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Posts posted by LATER HERO

  1. Omega Tiger Woods MUGEN Gameplay # 3 (ARCADE RUN) by LATER HERO

    Characters shown on this video:

    Carl Johnson (armin_iuf)

    Gillius (Binho)

    Weapon Master (sagi)

    Shao Khan (OMEGAPSYCHO)

    Dooby Dummy (Most Mysterious)

    Lucy Diclonius (Crucifix)

    Adolf Hitler (a487561賴大福)

    Hatsune Miku (YU-TOHARU)



  2. The_None's Giygas vs Kurogane's Reimu Hakurei

    Giygas (me) vs Reimu Hakurei (CPU)


    Because it's hard to understand what happens on this video I leave a description below of it.


    If you know about kurogane's Tohou characters you know that they starts at first round like normal chars. I mean, they can be over-powered but the trouble starts once you defeat one of them one round, because they will come back on a different way. What I try to mean is that all of them become super cheaps. In this case Reimu being damaged at 50% of her health she falls to the ground (with fully invencibility frames) and will restore all her health and gaining new super abilities, like the bombs in Tohou series. I just wanted to beat her somehow and I devised the strategy using a Giygas. First round I beated her on a normal way and in the second round once I knock her, wait for her to recover all her health and trap her in those deadly mini-games that Giygas has. For me this was the only way to survive because Giygas can't block attacks and I needed to have my health bar as full as possible when Reimu will reach his final state in which she stands in mid-air and a rotatory hellish shoots attacks stay on screen. I had planned beat her on the second round but things didn't turn out the way I would have wanted. I have to mention all Giygas mini-games despite being mortal are escape-able all of them. The CPU randomly can escape from them, though. Reimu starts the 2nd round like her regular form but once she falls knocked out at 50% of damage she reborns and get more powers. Here I took advantage and trapped Reimu for the first time, the Ao oni trap killed her and then she recovered all her health, again I trapped her for the second time and this time was the Belgrave Square Labs Fryer trap, this traps was also succesfull as well but here happend an issue. Usually opponents beated by this trap explode in blood but this was a special case 'cause Reimu dies at a 50% damage instead of 100% so MUGEN set free her but with 51% of health. Rapidly I knocked out again with a Wall of Darkness so again, she recovered her health, at this time I tried to trap her for the third time again but I failed so I just had to endure all her attacks while I tried to hurt her. Once she was knocked out I repeat the strategy and traped her again (4th time) and it resulted the Ao oni trap again that was sucesfully and she died but of course she again recovered all her health, I just tried to trap her again (5th time) and Reimu was send to the Belgrave Square Labs Fryer again HOWEVER this time the CPU got scape from the trap. Nevertheless my stamina was low at this point and I couldn't survive. By the third round I managed to knock her as soon as possible and then Reimu started his final state and here's was the key to my success. Like Giygas can float in the air I positioned him just above of that floating Reimu and started to launch Giygas's Energy Waves up to the left, up to the right and from above to down. This was hard 'cause the rotatory attacks of Reimu were moving me from the spot and obviously I was being damaged, so I had to reposition my char in the middle of all the effects that Giygas uses in order to not be seen with ease for his opponets (human opponents) AND at the same time I was sending Giygas's PSI powers (psychic powers). Because my health was low at the time my PSI powers were sent  right away, telegraphed with a sound, without having to shoot a box. This was just question of luck because not all PSI powers do damage but I could see the "Storm Attack" from time to time. This was a tight win, almost miraculous. I already know that is very hard to perceive what happend on 3rd round but this last video may help a bit. It shows my position on screen and my attacks somehow (keep in mind that I was just above of that floating Reimu).



  3. 9 hours ago, Phantom9 said:


    I really don't understand why... BUT THIS DOESN'T MAKE SENSE!!!!

    Are you Phantom9015 in the other site, right? I can see your account doesn't have any banned sign at all. But your IP was banned... How weird!

