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Everything posted by Dumanios

  1. 'Going into a melee with that assassin seems like suicide. It'd be better to up the firepower against him instead' Raina thought. Raina called a card into her hands, nothing like the cardlike energy blasts from before. "Freedom Seal."
  2. Flandre was starting to get bored of the concert, or maybe it was better to say that she had something else that had caught her interest. That purple-haired girl she saw earlier with Raina was starting to leave the concert and Flandre wanted to ask a few things about Raina. Surely the purple-haired not-quite-Patchouli would know a few things right? "Hey there," Flan half-shouted, hoping to get the purple haired girl's attention.
  3. 'Projectile reflection... that'll be difficult. The assassin looks prepared for melee combat too... holding here won't work.' Raina dashed backward, intending to find the nearest wall. She was still concerned about the snipers that may have been out there. While dashing back she fired several more bullets, aiming for both the reflected bullets and her three remaining foes.
  4. Safe from the Sniper's attacks, Raina noticed the approaching spider bots, shooting small blasts toward each of them.
  5. 'Darn.' Raina quickly charges and fires an orb to intercept her original attack before dodging towards the barrel she'd previously been behind.
  6. 'There he is!' "Thanks Lucent, this'll do it!" Raina said, charging up an attack and firing it at the sniper, hitting him thanks to Lucent's Chill Focus.
  7. Raina moved right after Lucent did, ducking diagonally before retreating back down to the ground. 'That was too close!' 'I don't like it, but he's right.' Raina ducked behind a nearby barrel, preparing needles for the next fight.
  8. Raina followed Lucent into the air to survey the next part of the area. The tight spaces would probably be more of an issue than the multiple levels, Raina believed. It'd also depend what the enemies could do... 'Let's see what we're up against...'
  9. "Thanks. It's been fun," Raina replied, landing on the ground and walking with the group.
  10. "Thank you," Sasuke replied, choosing not to comment on the scene that just occurred. "That oughta finish him, but just in case..." Raina prepared a large orb, which she'd throw at the worm if it survived Lucent's attack. If the sand worm died, Raina would extinguish the orb instead.
  11. Raina flew backwards away from the worm, avoiding it's sludge attack. "Ugh, I can't imagine the stench if that was real," Raina muttered. She had a feeling that this one wouldn't go down the same way the others did. With everyone else launching a multi-directional assault on the sand worm, Raina quickly joined in. She flew into the air and charged a large orb to fire at the sand worm, firing it towards the worm's neck below where Anwalt and Melina are attacking.
  12. 'Huh, one of those people from earlier came back," a girl thought. She was someone who'd been around in Candor for a bit of time, traveling there from Kalos after that incident several years ago. She'd played a very minor role in that incident - and naturally, Lightflare stole the show. That was fine, she wasn't someone who wanted to be in the spotlight. Or perhaps its more that she's used to being kept out of the spotlight? It was hard to tell with her psyche on the best of days. Several years ago she'd been separated from her friends by bizarre circumstances... gap youkai made things weird and messy and she'd found herself separated from her companions. She'd thought they were gone forever! But then a group of people passed through the gathering and one of them was a blonde girl dressed like Reimu! She remembered Raina, she was kinda cool! It looked like Raina had a lot on her mind and just passed through though - otherwise she would've recognized her, right? Well, it was a big crowd and there were some people who didn't even look like humans. She swears she a guy with a bird's head for a head earlier, and that one centaur standing with a guy that looked like a carrot. Maybe she should ask that purple girl that was with Raina about her! Maybe she was an alternate universe's Patchy or something? They're both purple and have hair ornaments, after all! Besides, there were multiple Yukaris back then. Well, people with Yukari powers, but same thing! There's no way this'll turn out badly!
  13. Raina hovered upward and prepared a pair of orbs. 'That's gonna be pretty close, but I think these orbs will be enough to take it out...' With Lightflare's intervention, Raina hopes that it'll be enough time to take down the sand worm trying to go after her, throwing the orbs down at the approaching sand worm.
  14. "I see. While I'm familiar with smartphones, I don't have one of my own." A side effect of Sasuke's desire to be off the grid back home.
  15. "This isn't gonna be easy..." Raina recalled the beginning of the second round, where the first sand worm the team saw went down in no time. Compared to the worm that she and Lucent had both battered, what had gone differently? Actually... now she got it. It must've been from Lightflare's attack going on through its mouth. The worm that she and Lucent had targeted had only been hit from the outside. 'This is an idea Nanye would think of, huh?' Raina thought, as she prepared a series of orbs which would target the first worm that came to her. As soon as it opened its mouth, it'd receive a blast to the face.
  16. "No problem, Lucent." Raina prepared some projectiles in case the Sand Worm survived Lucent's Tornado.
  17. "Sounds like a plan Melina!" Raina replied. Raina flew towards Lucent, firing a large orb towards the worm attempting to attack Lucent.
  18. Raina prepared another series of orbs, once again firing them around Melina to strike the Heavy Armored Soldier.
  19. Raina charged several orbs around her, planning to send them in a pincer movement against the Armored Soldier. Raina sent the orbs in an arc around Melina, intending the Orbs to strike the Armored Soldier. Raina expected the orbs to do little, but would hopefully work with Melina's attack.
  20. 'I'm going in,' Raina thought. With the shield soldier distracted against Melina, he'd be vulnerable to an attack from behind. Raina prepared a large orb and sent it towards the Shield Soldier, before flying down behind the orb to close the distance between her and the shield-bearer. The soldier would have to chose to deal with either Raina or Melina - and probably take punishment from the other.
  21. 'They're planning something. Those shields can absorb attacks... what'll they do after that?' Melina and Umbra both were dealing with their own Sand Worms... Anwalt was... in the air? Without a distraction like the Fire Wheel, Raina couldn't see any openings in the soldiers... maybe Anwalt had some ideas? Melina had a clear plan and Raina worried that anything she sent toward Umbra's sand worm might hit him instead. "Hey Anwalt, do you see any openings?"
  22. Raina descended lower in the air, charging a large orb to fire at one of the Shield Soldiers firing at her. But before that... Raina expected that the Giant Fire Wheel would be seen as the bigger threat by the enemies, and thus fired the large orb toward one of Shield Soldiers.
  23. Raina dodged the bullets that were incoming, thinking about Lucent's strategy. 'Those Sandworms are vulnerable from within, but how would we get them to assault one of the enemy? Maybe if I harass the worms and then move over the other enemies...' Raina summoned a set of needles and fired them toward the Sandworm attacking Anwalt, hoping to distract it before it caused too much damage to Anwalt. She then launched towards the sky above one of the Armoured Warriors.
  24. Raina maintained her aerial position and fired a large orb at one of the sand worms, aiming for the same one that Lightflare fired his Light Burst at.
  25. "That sounds like a plan," Raina said. Get the enemies to eliminate each other... that seemed like it'd be easier said than done... however, it still sounded easier than finding a way around the heavy armor/shields the enemy possessed, nevermind the underground enemies that Raina wouldn't be able to deal with at all... if things went out of hand she'd also remember that statement that Umbra made about armor having a weakpoint. With the enemy's attention obtained, Raina got ready to attack, a series of orbs flying around her. Somehow, she expected more firepower than before would be needed.
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