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Everything posted by Zero

  1. My condolences go out to those who lost because of this, its just....sad, but alas this is the world we live in in this day of age, this is just tragic man
  2. Congrats on the promotion and the gift from above ZB! I wish ya the best man, continue the fine work!
  3. This whole things reminds me of Megaman Battle Network and the Undernet
  4. Now in response to that
  5. Wont let me directly show it here, sorry for the little detour First one is the first path, second is a darker path, enjoy and let me know how it makes you feeeeeeeeel
  6. [This post wants to stay can someone delete this one please?]
  7. D.B.S.: Nah not a face, just abstract, unless your talking about the Hazama one then yeah thats a face Dark Spirit: Thanks
  8. Did this during class, two weeks ago, I also made another version, its just a recolor and a small cleaning on the left side
  9. And in Ehrgeiz the playstation version, Cloud, Tifa and maybe Barret
  10. Another one for the library "Who is it this time?" You may or may not be asking Full sized image is this way I.........may have accidentally hit the report button while going for the edit button........
  11. I like the frost hair lady with the yellow eyes, but I cant stop staring at that black streak on her hair, It draws me in
  12. Man this game is great, Ending almost made me cry, almost, I love the music for it and how it fits the situations, I love how Sephiroth was once well normal, I loved this whole game
  13. I loved those What if moments in the games
  14. Figured i'd get an account there so here it is
  15. A creation of new, request of a friend who now uses Lamdba-11
  16. Thank you......I always wanted to see something like this....Im so happy
  17. Wha-how, this might be good, something new for the Pokemon franchise, Me likey this idea
  18. I recently got the Zelda Edition 3DS (Fuckin beautiful) so my 3DS friend code is 1161-0115-2117
  19. Mine is a character from a favorite series of mine, who likes music, as do i (I'd like to have a pair of headphones like Neku's though) Also I have the characters I play from Blazblue and a small message I say to many
  20. Why cant I draw as well as you http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//sad.png
  21. I like pocky very much, But as always good work and visuals from Sir V himself Edit: Thank you V, you helped me with a viewpoint I couldnt get right
  22. Because of you I watched that video and their series and had a good time that slowly drained time away from my assignment due the next day (Had a good time too)
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