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Everything posted by Xan

  1. It will be once the event mons for Gen 6 are released.
  2. Read this page; it probably has the info you're looking for.
  3. If talking purely online, I'd say the girl I do ghost battles with: Sarah. If not just online, one of my IRL friends and I do a lot of Pokemon talk and battles together.
  4. No. Just the 2x. BTW, you'll want to go for Sludge Bomb on Gengar rather than Sludge Wave. IIRC the former is compatible.
  5. More monotype Ghost funtimes: RFNG-WWWW-WWW4-KKYH GBJW-WWWW-WWW4-KKYZ
  6. Addendum: If you're winning, keep doing what you're doing. It's working, after all. That's until you lose/get bored. Then you switch it up and try new things. Gotta have variety to prevent braindead boredom.
  7. Take the victory for what it's worth. If you lose, look at why you lost and see how you can improve from it. If something you're doing isn't working, try something else with the same poke. Mix/match until you find your fit.
  8. I'm still in for it but I don't want to have to have my type randomly selected. I can't build a team on short notice. In other news, I'm curious if anybody has any Prankster Sableye they can lend me.
  9. Yep. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZBrwz5yDOY&feature=youtu.be
  10. Nope. I just want more Ghost types.
  11. More NPCs need to use Mega Evos. That would be awesome.
  12. Gengar's defenses aren't really salvageable. Focus on what it's good at: hitting stuff quickly and powerfully. Excadrill is...similar, I suppose.
  13. Anything that can take a physical hit and abuse any of its rather common weaknesses says hi. Its rather paltry 81 attack stat doesn't do it much favors against things its STAB moves don't cover. There certainly is. Look at Togekiss, Mew, Shaymin, Eeveelutions, and some others. Just use what you want to use. It's just not everybody has the same mindset as you so they'll use Pokemon based on their merit in battle rather than looks. I go for a combination of the two, honestly. I look at its design and see if it appeals to me. If so, I look up some good ideas on how to use it. Sometimes I break this little code because the Pokemon itself is just too useful for me to not want to use it. For the most part, I have to like its design to use it. That's part of why I don't use my Talonflame in spite of it being perfect for the job. The other part is that I honestly found it underwhelming. Too frail and doesn't dish out enough damage against things that aren't hit super effective by its moves.
  14. That's what I use the Garchomp you gave me for. Draco Meteor/Fire Blast/Earthquake/Stone Edge is an amazing set for MegaChomp. It works great.
  15. Just hit me up whenever I'm online, okay?
  16. Because y'all ain't seen enough of my disinterested mug lately.
  17. KOF 13's sprites are 2D, though. :V
  18. It made everybody want to cry. Everybody.
  19. Xan


    Or did you?
  20. This happened. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FnMZTdmlXXo
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