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Everything posted by rockocalypse

  1. would you post it in this thread or send it to me too? Im interested and if you do post it in this thread in the future when someone searches for this character they'll be able to nab it.
  2. Yes. It says something about invalid trigger camerazoom died parsing.
  3. That did it. Thank you. How'd you modify it though....for future reference.
  4. I get the ugly login screen :( I used to know how to modify the link to fix that but I forgot.
  5. This looks to be as zaney as your Aladdin, which is really saying something. You've got that unique flare to your coding akin to that of Daniel and TheNone. Im guessing the selfie thing is an actual intro? If not, consider it :D. Im really happy this guy actually has a decent amount and variation of moves....unlike the existing blue ranger.....
  6. Thank you. That's solved all my problems. Or, my only single problem regarding this. :P Not on topic really, But I enjoy your Gif avatar. It rivals the one with the girl texting and sticking her tongue out (dont remember the username of the one who has it). I tend to watch it go through multiple loops because the animation is so catching.
  7. Which file is used to generate the noise made when scrolling through a select screen and pressing select on a character? What's it generally called I guess is what Im asking. my configurations pretty messy so its hard to seperate things out sometimes
  8. If this character wasnt deigned to mimic king I'd be surprised. Or the other way around depending on which source game came out first.
  9. I guess anything I said is a moot point. Or mute er.... whatever. Nobody only types that they just say it.
  10. Im going to rename him King for tekken and nobody can stop me! HEheheheh. Thanks for another release. next, u oughta do the kraken......... heheheh Edit:any difference between the thong and pants one? Besides one being a bit more prude and conservative of course
  11. I saw PSone and thought Power Stone for some reason. Still though, sony shouldn't have done that. I think anything offered digitally shouldn't be taken back unless it's defective. Also, WAAAY less people have Ps4's then threes and if they were going to do this shift they should have waited to take the games off of Ps3 until they actually had them on ps4. Also, u mad a double toast post. Heheheh
  12. is this one any different then the one you posted in the chat a few days ago? (It's named different so I'm assuming...yes)
  13. I can confirm. Nothing much came of it though. All we found was a pretty useless Youtube video of it being in MUGEN.
  14. Thank Ryoucchi, I would have PMed you but I've already done that once or twice and didnt want to be too pesky. And if that's the case, I'll be steering clear of the .uha files. It does make me wonder how he's got so many privates though :P
  15. Often times when Ryoucchi posts something in the news section about a char release, there's another character equally as interesting as the one being presented in the screenshot. The other character is often hard to find too :P I was able to find this and download it, but I dont have the password for the file https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=245c5d759825a82a&id=245C5D759825A82A%212205&authkey=! The onedrive is owned by someone named Atif Tariq. But the person is hard to find and they have a blog, but I see no trace of it. It's the char on the right.
  16. My computer or browser was being weird. Everything's fine now but for a while all of your pictures turned into generic icons.
  17. It must'a just expired or something. Edited OP to reflect changes. Thanks for noticing Ryoucchi
  18. Edited only to make it look better. Could have sworn I put the link up... maybe it got lost in my transfer from my first topic. Gave myself -1 to be fair
  19. Thank you Winmugen :D And sure, I'll see if I can find that character. If you werent a mod, I could scold you for requesting on a release topic ya know? But I guess mentioning that fact is as risky as doing it.... so why am I typing this. help. :P But really, Idc. I'll see if I can find it. do you know the author?
  20. I remember along time ago someone requested someone find this and I tried and.... it took hours of searching. Then I gave up. Randomly tonight, or morning as its in the early AM's here I searched again and... found it in 3 minutes. The request thread is gone so posting in found releases. (Never done something like this before so if im doing it wrong... sorry) http://www.sendspace.com/file/t0f1ft
  21. I will never stop being amazed by the Waku Waku characters :P Is it the one under Arranged or converted characters? Or are the two too similar to determine the difference?
  22. What is the girl attached to these feet and where can I get it http://www.thephotonfalls.com/ThePhotonFalls/Mugen/Pubbli/a%20(7).jpg
  23. pure speculation, have't even downloaded him. But I'd guess Hyper
  24. no, only Motaro came back to life. everyone else was still hurt and none of the super bars filled. it happened as soon as darth vader came back to the fight from off screen
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