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Posts posted by DuckAzz

  1. Well the title says everything ;)


    Now you don't need to worry about stage edges anymore, because I fixed that problem ;)


    By the way that problem is still fucked up on near edges of stages, but she will not cause the problem to jam the fight, because she will restart herself normally.


    Also here's some video what i did with her:




    Here's the direct link if you don't want to dig on my website:



    Infinite thanks to Altoiddealer from mfg for code feedback!


    Also she has one new palette from now :)




  2. Well this is my first EP album for 2016, and I put too much effort to make it :)


    All the songs in this EP album are different so pay attention on what you're listening to ;)


    Here's the link: https://duckssfarm.bandcamp.com/releases


    And also this album is not free so if you like this album you can buy it for 8 euros ;)


    Also I have to leave a comment here for @Ryon Dude if this has something offensive to your website I'll remove the thread right the way.


    I hope you like my album :)


    Follow me on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DaQuack99/

  3. That guy who made remixes is really a big professional music producer than me.


    Also I totally forgot something to tell ya about the original midi files from sf4 bootleg game what I found.


    It seems that I'm not able to edit the midi files because they have really low speed and misplaced notes.


    Also the program which converts 8-bit music to midi is really buggy and it doesn't do really great job.


    I might come up with some musical ideas for your game remake soon but as you all know I'm really busy with preparing for university so I might come back to work on this project later.


  4. There's actually The application called "Paintown" which includes OpenBor and WinMugen.

    Also There's PC,PS3,WII,ANDROID and XBOX 360 versions, but if you want the Xbox 360 version, you need to have a custom firmware on your xbox 360 (In other words you need to softmod your Xbox 360)

    I only know how to softmod ps1,ps2 and ps3 but I have never had the experience with Xbox 360.


    But there's one problem with paintown :(

    Mugen in paintown is just glitched and it has a lot of bugs so there's no chance playing it well.


    Also there's the normal Xbox version of mugen but it's only for old Xbox, and it's way better than paintown but it also has some shortcomings.


    Also there's the other way of playing mugen on xbox 360 by using Dos Box for Xbox 360, but you could play only Dos mugen :P


  5. 21 minutes ago, Mʀ. Stᴇal-Yoᴜʀ-Waifᴜ said:

    LOL anything where animals are having sex or being sexual, I am not going anywhere near. Anthropomorphic or not, its a animal. Bestiality is nasty

    I totally agree with you man!

    But I'm just a guy who has immunity on those types of games :P I'm playing them just to see how something can be totally fucked up :P


    And also thanks guys for nominating my character for MFFA's and MFG's COTM!

    You rock!

  6. Trini, look I'm doing this just because of my lap top because I have a lot of wip files and other important files on it, and I'm lazy to back up nor move them. And also who knows what will happen to my files, if I install win10.

    I would like to have win10 because it's not bad at all, but not on my current lap top (hell I'm even using Windows XP service pack 3 on my old computer).

  7. Well if anyone's a Freedom planet fan,could you help me with giving me some winquotes for my upcoming character Sash Lilac?

    She's almost done,all I need for completing the character are the winquotes and then I'll be able to release her.


  8. Ah sorry, I didn't have the internet at home to inform you that I already fixed that problem.

    Well I had to put this code in first statedef of the hyper attack.

    [State 3050, hitvar]
    trigger1 = time = 0

    And also I had to edit few things in next statedef (the state I showed you), so my attack works well.

    Anyway, thanks for a response.


  9. Well problem is that I can't limit the guardhits in my attack which is like m.bison's psycho crusher.

    When I perform that attack first time everything works well (with hits and guardhits) but later when I need to perform that attack again p1 doesn't hit p2 at all.


    Here's the code:

    [Statedef 1021]
    type    = A
    movetype= A
    physics = N
    juggle  = 4
    ctrl = 0
    velset = 0,0
    sprpriority = 2

    [state 1000]
    type = width
    trigger1 = 1
    value = 0,0

    [State 3000, Super C]
    type = AfterImageTime
    trigger1 = AnimElemTime(2) >= 1 && Time < 60
    time = 2

    [state 1000]
    type = playerpush
    trigger1 = 1
    value = 0

    [state 1000]
    type = velset
    trigger1 = 1
    y = 0
    x = 12

    [State 3050, hitvar]
    trigger1 = anim!=1015
    ;trigger2= anim = 1015 && animtime = 0
    ;trigger2 = anim = 1015 && hitcount <= 5
    ;trigger2 = anim =1015 && animelemtime(15)<0

    [State 3050, hitvar]

    [State 3050, hit]
    trigger1=anim=1015 && animelemtime(15)>=0
    trigger1= timemod = 2,0 && var(14)<5
    ;trigger1 = hitcount <= 4
    attr = A, SA
    damage = 25,1
    animtype = heavy;fucking metal
    guardflag = M
    hitflag = MAF
    getpower = 0
    priority = 4, Hit
    pausetime = 3, 0
    sparkno = 2
    sparkxy = -8, -35
    hitsound = 5, 3
    guardsound = 6, 0
    guard.sparkno = 40
    ground.type = High
    guard.velocity = -5
    airguard.velocity = 0,-1
    ground.slidetime = 20
    ground.hittime  = 25
    ground.velocity = -2.5,-1.0
    air.type = high
    air.velocity = -2.5,-1.0
    air.cornerpush.veloff = 0
    ground.cornerpush.veloff = 0
    air.hittime = 25
    Air.fall = 1
    fall.recover = 0
    fall = 1
    ID = 1021

    [state 1000]
    type = changestate
    trigger1 = time = 40
    value = 1022
    ctrl = 0


    Where I'm mistaking ?

  10. Alright, so I have a problem  to make this character to appear from back side of the screen after its hyper attack which is actually like m.bison's psycho crusher.

    Here's the image:


    I have a changestate which it works great,but what I'm supposed to type in the next (last) state? 

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