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Posts posted by berserkx33

  1. I've been remembering some chars I have, and stumbled upon the MX series made by Fido, who was a member o MugenChina and hosted his chars there.


    A lot of the members of MugenChina didn't have their own sites, and when the forum was taken down, most of their chars became warehouse only.


    I became a little curious but was not able to find too much about the subject. What happened to all the projects in motion on MugenChina after their death?


    King of Fighters Zillion is one of the projects that spark to mind when I remember MugenChina.

  2. May he did this, but i really hope that Chu made a most complete edit of her. With some diferent sprites or something.


    It's a little sad, but if it's well made, you can be assured it had nothing to do with Chucho's involvement.


    When he get good sprites from someone else, it's his horrible code that breaks it, when he get good code from someone else, it's his lazy attempts at spriting that breaks the deal.


    All around, Chucho should just focus on doing one thing at a time. He halfasses anything that he does just to be able to churn them out on a weekly basis. To me he should just focus on doing sprites and partnering with a more competent coder. Also, having a more competent coder would mean that he would need to finish something before releasing, because I pretty much doubt anyone with a little ounce of tallent would want to be associated with the kind of cr*p that Chuchoryu's low quality standard allows.


    Hell, look at Leonardo, a brazillian creator that have just released a bunch of chars based on old arcade games sprites, he uses mostly KFM code as a base, but it's still way better than what Chucho releases daily. My big problem with Chucho is that he simply doesn't care for what he's making, he just want to be the first, period. I've posted here some depoiments from MMV proving that.

  3. Flappy bird was a terrible game but it was easy to jump into so hundreds of thousands of people who really aren't into any sort of games jumped in and it became a bandwagon. It's a game that shows why the mobile game market cant be taken seriously. However, I predict this to be a great novelty character.


    Also, Chips and skittles doesnt sound at all like a nice mix



    Why does FB proves the mobile market can't be taken seriously? We have MMV remember? They release some of the worst characters on the whole community, have no notion of the meaning of quality, defend the worst with the worst arguments and their releases are actually very popular because they do the "unsung" characters, and as such, racing to be the first to release some characters makes them the only versions of those characters for month/years, meaning that people will download their version a lot, feeding their "vanguard" ego. Do they make the whole Mugen community not be taken seriously? Obviously not, they are just a example of abuse of a system, like in every other market/community. Search for Kickstarter Nonstarters on youtube to know what I mean by abuse.


    And to be honest, I've entered indie development for some time, and Flappy Bird is not only a very competent and well made game, it holds a book worth of game design lessons that are actually worth learning and are considered basic to game development and design. It's not because it's simple or not your style that it's shit, and you need to learn to not hate things because it's "cool to hate". You are a part of a bandwagon just like the people who downloaded the game on mass.


    So please, hate is as much of a trend as the trend itself, growing above it is the edgy thing to do.


    Sidenote: So sad skittle are not very common in my province. I've eaten them just once.

  4. Sorry for the double post, it's just that it was way too much outside of the subject to warrant an edit and I wrote the other one later.

    If you will I will edit it.

    But atleast take my advice and speak with WW on a more direct medium, a forum is not very good for this kind of conversation, a more personal medium will make the conversation flow better. I've had this kind of problem with people being passive agressive on a percieved problem and bugging everyone because of it. I was only able settle this by comunicating via PM on a civil maner.

    I'm not asking you to simply let WW go unchallenged, I'm just saying that stressing out because of it is no worth it. Since you know WW for a longer time than me, you are probably the best suited for the job, being a mod and all.

    Good luck with it and until next time.

  5. @werewood JUST STOP what part of stop don't you get this has happened way to often and needs to stop. You have caused a disturbance quite a few times now and I am always there to tell you to STOP then you do it again. STOP don't act like the mugen community is out to get you, don't act like a white knight for no reason its done quit it.


    Maybe you just disable my access to the News forum............this way I can no longer see posts that trigger my "rantiful root" :redcard:


    WW and Laharl, could you two play a little nicer with each other?


