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Posts posted by Trinitronity

  1. No, you're not a world champion. You're just some doomed guy who likes to rip and tear a demon's guts.
    In other words, you commited monster genocise, and thus, you are a racist and I, Papyrus the great Skeleton Bro, hate you!


    Okay, I really have to know: Is this from a Touhou anime I don't know about yet? And is it even good? I would like to have the name of that Touhou anime so I can search on the internet.

    EDIT: Aaaaaaaaaand I just noticed that this was a doublepost... -_-

  3. Actually, I thought again and came up with these moveset:

    Quick Attack
    Razor Leaf (or Leaf Blade, if I get the extra sprites)
    Sunny Day
    Special Ability: Leaf Guard

    So basically, Leafeon is designed as a more defensive character, who needs sunlight in order to truly shine.

    You don't need extra sprites for Leaf Blade. Just have Leafeon jump at the opponent, with a green slash effect appearing as you hit the opponent. It may look like Quick Attack with a sword, but that's one way you can keep Leaf Blade.

    I originally thought about that, but when I actually imagined it myself with mock-ups, it really looked extremely odd.
    At least there is a chance of me getting the extra sprites, so there is still hope.


    Note: video not actually is mine just uploaded to Youtube

    You thought it was Dio that appears in my response...


    ...BUT IT WAS I, DIO!

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