  4. Marshall para mi es un personaje estúpido, con características muy propias de los sobre-potencializados. Al principio empieza digamos normal y luego entra en una fase como de resistir todos y cada uno de los ataques que recibe para luego aplicar un OHKO bastante bobo diría yo con una leyenda de "You died" con una animación de explosión de una bomba atómica. Obvio eso no hace ni puta gracia y es un personaje basura si me lo preguntas o sino cuando menos aburriiiiiiido. De todos modos me parece que cualquier personaje brutalmente sobre-potencializado siempre tendrá un mejor funcionamiento en WinMUGEN, no sé si por ser personajes antiguos o qué pero eso se me figura.


    En fin... Esto de que en este hilo sólo estemos 2 personas mensajeándonos me resulta triste. Haber para cuando viene acá el Ex✭Cᴀʜᴍ a intercalar un posible "Nada" o algún otro ya para que no se vea que nada más somos 2 aquí :endlesswait:


  5. 46 minutes ago, Ralaco said:

    DivineWolf's Sagat VS KarmaChameleon's Genjuro Kibagami





    P.O.T.S Shin Gouki(Akuma) VS Girunisu and GoD_Ryu's Krizalid 



    It seemed to me that player 2 power bars were filling automatically, weren't? if so these were unbalanced matches, you know.

  6. On 5/28/2022 at 10:58 AM, Matiu said:

    Sinceramente debe ser alguna version "Nerfeada" de Ancient Donald por que hasta ahora solo he visto una version de Ancient Donald que he visto contra S_Sakuya en 2017.


    He probado con una version que no me acuerdo de Goku Super Sayian Dios Azul contra S_Sakuya y la pantalla de WinMUGEN se congelaba, queria corroborar cual de los 2 podria ganar sin que se "Congele" >_>

    Bueno en realidad tampoco es como que sea muy relevante el asunto. Después de ver un par de vídeos del Ancient Donald en WinMUGEN "derrotando" a varios chars super poderosos y hasta super nulls me dio por empezar a descargar todos los oponentes posibles. Y aunque en un principio me sentía animado después me di cuenta que muchos de esos cheapies propios de WinMUGEN permanecen en privado puesto que no encontré sus enlaces de descarga por ningún lado. Además qué tiene de entretenido ver enfrentarse a ese tipo de personajes a ver cual anula al otro mediante códigos que alteran el funcionamiento normal de WinMUGEN, no... Quizá elimine a los chars que llegué a encontrar o bien les haré un respaldo y los borrare de mi disco duro por que más allá de todo tengo un alto sentido de coleccionista.


    A mi si me preguntan cuál es el personaje más poderoso de todo MUGEN siempre diré que Dark Donald, por las características que posee y su enorme poderío, no he podido encontrar otro personaje que se le equipare. Y cuando lo veo perder  contra cualquier vulgar super null y ver como se paralizan las animaciones y eso me digo a mi mismo "¡Vaya, y a eso le llaman personajes poderosos!" Probar un poco esos personajes me puede llamar la atención pero al fin y al cabo siempre serán personajes basura que agradezco que no sean compatibles con MUGEN 1.0+

  7. Here Dink Smallwood didn't catch his axe causing a glitch where he stands frozen and the sound of the axe traveling across the air playing over and over. In the other hand Majin-Etna A.I got confused and decided to crouch from there on so this was that ocurred untill time over. Oh my dear glitchy MUGEN :lol2:


  8. Unable to beat certain MUGEN characters from the author "KAZ" (in this case Storm from X-Men Series and Anita from DarkStalkers Series) using my main man OTW I just decided to use that little crazy chicken named Moorhuhn or something like that. KAZ characters usually have some really broken AIs So this pair of characters deserve to eat all my bullets.