    I know you Laharl have a short temper for when things are wrong, and you Werewood speaks with too much hyperbole, but could you atleast play nicer with each other? This is not the place to start a fight please.


    WW, please promise Laharl that you will try not to exagerate things, and Laharl, promise WW you will take a little lighter on the guy.


    Laharl, I know he is a repeated offender (Being a forum admin myself I've been in this kind of sittuation), but getting angry will accomplish nothing but cementing his wrong idea of the comunity.


    And you Werewood, remember that Laharl is not your enemy, he is not here to antagonise you, and as such, you need to respect his words as much as everyone else, all he wants is a better community for everyone. He may sound against you sometimes but it's just his way of saying things.


    Remember what I said, words mean things, the internet is not the place to let nuance dictate the tone when we lack all the other tools that allows us to interpret the intentions of others. Control your thongs both of you.


    Man, I felt like my mother right now.

  6. The point of the first one flew by your skull so I'll address this one.


    Mass implemented only 5 specials from Miku's source game because he knows that MUGEN characters are abnormal with a ton of specials  I don't recall any custom modes so what the hell are you talking about.


    Boggy isn't based off of Dankuga, It's his Global Champion version.


    Jackie Chan is pretty much source accurate, so is Hiryu. Also the games they're from aren't terrible.


    In fact aside from custom supers they're as accurate as they come.



    Doens't having custom supers actually caracterise it as not source accurate? Accurate and custom are exclusives if I'm not mistaken. Also, most of them are not even accurate to their systems.


    About Jackie Chan and Hiryu: I was only citing the ones I've got from the top of my head, not doing a complete list.


    About Boggy: I refered to Dankuga as the series, I was not refereing to a single entry, I know the difference because Bobby's Drill Spin only goes off the ground in his EX Version in Kaise Knuckle/Global Champions version, while it goes off the ground in his strong version in Dan Ku Ga.


    About Miku, I've mistaken his Miku with Cerenas's Miku, His Miku still plays nothing like Tao Taido. It was not because of the moves, it was because of the gameplay.


    Also, for anyone looking for some custom fun, I forgot to add 3ha and Cerenas, both are great examples of going custom the extra mile.

  7. Where did you get this idea from




    With the exceptions of his closed series, everything Kamekaze does is custom, His Kaze Groove series, his 3-in-1 series, his Original Series, his Nega Series, etc.


    Also, most of his closed games have custom moveproperties, effects and variations, like his Project Justice, Sailor Moon and Yuyu Hakusho series. Hell not even the systems are emulated their games of origin, with Yuyu Hakushos DMs not consuming stamina.




    Have you ever played the source games of Mass chars or are you simply guessing? Like, 70% off his chars are based on games that are completely rubbish on the gameplay department, completely broken and most of the time with unreliable controls, and Mass not only makes them completely playeable, he makes them enjoyable. He does custom versions, but only of really bad source material.


    If you only take into consideration his Daraku Tenshi, Rabbit, Groove on Fight, Dankuga and Golden Axe The Duel conversions, you may have it right, but most of the rest are corrected/improved over the source material.


    Like his Miku, it not only plays nothing like Tao Taido, it actually have multiple custom modes, with various gameplay styles for you to choose.


    Believe me, I've not only played them, I've wroten FAQs for some of them, because they where so obscure and rubbish that no one wanted to have this much effort.


    I've played their source material (from bot Kamekaze and Mass) ostensively and can safely say that they are in no way "accurate", they are "custom improved".

  8. No bad feelings, it's sometimes you get too carried away on those defenses. You need to look into the way you say things. Even the harshest of criticisms can be friendly if made in the correct tone.


    It's something everyone should learn, that words mean things and the correct words can convey the message way better and reach more people's hearts.



