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Posts posted by Trinitronity

  1. lol

    Anyway, some guy at tumblr decided to give a bunch of Undertale characters tweets made by dril:

    frisk: what donest kill me makes me stronger ((gains infinite strength from being not killed by infinite things))
    toriel: ==ultimate mom pics==
    sans: bone prank: drop pieces of your skeleton in strategic locations to spook nincompoops and lame-os
    papyrus: now you see, what i like to do is consider my page to be a “No Frown Zone”, because of the consistently good quality of my messages i put up
    undyne: strongest blade in the world, howeve,r it is so fragile as to shatter when handled by any force other than the delicate touch of a lesbian .
    alphys: committing unforgivable crimes against nautre in my laboratory ,trying to create the next genetically discombobulated meme animal
    mettaton: “Crowdpleasers”… Now these, I like
    asgore: I will be your Father. I will take you as my Son and teach you the ways of online. We will hold hands as our follower count reaches infinity
    flowey/asriel: youll all be glad to know that my soul has undergone some much needed healing after i apologized for the earthquakes which killed thousands.
    chara: i put years of hard work into getting my torture degree at torture college & now everyones like “oh tortures bad”,“its ineffective” fuck off

    For the most part, seems legit.

  2. Sorry for the double post, but I just wanted to clarify that I do work on Leafeon.

    In fact, Leafeon is already almost finished. I'm not doing tweaks on the Leaf Blade animation.

    Or rather, I would if I wouldn't have had that amazing thing called Super Mario Maker.

    Man, I really should procascinate less.

  3. Yeah, we all make mistakes.

    Also, whenever you respond to me, but my post is directly above you, please don't quote it.

    I keep on getting notifications whenever I get quoted, and it's usually fine, but it's irritating that I get notifications, only to find out that someone quoted me, although my post was directly above the quoter.

  4. Well, I was banned for calling out Borewood.

    I innitially thought I was right, because I assumed I'm not the only onw who wanted all the whinery to stop.

    But yeah, the only thing I did was throwing more fuel to the fire, and I see the error in my behaviour now.

  5. Welp, I noticed that I was banned from MFFA.

    At first I was super angry at RicePigeon, then I noticed that a warning message was indeed sent to me...it just ended up in the spam folder.

    And after reading it...yeah, I now understand my ban...

    I should have been a better example instead of doing...that...

  6. Stop posting, Borewood. Nobody cares for your MFG/MFFA drama, and we will not stop making fun of you until you finally stop being a crybaby.

    Grow yourself some balls, man!

    MOD EDIT: Post like this and win a free two week vacation courtesy of the MFFA staff

  7. Fael feels how he feels, he said his opinion on the game. You feel how you feel, so what? If its a good game for you, and brings you joy thats whats important. Let us know some good points on it, maybe we can enjoy what you do.

    I know, but it certainly would not hurt to explain that opinion of his, just so I can ensure that his opinion really is an opinion and not just another case of "I hate that game because every cool and edgy kid hates that game".

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