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Everything posted by Thrillo

  1. What SP is that? And btw... *cough*legendary super saiyan god*cough*
  2. Okay stage. Not bad. Out of the 3 screens, it looks like that 2nd one is about to turn into a 'Crying Game' moment.
  3. Hey Im sorry Notagood, I mustve had another version then. Thanks for the share. Are you going to make anymore like this? Maybe a capcom version? Or a multi mix?
  4. All by KillingSpree Reluctant Heroes: Bleach - Stand up Be Strong: Shingeki no Kyojin: Sephiroth:
  5. Ok first of all, WTF? And second: http://www.mediafire.com/download/c8cc5iairpgyxic/Chris_GB.zip easier link
  6. I've seen the stage before, it's not animated. But Brock or Ryon might know where to pick it up.
  7. https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=74CA426E8BB21AAF&id=74CA426E8BB21AAF!111#cid=74CA426E8BB21AAF&id=74CA426E8BB21AAF%21375 All I can think to say is: "Meanwhile, in [pick a place]..." For those of you who dont how how epic Gaia is...: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkw5VkjwGhI
  8. Bleach Remix: Encirclement Battle by Killing Spree
  9. Thrillo

    Nick Fury

    Hey Ryon, just in case your thinking of anymore voicepacks...[cough]
  10. Thrillo

    Nick Fury

    Just give him black hair, dark skin, white and gray suit and the white hair sides and he's the first few appearances of Nick Fury in Ultimates. BTW you know this is the best Nick Fury for MUGEN right?
  11. Naruto remix: Inuyasha remixes (Fukai Mori - FLy into Infinity) Inuyasha remixes by Thrillbeatzzz N.O.S.B
  12. Patiently waiting Rock Rage. Take your time, your good at it. And your personal conversions with spectators not on here, can u link me? The only one I see with animated chars in it is Canterlot High, but theyre in human form tho.
  13. Ohh, my bad. B/c I actually dig these stages, just want like some pony spectators in the back cheering the fight
  14. Boondocks & Pulp Fiction - Sam Jackson voicepack for the win
  15. If you dont do vader or chewbacca or jabba, imma cry.
  16. Maybe this is a stupid ass question, but uh, for origins sake, as damn good as this rainbow dash is, you guys ever going to create one of the classic 80s-90s MLP's just for call-back?
  17. Wooow, this looks like Cheydinhal from Elder Scrolls: Oblivion.
  18. Amazing character, great choice! We need more monsters and aliens, too many ryu-kyo-akumas. But all I can think of when I see him is Lord Xenu from South Park. Hwa mwa mwa mwa.
  19. Do any of these have actual ponies in the background?
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