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Posts posted by Trinitronity

  1. Well if you wanna spar...

    *activate role play mode*


    I'm a little rusty but I'll try to keep up. If you think you can take me make your first move.

    *takes stance, ground shakes*

    Im curious to see your fighting style. I've encountered everything from Pokemon to a very skilled "ShiniGami." I even took part in a massive battle to save the world. I've been waiting for a challenge. I hope you don't dissapoint me.

    *begins obsorbing light energy*

    There may come a time when the world needs us. We must be prepared. I must be prepared. We are not enemies. One day...we may be allies. When the time comes...I need to know you are ready.


    What will you do?


    *lifebar fills up MegaMan-style*

    Good, I will do my first move then! NITRO BLAST!

    *shoots out sprays of nitroglycerin*

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