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Everything posted by Kazagami

  1. Added IZ Nitori by Ricepigeon.
  2. https://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/-x23-beta-v0-5-release-191436.msg2492506.html#new
  3. It's a completely new take by a different author from the original. I'm not even sure whether or not the original author is still around tbh.
  4. Because they could? Besides an author releasing multiple characters at the same time is hardly unheard of.
  5. https://sites.google.com/view/ohmsby-mugen
  6. Thanks, but as i said, i already uploaded it to my own MEGA account.
  7. 3 other characters were also updated: Asuka Honda, Karina Toyota & Seruzad https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm37687530 https://1drv.ms/u/s!ArUQJYo9TmfngdkXWlC0sGAVEaINWA?e=qGLoxU
  8. https://www.mediafire.com/file/t2xrytkytnq75k7/EWJ2-ISO9000.rar/file
  9. It was pointed out to me that the Mediafire folder where Gu's creations are hosted does not contain their Alice, so i went and set up a MEGA link for her.
  10. Fixed. So is the link to Doudou's Yumeko.
  11. They ban people for literally no reason. That's nothing new. Best you can do is to move on.
  12. Update: - Ultraman Great by Kirbey - Gavadon by Kirbey - Alien Mefilas II by Kirbey - Antlar by pinksheep_X
  13. Added Gaidoz by First Lt. Smith.
  14. https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=4EFEC94DC3561C2F&id=4EFEC94DC3561C2F!105
  15. Update: - Escanor by Salah & PackManMUGEN - Escanor by Soulfire - Hawk by mysh_2002
  16. https://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/mario-mario-seanaltly-and-jango-191313.0.html
  17. Found these gems on the author's YouTube channel and upon learning that they're made for HD res in mind, i just had to make some adjustments so that folks who run 640p may enjoy them, too. Greece Parallax: Yes Superjump: No Zoom: Yes Download: http://www.mediafire.com/file/7fz6fwr1nbagcbb/grecia.zip/file Alternate .def file for 640p users: http://www.mediafire.com/file/eydsuuwr02xeo6w/grecia.def/file Mirante Parallax: Yes Superjump: No Zoom: Yes Download: http://www.mediafire.com/file/0pbu2eh7o86novw/mirante.zip/file Alternate .def file for 640p users: http://www.mediafire.com/file/vd3qolbfcjj9qzo/mirante.def/file
  18. Added Creatively Bankrupt Kanna by HelloMyNameIsAAA
  19. Update: - Yadon by Deathlazer - The rest of the Fightin' Spirits roster by Cesarsombra: (be mindful that these are not so much "conversions" as they are sprite-swaps of existing characters) Jenshi Yamamoto Lorents O'Donnel Rhajang Shuzar Tong Lee Yuri Hishimoto Note: I'm aware of BananaSkyGamingOP's 90mb monstrosity of Sheila Nash, but as I'm unable to locate her on any other place besides MA, she'll have to be listed as offline for now.
  20. https://otzkai.blog.fc2.com All of his other characters also received an update.
  21. Update: - Reimu Hakurei by Nep Heart - Fujiwara no Mokou by Boy's Our Boy - Lie Meiling by Boy's Our Boy - Mexican Dessert by Deoxgigas By the way, now that Yahoo Box's kicked the bucket, i'd be grateful if anyone could provide mirror downloads to Kirisameshow's MBAA-styled Reimu, Marisa, Remilia and Aya.
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