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  1. Upvote
    yuephengthao reacted to IDGCaptainRussia in Potentially removing Mugen Archive from our site blacklist?   
    You know... If you made an account just now for trying to Gaslight MFFA and White Knight for MA, you failed really horribly.
    I do agree that, in normal cases I would just write this whole (Archive deal) off as a "Fuck you" and walk away because this really is a bunch of BS. But Dizzy has far too much power and far too much hunger for it, and he's feeding off innocent people to get it.
    I think many people will agree that cannot slide. Dizzy gained superiority through dishonest means and continues to do so, and honestly he's the only one who cares about being superior. The rest of us just want to see this BS come to an end.
    You wanna tell me about Crime? How about how the Archive issued a DDOS attack against MFFA? MA threw the first punches and we've been merely defending back, who else would DDOS other mugen sites?
    Though I am going to tell you oh so shiny White Knight of the archive, that if they do take serious action. They're in for ALOT worse than they know from entities that involve.
    Do you think SNK or Capcom would feel comfortable knowing their work is involved in this BS? I know I wouldn't.
    Just accept that MA is being run by a tyrant, and their choices are the whole
    You know why we're not going to delete this message or lock you out? It's because we're NOT a hugbox, we can take drama, and I think we all agree that the Archive itself isn't what's evil, just their leading admin who pulls all the strings.
  2. Upvote
    yuephengthao reacted to Milbury in Potentially removing Mugen Archive from our site blacklist?   
    @Darkflare I'm afraid I owe you an apology. I tried to be fair and evenhanded when I was here last, but as it turns out you were completely right about Mugen Archive... or rather about Dizzy, since for all intents and purposes Dizzy is the Mugen Archive (if there are other mods, they just let him do whatever he wants).
    I think I'm gonna take a break from Mugen for a little while, but before I did I felt like I need to let the MUGEN community know something. Right now, there's a "debate" going on at MA (in this thread) over forcing new users to submit their phone numbers for verification. Everyone, here and everywhere should know that this is almost certainly a data mining scheme of Dizzy's to harvest user information to sell. I called him out on the possibility of this (I wasn't sure yet) in this post which was instantly nuked by Dizzy. I'd taken a screencap of it in advance because I thought he might pull something like that, and lo and behold. I tried to give Dizzy the benefit of the doubt there (for what little benefit of the doubt he deserves at this point), but the speed at which that post was nuked erased any doubt in my mind to Dizzy's intentions. When he implements phone verification (and it's a when, not an if; Dizzy only pretends to listen to the MA community to keep up appearances), I'd be very careful about any data I submitted to his site if I was a new user. He wouldn't be so aggressive about this scheme of his if there wasn't something in it for him.
    To you old timers who tried to warn me about MA the last time I was here, I apologize for my skepticism. I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt but Dizzy aka BladeArt has proven himself to be a bad faith actor. He hides behind a cute anime girl name and avatar so people feel uncomfortable about criticizing his incompetent modding, and if they criticize him anyway, he bans them. He gives nothing to the MUGEN community, he only takes, and on top of that he's driven off several content creators with his sociopathic behavior. He's a disease infecting the MUGEN community, and my only regret is I didn't see that sooner.
  3. Upvote
    yuephengthao reacted to RicePigeon in Reminder regarding blacklisted websites [UPDATED 10/30/23]   
    Reminder regarding blacklisted websites
    While Mugen Free For All strives to provide a warehouse directory for all M.U.G.E.N content made throughout the engine's existence, various creators across the world may choose to adopt different methods of hosting. While many of these sites are safe, some are not. Over the past few months, we've noticed a growing number of such sites, which we have had to remove. Either due to ethical/moral concerns over monetizing free content, or due to security exploits, we have had to blacklist these websites. We ask that you do not link to any of these blacklisted websites, as these links will be deleted on sight and the person responsible will be infracted, with repeat violations warranting further disciplinary action if necessary. If you notice any of these links, we ask you to please use the report to staff function so that we may address them accordingly.
    The following websites/urls have been blacklisted due to known security vulnerabilities and/or unethical practices:
    2shared Adb.ug Adf.ly Cashfly Ceestyy.com Coinurl Destyy.com Easyurl.net Festyy.com Gestyy.com Link4ad.com Linkbucks Mugenarchive Sh.st Shortenurl.tk Shorte.st Urlcash as well as any website listed here  
    The following websites/urls, while not blacklisted, are discouraged due to requiring user registration:
  4. Upvote
    yuephengthao reacted to PlasmoidThunder in Potentially removing Mugen Archive from our site blacklist?   
    The original members of staff all have a Guilty Gear theme going on.
    It's the same song and dance each time a new topic arises in this thread, though at least this time Captain Moron here revealed himself as dat-reddit-dud, which reminds me: who's the real toxic piece of shit here?

    Because I'm thinking it's you @sero
    I contributed positively to the MUGEN subreddit, yet you decided to pull this. For someone who likes to echo Dizzy words (hmm hmm) about providing evidence if you're going to accuse someone of something, you sure like to think it's OK to insult the ever-loving fuck out of me and accuse me of things I never did without proving I did them.
  5. Upvote
    yuephengthao reacted to IDGCaptainRussia in Potentially removing Mugen Archive from our site blacklist?   
    I would have to agree, at this point this isn't about blacklisting the site from sharing content. I think we can all agree that there's only 1 person pulling all the strings and using the archive's hosted content exclusivity as a means to enthrall users to serve Dizzy.
    We went from ad.fly, something legit creators across the internet use as a donation option (note: option, most still provide alternative direct link for those who don't want to use ad.fly) to what I can only describe now as a scandal.
