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Posts posted by Trinitronity

  1. we can't merge on this board FYI. this is a useless thread.


    Now this thread is really just an alternate Spam Thread...

  2. Yeah, that's the honeygirl fairy from the game, which comes from the anime based on the game. Taken from the same game :P

    In other words: It is Street Fighter 2 The Movie all over again, but with an anime instead of a live action movie.

    If I knew, how the Adventure Island anime is called, I might even watch that anime, since I have fond memories of the original Adventure Island.

  3. I gotta have to agree with Neo. This game does show potential, and I really don't want that to go to waste by wrong decisions.

    And about your OC, who appearanly is your second one: What do you mean he just happens to have Sonic in his name?

    I mean, there is no reason for a Sonic OC to have Sonic in his name for no reason. An OC having Sonic in its name always suggests something bigger and NOT just happening to have Sonic in its name for no reason.

  4. *snip*

    Hey, what I do is giving feedback. And I give it to him, and not to you.

    Also, I hate fancreated Sonic OCs in general (mainly the Sonic edits, though, because of the same reasons like Ryu/Ken/Akuma edits), so if his OC is not Sonic, than the OC also should not be called Sonic then.

    Also, there is one reason why Honey would get Candy's moveset. It's because the only reason Honey exists is to be Sonic's answer to Candy from Fighting Vipers, whose japanese is even Honey, just like Honey the Cat. So yeah, giving Honey the Cat a custom moveset would destroy the purpose of Honey's existance.

    But yeah, I wont even complain much, if his Nazu ends up being an interesting character.

    Just the name of his self-insert...the name reference to Sonic has to be removed.

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