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Posts posted by Trinitronity

  1. Lightflare, I challenge you to a duel.

    Are you ready for the challenge? Because I made sure to prepare myself for a legend.


    *EDIT by Winmugen11* :


    Hello everybody,


    As you all know, I have consulted all of you to agree on a definitive ruleset that was highly requested by many of you.


    Now that I got everybody's agreement on it, you can follow the rules for the Role-Play Paradise in the spoiler below. Failure to follow these rules will have administrative consequences so please don't let it come to that.



    MFFA Role-Play Paradise Rules

    1.1 General Rules

    1) Spoiler large images - Big images unnecessarily make the page lag for some people. Also people don't like it when a big image takes up nearly half of the screen or more, so if you're posting one or more, spoiler them.

    2) Keep any out of character chit-chat out of this thread - If you feel the need to talk with someone about their roleplaying or just roleplaying in general, do so in a PM as to not derail the thread here.

    3) Everyone is allowed to call you out on breaking a rule - Maintaining the peace here at this thread is not only the responsibility of the staff, but also of everyone who regularly makes use of it. Therefore if you break a rule and someone else (a fellow role-player or just another member) other than staff calls you out on it, don't bring up "you're not a staff member so I don't have to listen to you" as an excuse.

    4) Do not spam - Spamming is when you post over and over continuously and not giving others a chance to properly react while you rapidly pump out conversation or action. You want to avoid doing this.

    5) No Godmodding - Never decide for other people what their character will do in a conversation or combat situation or what will happen with it (e.g. it dies) without the permission of all parties involved.

    1.2 Combat rules


    1) Do not do battle out of the blue with someone - This is pretty much common sense but don't engage anyone in battle without having asked for the permission of all the parties involved.

    2) Do not interrupt a fight between two or more other role-players - TThis actually should be common sense more than a rule but don't suddenly assign yourself a role in someone else's battle without the permission of all parties involved.

    3) No Auto-Hitting - This means that if you're duking it out with other people in a role-play battle, don't assume that any attack you perform automatically hits them. Give them time to react properly.

    4) You are not invincible - No matter if you're a god, cyborg, monster, eldritch abomination or anything else you can come up with, you are not invincible. This means that if you're battling other people and they attack you, don't always say you have somehow avoided or reflected an attack. Have the guts to take damage because taking damage is half the fun of role-play battling and will encourage your opponent to continue to do battle with you.

    5) Do not insta- Prep - Prepping is a term used to describe preparing for something that could tip rp or combat in your favour. This could be something as simple as unsheathing and readying throwing knives in an earlier post, or casting a powerful spell before using it. What it does is create a space of time between the beginning of an action and the final effect. This allows the other players to react. You wouldn’t normally instantly cast clairvoyance, or have poisoned knives ready to throw when your empty hands were just preoccupied with something else. This just adds another element of fairness and an opportunity for your partner or opponent to act or react accordingly.

    6) Know your limitations - No matter what character you are role-playing as, do not exceed your limitations. What I mean with this is that there should be a limit to what you can do. After all it's no fun for others if the abilities of your character (be they "custom" or not) allow it to utterly decimate opponents in the blink of an eye. Keep things fair not only for yourself but for others as well.


    Now that this thread has a ruleset, I expect all of you to follow it so everybody can have a pleasant role-playing experience.

  2. well i was saying her transfrom states should be higher than level three. maybe 4 or 5. but If you're aiming for a regular form CVS Ryuko then level three will be the highest. Speaking of CVS style. will they have the groove system too like the other Capom and SNK characters?

    I actually do NOT want to make more than 3 power levels, to be honest.

    And no, my Ryuko will not have a Groove System, not even a 6-button system.

    She actually will be more based on Arc System Works (hence the finishing move).

    Hell, I maybe even change the conditions for the finisher to be more akin to ArcSys games instead of just being LVL3.

    I think LVL3 with low health and one of two rounds won would be the perfect conditions.

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