    Everybody wants to be GM/Rajaa/9/Orbinaut (now Mr. I?)/匿名スマブラー/cafe/mouser/Devilpp/OMEGAPSYCHO/mass/Doggiedoo/Warusaki3/Kamekaze/Vans/OrochiKOF97


    WTF? Omega, Warusaki, Kamekaze, Rajaa and Mass are very notorious for doing custom chars, I will add Don Drago, Choujin, Kurai Naito (does anyone remember him other than me?) and Descolor to this list, as all of them make various changes that actually improve their characters with custom additions to work better with the Mugen crazy way of doing things.


    OmegaPsycho, Warusaki, Kamekaze, Rajaa, Mass, Don Drago, Choujin, Kurai Naito and Descolor are all my favorite custom makers.

  9. Bore, stop being so angry all the time. Almost every single post I see of you in the news section is a rant against accuracy. Those guys are not here anymore, they are gone. Even MFG is way more relient and punish those who start fights because of accuracy. But it's a 2 way street, be patient and hope for the best, because you can't want from other what you don't give yourself.


    Remember, be more patient, it wont hurt.


    Also, I said I'm not really into Ryo2005 stuff because he is not "custom enough". If it's too much like their KOF counterpart, I prefer the KOF version. When not aiming for accuracy, atleast throw a new spin to make it worth the time. Like the meat imp in your Kain, or the batshit insanity of your Omni.


    And as I said, it's not bad to have accuracy if it's what is proposed, if not, atleast do something to shake things up enough. I remember DG's Ryu, if you ever played DG's Ryu, you will know what I'm talking about.

  10. I do find Ryo2005 chars very competent, but I just don't see a lot of reasons to download his ROTD versions over the SNK ones because they play too much alike.


    ROTD was not just the groove, it had a lot of different systems that are not represented at all in his ROTD chars. I'm not saying they are bad, hell, they are very well made and hold water when compared to most SNK characters in general.


    I would give his chars a higher rating if they atleast did 2 things from the ROTD series: A real tag system, and corrected their suppers to work like ROTD.


    I get pretty sad that they don't have any support to Tag, even though there are numerous "ready to use" Tag add-ons for chars nowadays. The Tag Supers and Team Duplex are the big attraction on ROTD. And this being KOF conversions there's no reason to not have them for chars that are members of the same team.


    Also, his chars have multiples DMs, when the big point of ROTD is having a single super move that compliments the playstyle with 2 levels. They are made to be played with doubles for they to compliment each other.


    Since KOF lacked a Tag system for most of it's history, their design are more oriented at a full playstyle and their supers are used to cover their weaknesses, while the opposite is true for ROTD, they are thought to be 2 complimenting playstyles and one covers the weaknesses of the other. The way they are now they are just KOF characters with rush starters and different sparks.


    They are good KOF characters, but not the best. If he atleast made them ROTD all the way through, I would be more than happy to say they are great. To me nowadays they are a little more than Meh.


    Note: I use them in my mugen, but most of the time they are just placeholders for KOF characters who are too cheaps or crappy and need a realistic replacement.


    Sidenote: Stop complaining about people who like accuracy. There're times they are right, there're times they are wrong. In this case they are obviously wrong, because being KOF accurate was never the intention, but when you get the thousands upon thousand of "XI" versions of KOF chars (That by the way, where on XI like a certain Kyo and a certain kensou) that have nothing to with XI, you get to atleast admit that it's misleading. I can safely say that almost allways, when someone puts a version moniker on the chars, it is almost granted that it will play like anything but it.


    We have names for a reason, and it's to identify things. Like old man Yoda says: "A spark makes not KOF XI."

  11. It's fine if so. It's just that the asian community have a very different point of view on sharing of content. I've seen channels taken down on YT because they had content of NicoNicoDouga and some people started flame wars on the old times because of people that kept sharing un-moleboxed versions of King of Fighter Zillion. They don't like when you "alter" the content being shared.


    Not to fight anyone. JUST POINTING OUT, I wouldn't want a fight to start here for minor things.

