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Posts posted by Neo_Fire_Sonic

  1. Those attacks where the person dashes threw the opponent, who suddenly becomes stunned followed by massive damage, bloodshed or both.

    Think about the chick in sandles from Last Blade/CvS 2


    Posted Image

    Well, one of my characters happens to do something similar to that


    Overused attacks like that FTW.

  2. "oh yea... awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww yeaaaaaaaahy"

    "Take it up the ass, shove it up the ass and repeat"


    "dragon ballllllllllllzzzzzzzzzz"

    "hay I'm Kenny Rogers and this is JACKASS"

    "Yea suck my DICK"

    "Screw the rules i have green hair."

    "narutard, clash of ninjar revalu-mutha- f**kin justu"

  3. why does that screenshot look so NOT MUGEN like?


    Why are there shadows circles? thats not a mugen thing?

    in sonic battle lost ending neo, the characters didn't have shadows, they had shadow circles under them.

    also it looks not mugen like because it looks sooooo accourate lol.



    I hope you don't mind me posting this Neo_Fire.

    http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?qw6kae0l4yd4v22 I decided to do a special mix of the midi that came with this stage in synthfont. It uses higher quality instruments and is in mp3 format. It was more or less done for fun but if you guys like it enough feel free to use it in this stage.


    Also, thanks super, it sounds very interesting.

  4. honestly, i would leave it as mewthree.

    just a new form

    Well I bet i'll be like -.- when its actual name is revealed. which will problably happen once we get the movie.


    ALSO, another reason i gotta get this game and a 3ds.

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