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Everything posted by Xan

  1. Cheating AI's not anything new. The Battle Frontier/Subway/Tower/whatever is always chock full of cheating AI. I remember back in BW when my Chandelure's Overheat missed four times in a row. It has 90 accuracy.
  2. Story of my Battle Maison life.
  3. Speaking of training up pokes, I'm currently waiting on a MegaZard X candidate from a friend who's breeding 5 IV Jolly Charmanders atm. I'm hoping to also transfer my Charizardite Y from my Y game and run a trapping mixed set on MegaZard Y. Team preview mindgames ahoy~!
  4. My own intuition lied to me. q.q What'd I tell ya? >:3
  5. Pokerus doubles the amounts of EVs a pokemon gets from each battle, but it can only get it once. It's very good.
  6. That's the lesser end of the spectrum of the ridiculous nonsense Ikaruga's characters can do. Just you wait, I've got tons more.
  7. Stuff about an old series I haven't updated since June. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_J9mjuieFpo&feature=youtu.be
  8. I thought I told you already that I am C.A.N. :VV
  9. Xan

    Nick Fury

    Got a false flag malware warning. :V
  10. You do know how ridiculously difficult the super lines can get, right?
  11. Definitely. I remember facing somebody with a team of Raikou, Terrakion, and Articuno on the 40th battle on one of my previous runs. Thank goodness for Mega Mawile and Noivern.
  12. I just got a 56 win streak in the Super Single Battle Maison. Holy shit.
  13. I can even name the characters/whatever I tested if you need credibility. I have a decently sized group of people I chat with regularly, so I suppose dropping a mention or two there wouldn't be out of the ordinary for me.
  14. I'm a bit curious about this point here, but I might as well give my reasons while I wait for an answer. Reasons: I tend to know my stuff when it comes to fighting games and just overall balance. I also sometimes have a knack for finding some rather odd bugs and infinites in characters. I've also been trusted with private betas before and haven't leaked them. I've even kept them entirely under wraps unless the author specifically said it was okay to talk about them/show footage/screenshots/whatever. I imagine you've seen my feedback before, so yeah. :V
  15. Something about making previews of a soundpack a friend made. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HixhyxBq7c8
  16. Is Ikaruga's AI getting dumber or is it just me? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHob3Hyc3j4
  17. I beat them four times before coming up with this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtzyM2ZoCsY
  18. I do Mugen vids I guess. http://www.youtube.com/user/videoguy3211
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