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Everything posted by 5h0ck

  1. If i knew how to use the programs i could probably make an animated stage with his chars fighting in the far background, it'd probably be a lot of mb though if i did.
  2. This be me http://diochi.deviantart.com/
  3. Well I wouldn't say their good enough to make you speachless but thanks. also heres a night version of the sky rip picture http://diochi.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d5r5h8l and heres a slightly closer look at the guy in my profile pic. http://diochi.deviantart.com/art/Code-Name-Aeu-Oka-Air-Walker-347940038
  4. I think we have to pick a character that has not been made in mugen or has died in his/her game and the game hasn't had a sequal and the series itself is considered dead....and make a tombstone for that character with cvs shades.
  5. got some more work done today. http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/010/2/c/bleach__rip_in_the_sky_by_diochi-d5r1ijc.png
  6. I hope they keep saki but make him playable and not just an assist trophy(along with other chars that would have made good playables)
  7. only time i got a slowdown was once during recording.
  8. parts 3 and 4 are up, the rest when i say "so"
  9. well thats annoying......but worth it.
  10. parts 1 and 2 are up, the rest will be up eventually. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2QNoj5jcus&list=PL0naDBPhVTglOhLAGOlTJaLw8nGgE4HtG&feature=mh_lolz
  11. played it, loved it, recorded it, sound got desynced at some point......-_-
  12. maybe multiplayer but what 8 bit megaman game has co-op/vs
  13. well from their point of view its partially due to the lack of him in the vs games as of late, and when he does appear its not the version they asked for, newer fans don't know their history so they don't see the referense with bad box art(and while i do find it funny myself i would have prefered X) mmlegends 3 was highly anticipated(or so i heard) and that got cancelled, and the starforce games don't seem that speacial, but then again there are always people complaining about capcom(and other companies)
  14. cool stage, can't wait to use it.
  15. I don't draw that often but when i do i'll slap it here. first up is a sword in did in fireworks. more to come maybe....
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