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Posts posted by Kunshomo

  1. On 2016/4/25 at 7:17 PM, DuckMannnn said:

    Nice! btw, aren't you this guy?



    yes, it's my account


    17 hours ago, Ryochi said:

    Hey nice to see you back again Kunshomo!! Your TW sparkle sprites are great. I like the running animation. No need to rush though, I've seen it happen too many times, a person tries to make a full game but suddenly they get overwhelmed by the massive workload involved and quit. Best to start one character at a time. I also hope she can be played in 1.0 as well as 1.1. Good luck with her!!

    I'll do this project little by little.

  2. Long time no see! I'm back to creation.

    Here is my current project.


    I'm want to make full game,but it's very difficult way.

    So I decided make very simple characters one by one.


    System Plans


    - 2 button ( attack / grapple)

    -based on simple rule of fighting game( attack < guard < grapple < attack...)


    -all character has few super arts & 2 hyper arts(Lv1 / Lv3)

    -all character has a simple passive ability. (ex: power gain when satisfy the conditions)



    The first one is Twilight sparkle! 



    Twilight sparkle - progress:100%(temporary assemble finished)


    Sprite preview






    preview video(Youtube)



    Pinkiepie - progress:100%(temporary assemble finished)



    Sprite preview




  3. hey welcome back Kunshomo!! I wanted to get a hold of you to tell you I had some problems with your last updated Hihumi.

    1: Her intro when she's dressed up as the fox. she walks off the stage to the other side instead of stopping where she is supposed to start fighting at( on the left side of the stage but she keeps walking all the way to the right side of the stage...and she still keeps walking.)

    2: when she uses her rope belt to pull herself to kick the enemy the enemy gets stuck for a few minutes before they fall down. some enemies freeze and don't move at all.

    I hope you will be  able to fix those bugs for the next release and nice voice acting by the way. In case you're wondering I'm using her in my 1.0 mugen.game.

    Take care!!

    Thank you for bug report!  I'm trying to fix it, but I can't reproduce that error on 1.0.

    I'll try to reproduce/fix about that.

  4. I had try to use it.

    [State n,Zoom sample]

    type = Zoom
    trigger1 = MoveHit
    pos = 0,0 ; look point
    postype = p2  ;pos option
    scale = 1.2  ;zoom in scale(float)
    ;lag = 0  ; time gap on zoom?


    [pos & postype]

    set center point.

    same as pos parameter on other state controller.



    set zoom magnification by float.

    If you want to zoom in x1.2, set scale = 1.2

    to zoom out x0.8, set scale = 0.8

    ( zoom out < 1.0<zoom in)


    this state controller work like this.




  5. [Command]
    name = "holdfwd";Required (do not remove)
    command = /$F
    time = 1

    name = "x"
    command = x
    time = 1

    [State -1,Roundhouse]
    type = ChangeState
    value = 220
    triggerall = roundstate = 2
    triggerall = command = "x"
    triggerall = command != "holddown" && Command = "holdfwd"
    triggerall = statetype != A
    trigger1 = ctrl

    How about this? 

    I think  " F,x" may be realized in "1:push lever front 2:press X" quickly, and not realized in "hold lever front + press X".

  6. "Colibri" is enemy in FF11.

    once upon a time, there was popular enemy to earn exp(Because bird enemies are easy to beat,and not have dangerous skill Except for the spell reflection)

    Many player hunt them,and their habitat is full of player at any time

    One day,someone post about trouble in there to ネトゲ実況(BBS about FF11)


     「...だけどこいつは露骨に我々のコリブリばかりを持っていく いやらしい」
    ...But, he's going to intercept "our" Colibri  it's odious
    Though It was a sentence about trouble ,but it seemed so funny wording
    After that, many players use "我々のコリブリ"  to call Colibri (it's one of internet meme in Japan)
    FF11 players like this bird and meme.official know it.
    so "我々のコリブリ"and"いやらしい" appears as mission name and NPC quotes in FF14.
  7. 2015/06/21 HyperArts#4 Finished!

    it changes by mode


    Normal ver



    Mode- change ver



    Remaining work


    -Intro,Win,Loose motions

    -Optional anim

    -Production / Effect

    -Convert to MUGEN1.0 / winMUGEN

    -Bug fix



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