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Posts posted by NotAGoodName

  1. ok


    Find this in dragon-ken.cns


    [Statedef -3]
    ;-Este bg control permite cargar 5000% de poder cada vez que cambies a una
    ;-animacion como vez  he puesto todos las animaciones, asi la barra se llenara
    ;-mas pronto que el del oponente, si quieres que cargue solo  un poco
    ;- solo cambia el valor a 50 o 30 y  asi lo hara.
    ;-practicamente tendras barras de poder infinitas.
    [State -3, PowerAdd]
    type = PowerAdd
    triggerall = anim =[0,5300]
    trigger1 =time=0
    value =5000
    ignorehitpause =1
    persistent = 1


    change type = poweradd to type = null;poweradd

  2. The first statedef for every super needs poweradd = -1000  (or whatever value is appropriate where 1000 is one stock)



    ;Dreaded Ultimate Low Kick Of Death
    [Statedef 1222]
    type = S
    physics = S
    movetype = A
    anim = 1022 + (100 * var(40))
    velset = 0, 0
    sprpriority = 1
    facep2 = 1
    ctrl = 0
    poweradd = -1000
  3. well i stop to mugen 1.0 because im too lazy to add some chars again, because my screenpack is just for 1.0 versions.


    All 1.0 stuff works on 1.1.  I'm too lazy to update my screenpack, too.  :(

  4. I'm not going to test it, but the answer is almost always yes.


    Sometimes, characters need a dose of to fix some SFF palette issues.  If a character crashes because of DisplayToClipboard states, they'll need to all be nulled out.  Very easy to do with with notepad.  If there's any other issue, then the author should have done a better job.


    And why stop at Mugen 1.0?  If your computer wasn't made in the stone age, use Mugen 1.1. Even if you can't use the OpenGL renderer for some reason, you lose nothing.

  5. This is probably the first full game that I'm legit excited to play.  I will come back with more feedback.



    Well its not completely accurate, but it's good.  Probably the best thing anyone has ever done with Fido's crappy SF2 characters.

  6. Yay, a really good Galford.  Only B and C swapped from what I prefer on these goofy SS3-6 chars.  I approve.



    when did ss start 91, 92???


    1993.  I was really fond of the Sega Genesis version and played it a lot in like 1996-1998 or so.  Eventually, I had the PC version of Samurai Shodown 2 which was relased in 1997 (according to the EXE).  For a caveman like me that grew up on 6-button Samurai Shodown, these wierd new fangled versions are pretty hard to get used to.

  7. Check debug and see what state Hulk is stuck in.  He's probably got some custom "being hit" state with physics=N that isn't recieving a variable it wants.  Making it physics=A usually helps.  I've seen some other CVS2 and such characters do this.  Really annoying and unnecessary.

  8. [Preview]




    4shared Folder (AbigailSF1989.zip)




    To celebrate the upcoming holiday which hopefully won't be accompanied by another 4/19 or 4/20 act of terrorism, here's Abigail in the fashion of my other SF1989 characters.  I've gone to some lengths to make sure he isn't exactly like Andore.  Where possible, he should be fairly source accurate.


    4 buttons


    Move List:

    Dash Punch - (b),f+P  // Projectile invincibility during the run

    Angry Punch - (b),f+PP // this does a lot of damage, but you have absolutely no protection

    Air Whirl - dp+K // Anti-air throw which allows for hilarious combos.

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