  12. I firmly believe that Leo is actually a jab at Rock Howard's Bishounen'nes. Think of it, she have the exact same basic design, have a dramatic background related to her father and mother, but with their fates mixed compared to Rock's parents. They both have misterious tutors related to their "dead" parents and are working on stealing the files from the corporation their parents worked in.


    (Her father dispeared just while working as an Spelunker and aids her from behind the curtain and her mother was killed by Kazuya while working as a researcher for both Mishima Zaibatsu and G Corporation, while in Rock's case his father disapeared after Terry have thrown him out of a building during a fight and his mother "died" from an illness but was also revealed to have just dispeared by his uncle Kain.)


    They have too much parallels to be just a coincidence.

  13. Hello good people of the trade. I've found the undeniable truth about the aluring EX3 name.

    Cue the drums








    It stands for Street Fighter EX3 Style.

    After reading the readme and consulting gamefaqs, I was able to define that it's in fact a Street Fighter EX3 styled Rock Roward and have all the features of the Tag mechanic (Stand By means that the Tag is Ready)with the exception of the Meteor Tag.

    Not that well made, he is really stiff and most of his attack barely connect properly. Nice char if you like this kind of thing. Also, he have the EX series trademark Normal to Special Cancel to Super Cancel to Super Cancel to Super Cancel. Yes, he can cancel a super with itself.

  14. Fuck. Ultimecia is back. Now my poor impaired mind will start mistaking her and Laharl again because of their Disgaia avataaaaaars.




    Just kidding. Good to have you back Ulti.

    Now about the Rock Roward. I believe this Stand by is a summon/mode mechanic. I'll be downloading it to see if my theory holds water. But atleast he looks interesting.

  15. Lord Sinistro is trying to fight the storm inside the eye of the typhoon, and post feedback directly on MMV to see if atleast someone there agree with him and try to make Chuchoryu listen. Every single time the answer was the same: "Lord Sinistro is just a troll from MFG and Chuchoryu's chars are great and perfect".


    And now for some rage worth quotes from MMV:

    For the record, we are not worried about anything MFG says unless its constructive feedback a creator chooses to address for their own improvement.

    In the specific case of this character, chuchoryu did nothing against any rules and any drama is definitely not worth it.

    @ Lord Sinestro: While we thank you for reporting the feedback, but please remember our rules regarding respect when it came to the commentary line you added at the end. And so you know, chuchoryu has updated many things many times. I would know due to the number of links I've had to change in the downloads section for him due to such. And he does those updates on his schedule, not yours. Also regarding his schedule, he has his own process for creating. I'd rather him stick with a process than change it if it led to a chance that he did not like a change in process and then decided to give up creating altogether.

    Don't take importance to mfg words, I learn they allways have hard comments for everybody, and they want 100 % perfect chars with a lot of rules to do like others forums, I like you char, and I want to say that is so ridiculous to post a fullset of sprites to give closed source to these sprites, if you don't want nobody works with your sprites, please don't post all of thems and expect all the people follow your rules, but this last words is something that I want to say, and I know a lot of people dislike this, but don't put something for your private use in free forums, for me is obius, excuse for my english and don't worry about people who enjoy trying to get fightings all the time and with other type of people who think they are like gods in something than humble like muge, hope my words can be understand in the right way

    Then don't go to MFG anymore. That forum is no more welcome for us.

    They hate me too, cause i'm different.

    chuchoryu you make an awesome character again!!! icon_biggrin.png

    Seriously, you always make good characters man. Great part of my roster is yours  lol.gif

    And about in MFG, my opinion:

    If you really used the sprites of CVSNB without permission, it's not hummm... cool... BUT, it's a beta char and I love her anyway.

    A lot of people are making unnecessary comments, and I don't agree with the most of they. You make great characters, you created a new lot of characters that is not anyone have the abilities to make, you created really decent Tekken chars and a lot of other characters. Seriously, how many good Tekken characters we had before you? Nothing! You are one of the most great creators in the Mugen comunity, and I am a great fan of your work.