    This is really starting to get bad, I told a friend about this and they described it as "Facebook scandal" levels of bad.
    I think the only way this is going to stop is to take Dizzy's power aware, and I can only see that happening through 2 means:
    1: Legal action against him by the masses and a binding judgement to keep him in check.
    2: Educate the masses, a popular youtuber or other media outlet to warns users en-mass about what the archive "really" is.
    Agreed, the archive is a novel idea, just in the wrong hands of the wrong people with the wrong amount of power.
    Not just the avatar, he's quite literally using the same name as well as that character. I am unsure if this is meant to intentional because of MUGEN, or he just really, really likes said character... Who knows, but that's not important right now.
    EDIT: I'm not trying to sound like I'm "correcting" you Darkflare, just adding onto what you said.
  6. Upvote
    yuephengthao reacted to Darkflare in Potentially removing Mugen Archive from our site blacklist?   
    You got banned from MA, didn't you?
    Yea, I figured that one by looking at Diz's actions over the past....2-3 years or so. And while I can't prove it, I'm absolutely sure the DDOS that happened in April was MA's doing(Whether it was Dizzy or one of his MA zealots)
    My opinion hasn't changed, in fact his recent actions has further reinforced my thoughts. Archive is a good idea in theory, but it's run by the worst kind of people.
    It's from a video game. One of the best fighting game series even.
  7. Upvote
    yuephengthao reacted to RicePigeon in Potentially removing Mugen Archive from our site blacklist?   
    Alright, I'm sure many of you are familiar with Archive in recent years and this is something that I have brought up in private with the rest of the staff, but I would like some public feedback regarding a possible change in our policy regarding MFFA links. This thread isn't meant to guarantee a certain outcome, but we feel some public feedback may help influence our final decision.
    For those of you who are unaware, back in June of 2016, we made the decision to blacklist any and all download links from Mugen Archive in light of their decision to use Adfly as their primary source of revenue. You can read about our reasoning for this decision here.
    In recent months, however, it would seem that Mugen Archive has turned to another source of ad revenue and have discontinued their use of Adfly/Shortest, thus, no longer posing the security threat that we originally blacklisted them for. Because the sole basis of our decision no longer applies, I feel that it's appropriate to finally lift this ban that has been in effect for the past two years.
    Others that I have spoken to did have some concerns that could potentially be used against this decision. Notably, the biggest concern deals with Archive's "Community Weekend" events, which temporarily throttle and/or disable downloads for non-registered users, making them unreliable hosting. While this is true, the same could easily be said of other sites like sendspace, which are not currently blacklisted. Unlike sites such as 4shared, which require registration, the same does not apply to Archive, despite the aforementioned limitations. While this may not affect release threads too much, this could be a concern for those hoping to use archive links in collection threads.
    I just want to reiterate that the conduct of certain MA members, unless they are actively compromising the security of MFFA or its members, shouldn't play a factor in this decision; this deals primarily with the linking to hosted downloads, if a member of MA is caught breaking the rules of MFFA's forums or discord chat, they will be handled with as we would any other user, independently of any other Mugen community they may be associated with.
    That being said, I would like to know what everyone's thoughts on this idea are.
  8. Upvote
    yuephengthao reacted to Darkflare in Potentially removing Mugen Archive from our site blacklist?   
    Absolutely the fuck not. Not unless Archive gets new management to run their ship. Archives higher-ups do nothing but spew venom at everyone that remotely even disagrees with them even going as far as banning anyone that does so. I'm pretty sure they were the ones that told their members to constantly harass the other discords.
    As long as individuals like Dizzy and Sol mantain a high rank position, Archive is better off remaining blacklisted as a principle.
  9. Upvote
    yuephengthao reacted to RicePigeon in Potentially removing Mugen Archive from our site blacklist?   
    Someone brought up the phone verification thing in another discord a few days ago, so I'll sum up what I said then.
    Dizzy's claim that their discord server is lively is, frankly, bullshit. Unless the MA staff is actively deleting 90%+ messages on a daily basis, the activity that I've witnessed there is very minimal, if not 0, with only a few messages every other day or so. While I can't speak about implementing phone verification on their forums & site as a whole since this is news to me, I can speak from experience that phone verification, at least on Discord, does almost nothing to stop spam attacks. In the aftermath of the DDoS we received in early April, we elevated the security to require phone verification and, while this stopped spam accounts from posting messages in our discord, it did nothing to stop them from saying what they wanted to say by making their user name the message, many of which were targeting the same individual. In the meantime, several legitimate accounts were negatively affected by this and unable to access our discord server either because they were unable or unwilling to disclose a cell phone number for verification purposes, some going far as citing privacy concerns (and rightfully so); this led to us creating a workaround by granting known users a dummy "approved" role so they wouldn't be affected by this change, which we eventually rescinded because of the undue burden it was putting on legitimate users while doing nothing to stop the influx of spam accounts, and I have no doubt in my mind that something similar could happen to MA if they do decide to go through with this.
    Of course, if Dizzy is adamant on implementing this feature, he is either unable or (most likely) unwilling to take these negative repercussions into account.
    EDIT; Seeing as this thread seems to be going in the direction of a general MA discussion thread, I'll be allowing the posting of MA links here for the purposes of providing context.
  10. Upvote
    yuephengthao reacted to Artoria Alter in mugenarchive needs help   
    Host it on a bunch of dropboxes or megas. Makes most sense really.
  11. Upvote
    yuephengthao reacted to PlasmoidThunder in mugenarchive needs help   
    Being unable to download from that website is just as good as a dead link.
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