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Everything posted by Okami

  1. Did u save after as 1.1 sff? Lol.
  2. Here you go: Goku: 9000,0: 9000,1: 9000,2: 9000,46: Vegeta: 9000,0: 9000,1: 9000,2: 9000,46: Enjoy =) Provided that I should of done SSJ Goku Too! SSJ Goku: 9000,0: 9000,1: 9000,2: 9000,46:
  3. Curehappy Ports: 9000,0: 9000,1: 9000,2: 9000,46: CureBlossom Ports 9000,0: 9000,1: 9000,2: 9000,46:
  4. https://mega.co.nz/#!qRkDQYLL!azIuKAcTnlpdmnCK1H1UfW6rA6Yyvb2TLqtK7qc_x14 Redl System.def for small update (name alignment)!
  5. Game Accurate(you can still keep the old design), it's just I didn't like how they look (imo). I remade it to improve quality and whatnot =)
  6. You don't need to index them, just make sure their transparent, and thanks Dartz this will be useful.
  7. Odd.... do you have enough ram to run it though? It's either that or you don't have enough ram(it utilizes a lot of images)
  8. https://mega.co.nz/#!ncFEFK5B!PVC5FU2NY1s8uGr4a3XamV41rgZ3jr0TO5ogZjMfq-0 Update: Lifebar designs, some font fixes, done. Sample youtube vid: http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYRbMDAvb9U Lifebar template is in main mugen folder as a rar
  9. Finally finished new lifebar designs, going to finish round animations and I'm done. I should prob provide some ports for this too.
  10. Erm, I didn't make the new lifebar yet and the ports I provided so far uses the lower localcoord, the only giant port is Labrys(which I made)
  11. ろく サンに キャウ Didn't install katakana/kanji/hiragana keyboard mechanics on my pc yet, should do it now.
  12. OHH it's just these captcha, I can write it down for you (if you give me the image). Just post the html image links.
  13. Don't recall any captcha honestly: http://segeka.blog39.fc2.com/blog-entry-64.html#cm It says password but there is no pic o-O
  14. Ahh, I think it's better to comment on his blog, what are you going to ask anyways?
  15. Usually his skydrive should have his email, if you want to contact him that is.
  16. Odd, it ain't working me, just give this "unable to scan this file for viruses" error. Nvm, the public folder downloads is acting weird. Got it working.
  17. Promised I will try to finish a new lb design, just did: Lost my old psd so I have to make a new one. Will try to implement this design soon. And round animations =3 (probably going to take time) Should look like this in game (concept pic)
  18. Mind if you upload it and give it to me, along with the new kamui/tsu update
  19. I can't find a single render from it, lol.
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