    And I'm sure a lot of that people who said that things, has downloaded her.

    So, continue with your great characters man, you are a full potencial guy, don't let some people say you're not  670481599.gif

    there all jelly just keep on keeping on make more chars I love them

    This is one down here is one of the worst. Case in point, not a single time when people where badmouthing MFG, adminbot have said anything, than someone call Chuchoryu out on his BS and look at what happens:


    Getting called out for disrespecting the spriter for releasing the character against said spriter's wishes when he promised not to is a pretty significant "whatever else regarding the character itself", though...

    Not to mention it feels rushed just like everything else chuchoryu releases.

    Of which the entire discussion between said spriter and him is not going on here at this forum, hence why it is tiring to hear about here...especially since it leads to things branching out to other things that have a tinge of drama to them.

    Here is Multiverse not the Guild, Adminbot have reason whe need to talk about the char not about the MFG

    This is the kind of enviroment I'm talking about. This is the problem with the YesMan attitude, and victmization. It's just creating a place where improvement is impossible and everyone else is the bad guys

    Lord Sinistro gave us this pearl that pretty much reflects my view of MMV as a whole:

    "What are you talking about, MFG don't hate people, you guys hate MFG for nothing"

  16. Borewood. Everytime I refer to you it's in a respectable maner. And it's exactly because I do like your creations and your general conduct of a really nice guy.
    You don't need to inferiorise yourself. Everyone knows the Guild hade some crazy people, but those times are over. Most of the bad habits have been undone and nowadays they really discourage people from doing this kind of thing anymore. You remember that at the time I started posting on here, I was actually surprised that that feedback didn't to Chucho, even though it was on the Guild and believed they where too light on guy? It's was because they stopped being extremists. The MUGEN wars are over, no more crying until the end.
    I'm angry at guys like Chucho because after you told me he was a nice guy, I decided to see his kind of interactions with the forum he is a member of. In the Guild he just ignores everyone and just answer Mi Amigo to everything because he doesn't want to be banned.
    Seeing his interactions on MMV I can extract a lot of examples of him badmouthing people from behind, and he is not that bad with english, because when people attack the Guild or compliment him, he clearly understands it.
    Here are some extracts from his Asuka forum post on MMV:

    "Yes I see...in taht pleace much people hate me for make a lot of chars in little time"

     Saying that everyone hates him because he is too good and they envy him.

    "Thans mi amigo! For this comments, I have the permission for use the CVSNB sprites...2 years ago I have the permission, 3 months ago he give me the Paul sprites he made, a really good gif"

     Something that's an obvious lie because in the Guild he admited to be wrong and dropped the links.

    "Themost strange is CVSNB, he give me permission edit she and he starting that comments in MFG"

     Again the same lie.

    And that's the problem. He looks naive but he knows he's doing something wrong.
    You remember one of the first times I talked to you? I told you that you atleast had effort. You atleast paid attention to what people say. And that's why I respect you. Don't get locked into a bubble believing that anything that is not a compliment is an attack. I know your creations are flawed, but I know you try.
    Don't throw yourself under the bus for this kind of thing. Chuchoryu's behavior created a bubble of hate and misdirection that is just going to make things worse on the long run. Don't be like Chucho please.

  17. Also, fun fact, Chucho is not so mild manered on MMV. I've seen various times where he was saying people only dislike his chars because they envy him.


    I believe his mild behavior on MFG is mainly because the mods are on his ass all the time and he is afraid of being moderated/banned.


    Also, to anyone wanting to know the list, it's just a list I compiled with every single time a Chuchoryu related news post on this forum diluted on a shit storm. It seems like most people have short term memory or lack patern recognition skills when the subject is Chucho. Guess how long it is?


    I've been in this forum for quite some time now and everytime someone even mentions chucho's name, the topic explodes in a barrage of criticisms/defences that easily break the 15 replys mark.

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