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Everything posted by CozySquirtle

  1. For MH's Sonic The Hedgehog. You can now play as his Cartoon attire! Enjoy! http://www.mediafire.com/?51c399wk2lffb3a
  2. Video Management > Edit a video > Custom Thumbnail. It cant be over 2MB. Also, if you don't got it right now, you should be getting it in due time.
  3. I feel completely the sameway, I'm just now returning to palette making, to be quite honest.
  4. I demand a new palette contest! xD With all the new palette makers Vs the current champ! Lets go! Make it happen, Ry!
  5. Hope you like, I actually expected this to be alot harder. http://www.mediafire.com/?mozrvx648kbgcoa
  6. I can try, but I'm not promising almighty god type-work.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZcaxi3je4A
  8. Youtube is "suppose" to be giving out to everyone, but from what I heard, only selected ones have that feature for now.
  9. I was so happy when I saw that I was able to make custom thumbnails. Its been long waited. My brother made this one for me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1s-kkLcizY
  10. So true. People WANT to help him to become BETTER, but its like the light-bulb upstairs isn't going off.
  11. Hahaha, yea, kinda adopted that cause everyone likes my palettes, only a few of mine are terrible, mostly the Hi-Res/HD ones.
  12. I finally did it! It definitely resembles his "The Adventures of Sonic The Hedgehog" look. I miss that cartoon D; One of my personal favorites while I was growing up.
  13. Hello, rbbt. Its very nice to meet you.
  14. Laharl, give me a rep point and I'll call you "The Best Mod In The World" (Im not trying to be serious, but, your a good mod, tho.)
  15. I only have 1 rep point and you don't see me crying about it. (See wut I did thur?)
  16. @Ark: It wasn't my intentions to slap her, it just happened so fast. I just don't like being touched by others. It did, however, feel good to relive some stress that they were giving me and before someone decides to take it the wrong way, I am, in no way, a woman abuser.
  17. I left out the best part, tho. A few days after I made the choice to finish out the entire school year (and through-on-out) by being homeschool (forgot to mention that at the time), my friend told me that the girl and her brother flatten'd the principles tires and were caught in the act and thrown in jail, so I was like to him "Couldn't happen to better people." So its like I got 3 victories in one day. Sadly, I wasn't there to see it. White
  18. Only half or more are actually active...
  19. I'm glad that I graduated from school and I don't have to put up with that fucking bullshit (pardon my french, but this shit right here piss' me the hell off). Just like that dudes kid, I, too, have special needs (ADHD/ODD), but I pretty much no how to control it now, better then what I could. I was just starting my 7th grade school, first day mind you, there was approx. 7 seats/sections in the lunchroom (please take note, this was in the morning), I decided to sit in the first section cause nobody was sitting there. I'm minding my own business and here comes this fat chick (this is not in anyway trying to make fun of women, just this one) and her brother + their friends. She says real rudely "That's our seat! Move!" I was like "uhm, excuse me, but I don't see how this is your seat?" So, what she do, she goes and tells the vice principle that I'm in their seat. So, here comes the vice principle and she tells me to get up and move and I tried to explain that there was nobody sitting here. She didn't listen and made me move. I wanted to call her a bitch, cause she was one. If you think that part was bad, try getting 4 hours of detention because of these pricks. It was noontime, my friend and I were in line getting lunch, he was a few kids ahead of me, the fat chick was two kids behind me and here she comes and tells me "Your in my brothers spot!" I was like "Like hell I am, he can just wait in line just like everyone." She didn't much care for that statement, so what does she do, she grabs me and throws me out of the line and I'm not one for being touched and at this point, I knew if I told the principle or the vice principle, I wouldn't get no help, so I took matters into my own hands and slapped her and had my fist back about ready to punch her and here comes the vice principle. She pulls us off to the side and gives us 4 hours of detention, but here's the catch. At the end of the day, I head to the detention room, looking at the clock as it goes by thinking to myself "where is that hoe at?" Well, come to find out the fucking fat cunt got a get out of jail free card. Can you believe that shit? So, I wasn't just fighting that hoe, her brother and their friends, I was fighting the fucking school system as well.
  20. I suppose. As long as it doesn't contain Hi-Res/HD characters... See previous pages to understand why I don't do Hi-res/HD characters anymore.
  21. you no I was only joking, right? my post wasn't ment to be taking seriously.
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