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Posts posted by NotAGoodName

  1. Make sure the characters sprites are using palette 1,1 in the SFF.  If they aren't, then you can do some modifying to make it work.


    Add this to a CNS somewhere


    ; Initialize (at the start of the round)
    [Statedef 5900]
    type = S
    [State 5900, 1] ;Clear all int variables
    type = VarRangeSet
    trigger1 = roundsexisted = 0
    value = 0
    [State 5900, 2] ;Clear all float variables
    type = VarRangeSet
    trigger1 = roundsexisted = 0
    fvalue = 0
    [State 5900, 3] ;Change palette
    type = RemapPal
    trigger1 = 1
    source = 1,1  ;; <--- Change this to the palette that the sprites are using.  It might be 0,0?
    dest = 1,palno
    [State 5900, 4] ;Intro for round 1
    type = ChangeState
    trigger1 = roundno = 1
    value = 190
    [State 5900, 5] ;All other rounds
    type = ChangeState
    trigger1 = 1
    value = 0

    I just don't like this Rila for a series of reason, some can be seen here:

    This one is very badly done and her attacks aren't even close to having the correct properties. Also, it does what I hate the most in mugen: Change the move inputs from the characters to resemble Ryu's inputs. It's horrible. And I can't even change them back to the originals because there's some trick to the code that makes her ©d, u + K impossible to pull off. Most likely because she never had a movepriority set to ignore jumps in case of special inputs, meaning that the only way to do any down up special with her would be by comboing it on other normals to prevent her jump animation from starting before the input is computed. It's like those guys that change DP moves to QCD moves just because they have difficulty pressing Forward again.


    In the CMD, change all statetype != A to (StateType != A || stateno = 40).  This is a problem on tons of charge characters.




    Also, uhh....I am very interested in this character. /pretendontopic

  3. I'm not gonna lie.  I doubt that anyone really "likes" making AI patches.  I know enough to make a Mugen 1.0 compatible patch, but there's nothing fun about doing it. The fun is when you finally have it working and you can watch it fight competently.


    My character AI's are decent, but they still get their rumps handed to them by AIs that are more conscious of getting maximum combo damage and such.  It takes a lot of knowing how the character works and what combos it is capable of.


    Or you know, you could just let the AI cheat.  That works, too.

  4. I'll wait 'till it gets a full release. I ain't too happy with the beta at the moment.


    What the hell is there to not be happy about?  It runs 3300% faster than Mugen 1.0, has hardware scaling so you can use whatever screenpack you want on your monitor with undoubtedly shitty resolution, and doesn't have any glitches that Mugen 1.0 didn't.  99.9% of problems with Mugen 1.1b are your computer being a piece of shit.  But really, even OpenGL incompatibility, as pitiful as it is, isn't an excuse since you can still use the software renderer.


    And I don't want to hear some steroetype spiel.  I use still use a 32-bit OS and drilled a hole with a bit and brace like 6 days ago.  I am not upgrade guy.

  5. A nice release from BoyBoyz to start of my day. That's what I like to see. :)


    Though it seems that not even a single author who has made Boss Saiki or Dark Ash for M.U.G.E.N seems to know how to code the dark aura that typically surrounded them in KoF XIII. The one or two times I did see that aura, it was done rather poorly and only appeared in the stance sprite.


    Come to think of it, does anyone here know how he/she would code said aura or is it something only the developers of SNK know?


    I don't know what SNK has to do with it.  They don't program characters for mugen.  The main problem is that the aura isn't displayed when you play as them so it's probably not the easiest thing in the world to rip, if it's even sprites.  Also, mugen doesn't have a "current sprite" variable, so that's a problem.


    In other news, I tried letting the AI use this for kicks and giggles.  It's a really confusing mess to watch him fight.

  6. I've literally only had one winmugen character that I couldn't get to work on Mugen 1.0.  It was some stupid Guilty Gear character that kept causing infinite loop.  For everything else, if you can freaking comprehend a simple error message, you can fix the character and make it work on Mugen 1.0.  It's almost always limited to stupid crap like flagrant errors and displaytoclipboard states (which can easily be nulled).


    Also, since the troll accused me of trolling, I will oblige and say that all you freaking cavemen (op included) need to use Mugen 1.1.

  7. In [stageinfo] there is xscale and yscale which applies to the entire stage.  If you modify this, you need to modify the bounds of the stage accordingly.  As far as I can tell, there is no scaling for BG states.

  8. 4-button kinda sorta Garou-ish Duck King.  Absolutely awesome.  I approve, not that my approval means anything in particular.


    And lol @ f,b,f,f,b,f+X+Y being a command.  That's some kinda crazy SNK stuff right there.

  9. Though I do not know whether I like the fact his top half is white instead of blue like his lower half and his sandals are in a different colour too.


    That's not his default palette.  A lot of authors make palette 6 the one that is chosen by Mugen for some reason...dumb.  Palette 4 (X) is regular Strider.



    In other news, this is a good character.

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