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Posts posted by berserkx33

  1. Calm down, It was just a joke.


    I thought the thousands of MADMEN(Planet of the Apes Anyone?) all over the text would clue people in.


    It's just a reference to the fame of the guild being unpleasable and having flame wars frequently.


    Hell, I frequent the guild, I know they are not like it, there is just the vocal minority who like to nitpick and fight. But there is the fun of joking, is the absurdity of the joke itself.


    Dude, you need to chill out a little.


    But, thinking to myself, I believe I should've quoted the american release instead of poorly translating the brazilian, this way the joke would've sounded better.

  2. Some may be confused by the voice clips.


    Zangado is a brazilian V-Logger that have become famous for creating gaming series retrospectivies. He is known for talking like "that BBQ uncle", and as such have some degree of quotable lines. Also he is famous for not showing his face most of the time, covering it with a mask.


    He's actually one of the few brazilian V-Loggers that don't have a fervent oposition from other fanbases.


    This is a fan requested character made in his homage.

  3. I like how he updated my old half-assed Breakers Revenge MUGEN Bai-Hu.  Yet his version and my version still make "source-game-accuracy-happy" MUGEN dudes unhappy.   *sigh*


    Those guys are madmen Borewood, madmen.


    Let me guess, some of the guys who complain about Descolor's Bai-Hu come from the Guild? Those guys are madmen!




    Really, every time I see someone complaining of a char for petty reasons, it's generally on the guild.

  4. Hello, DeMoNk@lL


    This explanation was just an example.

    I've lurked around the IMT forums at the time and know that they've used the horrible and counter productive method of image by image conversion (if i'm not mistaken, they've used one of the PSCS custom user made filters for that). The complete automation thing is just to prove that there's nothing noble about it. It can be automated, any one with a simple batch script can automate almost any process. I know it because I've created some tools for personal use with mugen. If it have a comand prompt parameter input, it's even easier. The only thing IMT proves by doing it the ineficient way is that they don't care that it could be made better.


    But it still is no big effort. Just because it took time, it doesn't mean it had effort.


    Color separation is a process that takes around the same time to do and need 4 times the effort. It require constant attention to the details, constantly comparing images to certify that the color separation is consistent with the rest of the set, defining the parts that belong to a diferent color region when working with new details and stamps (Infinite Krauser have Bodysuit sleeves in some of his palletes, even though in the original sprites it was just the arms), etc.


    Also, I really don't like HD filtering for a simple reason, no matter how smart your filter is, it will never work universally. Sprites are made with their size in mind, so the artist distribute the details acordingly, when you filter it to HD, it just do the same details but with a bigger space. And that make the work look uglier. Because everything get this paper/cartoon look.


    Here, have an example, courtesy of ImageMagick: http://www.imagemagick.org/Usage/resize/




    Look at it, here we have Mai's 94RB sprite, that was redrawn to better fit the higher resolution, then the original 94 sprite, and 2 simple filter sprites. Can you see that the filtered ones look like uther shit compared to new one, specially because the new one takes advantage of the bigger size and put more refined details.


    I hope that now you can see why I'm so averse to sprite filtering.


    Edit: Also, just to point it out, this sample program can be automated using a simple VB.NET script. Just to show you how simple it really is.

    Post-Edit: Sorry if my tone very agressive in this one, IMT is turning into my Berserk Button (pun intended) nowadays.

  5. Well, Brock, there is the problem, pointing out that "Their filtered chars look better" is still defending them. Filtering is not something that need any kind of effort, specially because it can be completely automated to do it with little to no input necessary. You just need to:


    1- Extract the SFF

    2- Run the SFF images on an automatic filtering program (I know it can be easily automated to the point of you just needing to point a folder to convert everything)

    3- Recompress the SFF

    4- Use a simple text editor algorithm to replace the coordinates on the air file automaticaly. (It's specially obvious they've completely automated this part because there are obvious discrepancies on the blue hitboxes and the red ones, meaning they are so incompetent to proof read the algorithm, or that they've just copied it from someone else and dont know how it works)

    5- Slap your name in the def and call it "Your Contribution"

    6- Profit?


    Following those simple steps, you can filter to HD/HR anything. And no, just because their filter is better it doesn't mean it's justifiable, or even that it works.


    Look, I'm only going to explain it because I believe you don't know how filtering work. Even if you know, it may help to sate the curiosity of others.


    Filters are simple output algorithms that calculate the pixel/color ratio to be placed on the empty space in between the original pixels when the image is resized.


    Here is an example:





    As you can see in the above image, I'm using 3 example of filters.

    1st is the Normal color fill filter, where it just fill the space with gradients between their pixels

    2nd is the SuperEagle, a smarter algorithm where the colors are actually compared to the rest of the picture to discover where to insert the correct colors. Note that it doesn't add colors to the image, something that grants a better output quallity.

    3rd is the hq4x, a dumb filter that just calculates what is around the pixel radio and try to come with something in between the colors.


