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The Unexpected Visitor

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Posts posted by The Unexpected Visitor

  1. Ok I bet half of the supposed Touhou fans in this forum don't even know where the fuck the (9) joke came from so I will tell it how it is:


    This is a manual for a Touhou game, As you can see, Cirno is on screen and  she is reffered with the circled 9 symbol, in the item 9 you can clearly see with a bit of hiragana/katakana background that it says "baka", which translates to idiot. I don't know how that picked up but all touhou meems kind of suck to suck completely sooooo..

    Now shove off all of ya Touhou fan posers, or I'll roast yas!

  2. I honestly don't know how the fuck that happened, but it's been fixed. I can assure you it wasn't me though,

    Also changed my password just to be on the safe side.

    Your track record says otherwise m8.

  3. I don't care if it's "mysoginist" or anything, if you put a song in a page that's supposed to be silent I will instantly hate you.

    Noone likes autoplay in Tumblr.

  4. For setting bounce speed, you can always try fall.xvelocity and fall.yvelocity

    Usually I do a copypaste of this state:

    ;Ground Bounce basic:

    [Statedef 660]

    type = A

    movetype= H

    physics = N

    velset = 0,0


    [State 1025, Anim] ;Freeze

    type = ChangeAnim

    trigger1 = 1

    value = 5160


    [State 1025, State]

    type = ChangeState

    trigger1 = HitShakeOver = 1

    value = 661


    ;Le ebin groundbounce

    [Statedef 661]

    type = A

    movetype= H

    physics = N

    velset = 0,0


    [State freezeanim]

    type = ChangeAnim

    trigger1 = Time = 0

    value = 5160

    [State Get my Hit X and Y vels]

    type = HitVelSet

    trigger1 = Time = 0

    x = 1

    y = 1

    [State Ensure my speed]

    type = VelAdd

    trigger1 = Time

    y = gethitvar(yaccel)


    [State truck]

    type = ChangeState

    trigger1 = vel y > 0

    trigger1 = vel y + pos y >= Const(movement.down.bounce.offset.y)

    value = 662

    ctrl = 0


    ;Le ebin groundbounce

    [Statedef 662]

    type = A

    movetype= H

    physics = N

    velset = 0,0


    [State 821, 2] ; Recover near ground (use ChangeState)

    type = ChangeState

    triggerall = Vel Y > 0

    triggerall = Pos Y >= -20

    triggerall = alive

    triggerall = CanRecover

    trigger1 = Command = "recovery"||name="Training"

    value = 5200 ;HITFALL_RECOVER


    [State 821, 3] ; Recover in mid air (use SelfState)

    type = SelfState

    triggerall = Vel Y > 0

    triggerall = alive

    triggerall = CanRecover

    trigger1 = Command = "recovery"||name="Training"

    value = 5210 ;HITFALL_AIRRECOVER


    [State Forced into ground]

    type = PosSet

    trigger1 = Time = 0

    y = 0

    [State 0, Offset]

    type = Offset

    trigger1 = Time < 8

    x = 3*ceil(Cos(2*pi*time/4.0))

    y = 3*ceil(Sin(2*pi*time/4.0))

    [State get sound]

    type = PlaySnd

    trigger1 = Time = 0

    value = F7,2

    [State AAAAAAAAA]

    type = Explod

    trigger1 = Time = 0

    anim = F62

    pos = 0,0

    postype = p1

    facing = 1

    bindtime = 1

    removetime = -2

    scale = 2,2.5

    ontop = 1

    ownpal = 1

    removeongethit = 0

    [State freezeanim]

    type = ChangeAnim

    trigger1 = time<=7

    value = 5100

    [State anim]

    type = ChangeAnim

    trigger1 = time=8

    value = 5160

    [State Get Hurt]

    type = HitFallDamage

    trigger1 = Time = 0

    [State 0, HitFallVel]

    type = HitFallVel

    trigger1 = Time = 8


    [State special gravity]

    type = VelAdd

    trigger1 = Time>8

    y = gethitvar(yaccel)


    [State Truck]

    type = SelfState

    trigger1 = vel y > 0

    trigger1 = vel y + pos y >= Const(movement.down.bounce.offset.y)

    value = 5110

    ctrl = 0

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