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Everything posted by Xan

  1. Lame. People over on MFG usually read it without a problem.
  2. Nope. Nobody else has expressed any issues with it and it displays fine on my end.
  3. Mega Heracross' ability is far from useless. It turns Arm Thrust, Bullet Seed, Rock Blast, etc into powerful Sturdy-breaking tools. Nope, she's just relegated to ubers...and still wrecks everybody there. Even Multiscale Lugia doesn't escaped unharmed.
  4. Xan


    Your taking offense to his silence confuses me, therefore offending me as well.
  5. If it has Iron Fist, hit me up some time.
  6. initiate beat_a_dead_horse.exe: And that's barely relevant to the discussion as a whole kthx.
  7. Me testing out a team of six against somebody from Tumblr: 9XAG-WWWW-WWW4-6ZHL And a silly thing I did in a battle with a friend recently: GA2G-WWWW-WWW4-8VSS
  8. Happy new year from whatever hemisphere I'm at.
  9. Xan


    [bragging]I've tested Rice's stuff, Z2 stuff, Kamekaze's stuff, Watta's stuff, Ryon's stuff, Quickfist/Chazzanova's stuff, one of DivineWolf's characters, and even one of Infinite's characters. Your beta testing army can't even compare.[/bragging]
  10. Relative nudity as compared to the rest of the MB cast. He's the most nude of them all! >:[
  11. His nudity gives him that shocking strength.
  12. Xan


    I wasn't even referring to that team. -_-
  13. Others give you full fights, I just give you a lame combo with some character that isn't even released yet. Happy New Year. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DT6EvJDw2cE&feature=youtu.be
  14. We've already talked it over via PMs, so I plan to do just that.
  15. Xan


    Oh yeah?! Well, I...I tested private stuff! Your army can't stand that, now can they?!
  16. You monster. They're not ugly, just misunderstood! >':
  17. I meant to calm down with your posting. It's a bit too frequent for your own good. Trust me, I learned this the hard way.
  18. You know too much. You cannot be allowed to live. I mean what.
  19. If that's the case, let him speak for himself. You don't need to post every time you have an inkling to do so, especially if you're speaking on the behalf of others without their consent or any form of necessity. Calm down and think before you post. It'll save you a lot of trouble in the future.
  20. Xan


    Something tells me the Lightflare thing was intentional on Vegaz's part.
  21. Xan


    I can't even tell if you're IC anymore.
  22. I hope not. "Cheapie/retard" beatdowns are ridiculously long-dead horses that people continue to beat for the sake of it.
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