    Now a more specific example:




    Here are the points over the crystal fall, can you see that in the same order as the other image, the filters treated the point bar in diferent ways:

    1st is completely blured.

    2nd is using smart fill to find out that all the zeroes must compose rounded objects.

    3rd thinks the zeroes over the crystal fall are actually part of the fall and aren't rounded.


    So, it was not the fault of the guy who converted Sevil Nathe that it was worse, it's just that his filters wheren't smart enough. It had nothing to do with effort.


    And this is the problem. They shouldn't need defending because they really haven't done anything. Yeah, their algorithm is better, but this algorithm was not made by then, they've just used it from someone else, and it's specially obvious because they don't even got through the trouble of tweeking it work well with big pixel faces, or used the correct one for that, they've just slaped the same filter on every single sprite and called it a day, even when everyone who worked with graphic design know that it's the worst thing you can do for any project, since different image groups require diferent treatments.


    And also, they REALLY have a YES MEN problem, yesterday I was revisiting the (in)famous School Girl Lilith topic at the guild (http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/schoolgirl-lilith-tehbazzard-and-shindan-70-version-84799.0.html), and there where reports of people from IMT defending that guy. Ya'know? The guy who admited into his inbox on the Infantry that he stole the char stonefaced and tried to take the whole credits from the original creator.


    There are certain kinds of sittuation where you shouldn't defend people, even if you like their work, or something they've done. It's because of this barrier of white knights that IMT, MMV, Chucho and Co. never improve, because there's always someone to yell:


    - "But he did the char first so we could be able to enjoy it"

    - "No one else would've made it, so we must be grateful for getting it, even at this state"

    - "But it looks better than this"

    - "Be thankful, they are doing it for free"


    There's a reason criticism exist, and it's to be the base for improvement, but as long as people keep trying to dismiss criticism because "at least they tried" they will be unable to understand it. By defending them you are just ensuring that they will stay as bad as ever and like it.

  6. There's an entire football field in between giving feedback and it achieving any effect with said feedback.


    If you read the topics related to him completely, even when the topics are news on other forums, like this one, you can see that people are being "Yes Men".


    Hell, when was that Yu-gi-oh HD topic released?  WTF, less than a month!


    This topic is a prime example of why no criticism ever reach Chucho:


    Also, for IMT, you can visit the show of horrors that was theirs "HD Conversions" marathon. The least effort possible and there where still people defending it, even when it was obvious that most if not all of the involved had not even lifted a straw to make an effort on doing something good.


    Have fun.

  7. I've never had problems the people of IM by themselves, they really are nice.


    But they still are unable to understand that mugen is not a race. I believe Kong is not an active member of the forums anymore, but he was exactly like Chucho, but while Chucho is the guy of the Edited Sprites, Kong if from the Unpopular Sprites.


    Infinity Mugen even used to have an entire section on TVTropes dedicated to explaining why Infinity Mugen was the blackhole of quality, atleast 80% of the examples had atleast one example from Kong's chars.


    Maybe MMV need to stop being taken seriously to start understanding that.

  8. Latelly the guys at Mugen Multiverse have been showing to be an Infinity Mugen 2.0.


    Lately almost anything I've downloaded from there is almost on Infinity Mugen levels of awful. I've simply stoped visiting Infinity Mugen because of it, maybe MMV should get on my blacklist too.


    And don't even get me started on their forums. They have such a "Yes Man" attitude that it makes having constructive criticism impossible. Everyone praise Chucho for any new char, defending him for "being the first to convert this char". I've tryied to explain that Mugen isn't a f*ing race, ya'know, and if its just to get them first you shouldn't be doing it in the first place, but for every time I pointed that out, 20 more responded with: "Stop whining, he is doing us a favor by converting characters that we wouldn't have otherwise."


    Good, now we have 30 characters completely unusable, and some completely stealing the spotlight of the good ones made by other creators.


    You don't know it was hard to find out that there was actually other versions of Kazuya and Jin that where not made by Chucho, because he releases so much characters, and clog so much topics (seriously, his Kazuya have atleast a google page if you simply search Kazuya Mugen) that it actually prevent people from getting to know of the good ones, and they just get stuck there, waiting for Chucho to finally finish something.


    It's really awful, I'm starting to get really angry at Chucho at this point.

  9. Wow, one of the more unique GF characters is now on mugen. I was waiting ages for him to be converted, but people never liked playing as him, but as for I who love those aerial assault kind of characters for one love him. Also, he have a kind'a cool story that I belive should be developed further, but since GF never had a sequel, it's just sad. For anyone interested, spoiler, he haven't lost his memory or got lost, he decided to hide because he is a god just like Felden and don't want to get into godly matters.

  10. Nah, Borewood, I actualy like your chars a lot. It's your effort that make then cool. I used you as an example because you atleast had a minimum effort to be put on a character before official release. I know it's hard to make sprite sheets, I've worked on Indie developed games as a graphic designer\spriter. But it is no excuse for the state of his chars.