    Moorhuhn (me) vs Storm (CPU)


    Moorhuhn (me) vs Anita (CPU)


  9. It's the UMMC Edit - Meldo Edition (283 character slots!) that was posted in MFG 5 years ago: https://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/ummc-edit-meldo-edition-283-character-slots-178670.0.html fortunately the download link stills working: http://www.mediafire.com/file/nqjiy728f94sv77/UMMCMeldo.zip  However the files are not merged with MUGEN 1.0+ so you will need to replace some files and make some adjustments  on a new  unzipped MUGEN in order to get the screenpack running. It's not that hard to tell the truth. If you need help don't hesitate to ask it. :goodmood:

  10. @Matiu Hace poco leí un post tuyo en el hilo "The Toughest Mugen Fighter you encountered" que una tal S_Sakuya  podía vencer a Ancient Donald entre otros. Ni conocía al personaje pero sentí curiosidad y me lo descargué y si bien pude ver "noqueados" a algún Crazy Catastrophe y a un Chuck Norris intocable y ultra-poderoso, la verdad es que Ancient Donald, en su 12ª paleta vence a S_Sakuya como si nada. Lo que sí hay que aclarar que el Ancient Donald en WinMUGEN en su última paleta utiliza códigos para alterar el funcionamiento normal del WinMUGEN y causa que sus oponentes queden congelados y en consecuencia el juego no termina de cargar al char en cuestión y es de eso de lo que se aprovecha Ancient Donald para poder ganar.

    Lo único que he visto que le gane a Ancient Donald son los insta-kill propios de WinMUGEN como Big Bang Donald, Guanyin y así por el estilo. Aunque regresando al tema de S_Sakuya la puse a enfrentar a un char conocido como "The God of Chuck Norris 2nd" y algunas veces ganaba S_Sakuya y otras el Chuck Norris. Así pues debe ser de los pocos personajes que le puedan generar un KO en combate a la S_Sakuya y viceversa.

  11. Kong's Magneto (Cheap and broken character) againts other cheapos as well. (MUGEN 1.0)

    Order of battles

    Magneto (1p) vs Meteoric Marisa (1p)

    Magneto (12p) vs Meteoric Marisa (12p)

    Magneto (1p) vs Marshall (1p)

    Magneto (12p) vs Marshall (12p)

    Magneto (1p) vs Yami Kula (1p)

    Magneto (12p) vs Yami Kula (12p)

    Magneto (1p) vs Ancient Donald (1p)

    Magneto (12p) vs Ancient Donald (12p)



  12. Giygas MUGEN Glitch against Omega Tiger Woods


    There is a curious glitch on Giygas Doom mini-game, usually when you get shot by the cowboy, a zombie will appear,  getting close to you and you will die hopelessly. However Omega Tiger Woods has the ability to send falling rockets and a crane even if he is being hurt. So if you are able to launch a missile over the cowboy AFTER you have been fired by him he will fall to the ground, just like if you shot him with the gun and that zombie will disappear immediately which causes the game to not progress beyond this mini-game.



    Omega Tiger Woods Crane attack camera glitch MUGEN


    There is a curious point about the Omega Tiger Woods crane attack. If the crane grabs the enemies, it proceeds to pick them up and then drop them to the ground, which is the normal way of attack. However, it is well known that in stages with larger vertical limits, the crane attack lifts the opponent even higher. There is a strange stage known as "looooooooooog meme", this stage presents a fairly large upward scrolling movement, once the stage reaches the top it begins to return to down in the same way. Grabing foes with the crane either the stage is going up or down causes that the camera travels in a dizzying way, just check it out, please!  :confuse:


  13. MUGEN Matches - Omega Tiger Woods vs Meteoric Marisa

    Omega Tiger Woods (me) vs Meteoric Marisa (CPU)



    Well, what can I say about this video? Meteoric Marisa is one of those characters that everyone'd like be far away from her. Meteoric Marisa AI is pretty cheap. She frecuently uses that infamous Star Warps while she gains invencibility frames and after these she can punish you from behind and combo you untill you get KO'ed. I was able to find a brief window of opportunity againts her using OTW anti-air attack, yes that "HERE COMES THE AIRPLANE, PSHEEEEEW" attack because Meteoric Marisa AI tend to confuse a bit with it, somehow (She blocks it a lot). However it isn´t so easy with her triying to close to you all the time and being so cheap as she can be. After a couple of painfully defeats I just felt like the time to finally beat her has came. Perhaps I just felt The Eye of the Tiger, who knows. Also I think this song perfectly musicalized the match. I just think this was just like magic. To the hell with the YouTube copyright guidelines and to be honest, this video is my all time favorite fight talking about my videos.

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