appeared near the group. Necrox jumped out of it. "You guys should tell me when to get back, you know..."
  8. Gensokyo: Hakurei Shrine BGM: Autoroute L'enfer "An alternate Reimu? Now things are getting interesting." "And he's right. Attack her and you'll hurt yourself. Unless..." "Necrox, what's with the unless? Isn't she the future of Reimu? If she knows about the Hakurei Yin-Yang orbs..." "I guess he meant about the connection of their Fates. If she is truly the future of Reimu, then their Fate must be the same." "I'm going to check the Chains of Fate now. You guys, hold her the maximum possible." Necrox opened a red portal and entered it. Lilly looked at the other shrine maiden. "Alright... we tried the easy way, so I'm going to be serious with you. Low that gun or else you're getting hurt!" (Wow, she's trying to impose force. How unexpected.) Chains of Fate Necrox crosses the portal on the other side, arriving at a black space filled with red, glowing chains. Those were the Fates of every single person on the Multiverse "Alright, now let's do a search. Let's see if I can find Reimu's Fate and see if the other shrine maiden is equal..."
  9. Gensokyo: Hakurei Shrine "*summons scythe* I'm ready." "*summons casket* Count me in." "*closes umbrella* When we're getting started?"
  10. Plenty of ideas + 0% of creativity = Profile of my standard
  11. You say regretably like it's bad... I like your vids.
  12. Does someone have her? The link on his site is down. I mean, she's not the best Athena, but I like her the most.
  13. Kalos City "Kokoro, wake up." "Hnnnnnggggh... aaaaaaah. Good morning, Magio!!" "You seem to be excited and it's only morning." "Yup!! 'Cuz I'm feelin' that we're gonna make sum discovery, bro!!" "Eehh... right... let's go then." "Alright! Ready to fly at you command!" "We have to give the keys back first. Let's go to the elevator." "OOOOOOOK~!!" Magio and Kokoro took the elevator and got down to the lobby. They gave the keys back to the receptionist, thanked Magio's acquaintance and got out. When they got out, they met a figure that Magio got shocked on seeing. "M-M-Maribel?!" "Oh, hello. I see you know me as well. Are you a brother of Necrox or Lilly, perhaps?" "Yeah, I am. Magio Toadstool." "And I'm Hata no Kokoro." "I see. A pleasure to meet you two. Are you two headed somewhere?" "Well, we're going to investigate something." "Mind if I go with you? I have a feeling there is something happening on the city." "I would rather not, because I don't want to involve you in trouble. But, for a reason, I will let you come with us." "Thank you. I will do my best to aid you." With her around them, Magio removed the flying plan and started to walk, while Maribel followed him. Before she walked along, Kokoro mumbled to herself. "Darn it, another chick that knows Magio. If I don't move, he'll never love me. I'll keep an eagle eye on this girl and if she gets on my way, I'll remove her."
  14. Gensokyo: Hakurei Shrine "Oh... I see." "*appears next to Lilly* Yo. What did I miss?" "Necrox?! Where did you came from?!" "Human World. What about it?" "W-Wait a moment... where's Maribel?!" "Back at home." "D-D-Don't tell me you took her back without telling me...!!" "Well, since you were busy fighting with Reimu, I took the chance to resolve the problem. Everything should be fine now." "It's not all OK! Even if she's out, the paradox's still ongoing!" "Relax, it's at slow motion. It won't cause much damage anymore." "I have to agree. I mean, what she could possibly do there?" "Well... I guess you're right..."
  15. Gensokyo: Hakurei Shrine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zq3q6Rd1jMk "Hmm... how many shrine maidens do we have here?" "Let's count... we have Reimu, Raina and... the one pointing the gun at Hikari..." "That makes 3... oh, they can mount a trio! How should we call it?" "Bad time to be on your light-hearted side... how many personalities you have?" "I am a multi-personality girl. My style depends on my mood." "... You see, I think everyone knows you as the Ultimate Sadistic Creature out there. And I think the people won't like you going out all cheerful and childish." "Ouch, how mean..." "But putting this aside, I wonder what this other shrine maiden wants." "Shrine maidens are natural chasers of gap youkais or is it just my impression?" "Hmmm... Reimu, do chase Yukari or Meimu that oftenly?"
  16. OK, I'll do my best on it, Doom. They'll take some time because I'm on test period on college, OK? EDIT: About Mouser's chars, can you pass them to me? I can't find them...
  17. Ahhh... now I saw that it's not... then, how do I change versions, Boss? Do you know?
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