    And that effort is what make you miles better then people like IMT. I don't even think Chucho is IMT levels bad, it's just that his behavior is very obnoxious.


    If he atleast finished the sprites, I believe people would be way more relient with him. And would see his chars as atleast a good base.


    About Speedy9199, I really only like his master storm, and it's because he is atleast human playable. His other chars I really don't like that much because the way he mount their movesets is very strange, and they get very counter intuitive at times (I really don't know how his Hakumen is supposed to be played heheeh).


    But don't fret, your empathy for them is a very nice thing. I really believe that they must be really nice guys, it's just their quality that is lacking.

  11. I dont see why anyone complains about any of this stuff. It is all open source free stuff. If someone makes something and that is as far as they are/can take it so be it. If you have the skill to take it further then where it is do so and stop complaining about it.

    Squatch812, the problem is not the chars cant be improved, the problem is that he think it's someone else's job to finish them. He is a competent spriter (competent, not good) and as such should team up his sprites with better programmers, specially because his chars a full of choppy animations and lack lot's of sprites, that's because he have no focus on quality.


    Imagine if he had to work with a competent programmer, like Borewood (A.K.A. Werewood). Borewood would never allow a char to be released that way. He would ask Chuchouryu to finish the whole sets of needed sprites, fix the ones that are choppy and would ask for a definitive moveset before releasing.


    But nowadays we have 30 unfinished characters, each with around 600 finished sprites, and mostly with a absurd amounts of specials that don't fit very well togheter and with choppy animations. If he would be paired with someone who want to have a good, finished character, this number would be closer to 5, and they would be good characters all and all.


    He is just wasting precious time doing nothing with his creations, while we have guys like Sean Alty who have made an entire game with original sprites and characters of very good quality. He took 5 years to do it, but it was worth the trouble.


    Chucho spent 4 years doing those things and never finished one. And if he doesn't atleast fix the sprites, no one will be interested in picking his characters as a base. So, a loss all around. It's not like Kong's problem, that he is a very bad coder, but know how to rip sprites very well. I see a lot of good chars based on Kong's chars because they have full spritesets. Chucho's chars don't even have that luxury.

  12. I dunno, Chucho for me seem a lot like IMT.


    IMT was asked countless times to improve, people got really angry with their releases, their works where always the worse in the mugen community (Like Kong's Omega Red, a char that could defeat Chuck Norris with Missiles, that may I remind you, had no hitboxes and 6 instakill attacks).


    Then, people stoped caring for them, and guess what happaned?


    No improvement at all.Hell, last year they released Avangers VS X-men, and it was as low quality as the rest of their work, specially because they seem to think there are only 2 kinds of super: Lasers and Autocombos. Hell, every single "original" attack they create is eather a Laser or an Autocombo, it was ridiculous.


    Hell, they refuse so much to improve, that if you know the char C Evil Ryu, you can have a whole readme telling the main reasons they are bad, specially their templates.


    I believe Chuchoryu is just like IMT, specially because he fills his characters with so much infinites that it can't be possible that he is the one who put them there. It must be something very wrong with his template, specially because he for some reason tries to implement a combo system on his chars even though he just make so that any attack combo onto another. I still have nightmares of whit his Kazuya.

  13. I don't even know how the people at the Guild have not ripped his skin. They go witchhunting for the least of reasons, like pallet coloring, and for some reason, the guys at the guild let him go with those least effort attempts at a character.


    The guys of the Guild are just crazy, I stoped using their forums because anything was a reason for a flame war, and now, there's Chuchoryu, someone incapable of finishing anything he starts and releasing the most bugged attrocities this side of Mugen Community Frontier (The other side is Infinity Mugen Team/Kong levels awful) and they let the guy go free.


    I'm starting to think that the Guild itself is a troll community.

  14. Sorry for not thanking you properly. It's still a news post after.


    Just remember it next time. You're lucky it was me and not Laharl who pointed that out, she have a way shorter temper to this kind of thing. Zombie Brock on the other hand would be a little nicer.


    Here have a sunglass U-U¬, so you can ask people to "deal with it"! hahaahahaha. Goodbye and have a nice day. Good to see new "news fishers" around. It helps tighten the nets.

  15. I don't want to have a NicoNico Douga account, I don't speak japanese, and I'm not that big on anime or gameplay videos, so there's nothing interesting in NND for me to be interested into making an account. I'm not obligated to make accounts on sites I don't use.


    It would be the same thing as posting a link to a topic on a forum's members only section. The way you say it you should be obligated to make an account on every single site you come by because I wouldn't bother to take a single picture.


    Also, it's the forum's modus operandi to take a picture yourself for the post. I'm not being an asshole for asking just a picture, everyone follow this rule because it make everyone lives better.

  16. Guys, i'm searching around the net, but i can't find about a way to force the stage to play zoomed out. The configs i find are only useful for the zooming out related to the characters positions.


    I'm trying to edit Omegapsycho boss stages to make then correctly playable again, since Omegapsycho said he will probably wait the official release to update them.

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