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Everything posted by FuryJackDX

  1. Takkong was released by Zektard https://ux.getuploader.com/zektard/download/13
  2. Can you added all the new characters and update the links that ryou left
  3. Beliarok is also released by Kirbey
  4. ultraman gaia SV has update by natsumitohka Password: uona https://pan.baidu.com/s/11ofyPsYXANfwERJ0uq9Byw
  5. ultraman taiga has released by natsumitohka https://qxmugen.com/character/15803 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Tp4y147KX
  6. Storage Sevenger was released by Kirbey
  7. Ultraman max Was released by DOCkid
  8. Ultraman Max_M https://pan.baidu.com/s/1h4cjCp4AxC0xeX8IFY_u2A Pass: Max2 https://qxmugen.com/character/15798
  9. Mitsuru had released by OHMSBY https://drive.google.com/file/d/1R7iKLf_nJDVcHoptqCzhCN6zfnTAmVJ1/view
  10. Alien zarab was released by Kirbey
  11. Majaba And Zebokon aka Gazebo has released by Kirbey
  12. UltraSeven UGA was released by MisterStrong https://www.mediafire.com/file/oeun3ri4d0a5c2f/UltraSeven.zip/file
  13. Heisei Alien Temperor has released by Kirbey
  14. Barrack ship, and Erimaki-telesdon has released by Kirbey
  15. Ultraman Ken and Remodeled verokron was released by Kirbey
  16. Fepulus was the name of darklops Zero I will update the name on the post
  17. Ultraman Ace - https://www.mediafire.com/file/3i6xfaqaj11c8jz/A.zip/file Ultraman The Next - https://www.mediafire.com/file/geg85001nceac4f/next.zip/file Ultraman Hikari Armor Form - https://www.mediafire.com/file/skfolcsbvwots7a/armour_hikari.zip/file Ultraman Titas - https://www.mediafire.com/file/1ibwekymf38xk4h/Ultraman_Titas.zip/file Darklops Zero - https://www.mediafire.com/file/0t3t5xo04ibh7z1/ultraman__zero.zip/file Ultraman Zero Ultimate Form - https://www.mediafire.com/file/pq0xjbnbsp6ah7p/ultraman_zero_MEGA.zip/file Ultraman Zero S - https://www.mediafire.com/file/cn84n6n9yutx0u3/ultraman_zero_S.zip/file Ultraman Zero Shining Form - https://www.mediafire.com/file/98d23t6ucu3blhs/Shining_Zero.zip/file New Zoffy - https://www.mediafire.com/file/4deti2jofi16uy0/Zoffy_UA_new.zip/file
  18. here is 9 new characters that has released from that screen pack that shinryuoh sent Ultraman Ace and Ultraman the Next made by namasu Ultraman Hikari Armor Form By 注意力要集中 Ultraman Titas by wsamhr Darklops Zero by Hanser Ultraman Zero Ultimate Form by Hanser Ultraman Zero S By Unknown Author Ultraman Zero Shining Form By Hanser New Zoffy By UltraAction
  19. Remodel Yapool has released by kirbey
  20. Pikachu And Jigglypuff has released by This Boy https://thisboymugen.blogspot.com/2021/02/pikachu-release.html?m=1 https://thisboymugen.blogspot.com/2021/02/jigglypuff-release.html?m=1
  21. Gardivoir has released by Vo-jk https://wwx.lanzoui.com/b0bqrhy9a Password: 3w53
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