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Posts posted by ・yoonybin・

  1. Hi everyone!


    This mugen made after I got a bit motivated to bring back doing cheapie based mugens. I know I did a lot of them and I did, say I was gonna stop at one point but then it hit me that yknow as long as time goes on, new cheapies will continue to be made all the time 😄 , so it's like why not just keep at it yknow? no point in stopping. Either way, here's what this consists of:

    Chars: 100+

    Stages: I think less than a 100

    Download Link: You can get the mugen here


    Heads-up: There is cheapies that have reported to and will crash mugen. so keep that in mind.

  2. Hello everyone! ❤️ 


    This mugen was made on BTS's 11th Anniversary, as a gift to my community. so, I am sharing it here with you guys for you guys to also enjoy if you haven't already.

    This is a MBC 1.0 mugen roster that I made as a gift. the compilation of characters mainly represent the theme and what type of things my community are into so a good reflection of them 😄 other thant that, it consists, of the following:

    Chars: Around 500+

    Stages: Around 100+

    Download Link: You can get this lovely mugen here


  3. 18 hours ago, bogggz said:


    Update as of today, I just added the google drive link for this mugen 😄

  4. 7 hours ago, _theratqueen_ said:

    Yeah so turns out it just had a lotta lag. also heads up a lot of the chars are not compatible with that mugen

    If it has a lot lag then that means your pc probably is low end, nothing I can really do about that. I could recommend finding some cheap gaming PCs on ebay that's within your budget but that is complete up to you I wouldn't force anyone to upgrade their pc or replace it with something better atm especially in this economy. also yes, if you see chars that aren't compatible for some reason with the mugen you can replace them. (it's weird to see non compatible chars) 

  5. Hi, another mugen here today that's one of my latest works (and ofc from my to-do list). after this, I'll be going to something more hefty (keep a look-out for that).


    This mugen as around 1,877 chars (nearly 2k) and this is just part 1, AT FIRST I thought this had around 4k slots by the looks of it and from what I was told but apparently, it's only 2k slots. SOOO, apart of me just felt like finishing the mugen already but these mugens are no joke and it's a lot of work and decided to take a break thus releasing this part 1. when I have time I will finish it, and release it and even provide instructions for those who downloaded this and only provide the updated chars folder and the select.def That being said here's more info on this:


    Chars: 1,877

    Stages: 1,349 

    DL: You can get it here


    Update as of TODAY: Mugen is complete you can check here 


  6. Hi this another mugen I found that I decided to complete. I found this mugen here (credit to RAMON GARCIA). this is just a winmugen compilation that I decided to do for fun as a gift to my subscribers for their patience 😄 , not much to say that it's just your average EVE winmugen roster just with some spice. here's more info here:


    Chars: around 500+

    Stages: around 100+

    DL: You can get the mugen here


  7. Hi just showing you guys one of my latest rosters. but, this one was a complicated one. either way, this mugen was actually a compilation that was partially done before but I decided to take the intuitive to get just the SP and fill it up myself for you all. someone actually did do a showcase of this before, but was deleted so decided to make my own. here's how what this has:


    Chars: nearly 2,000

    Stages: I think around 100+

    DL:  You can get the mugen here


    Creator's Note: so, I apologize for the bottom part of the mugen to be misaligned. like I said this mugen was complicated due to it's select.def being all over the place. if you were in my discord you could see in real time I was having so many problems with this thing, now that it's over with. I personally, wouldn't recommend doing their own compilation on a SP like this, BUT if you're up for the challenge you're free to do so by getting the SP link here either way credit to RAMON GRACIA for bringing this mugen in existence for he is the reason why I decided to complete the compilation. 

  8. 17 hours ago, _theratqueen_ said:

    Now I doubt you'll see this much less respond but...

    its kinda stuck in loading muh boy

    & not like the loading screen kinda stuck its moreso like its not responding & hasn't been for a good ten minutes now 

    Did you check your drivers? what ram/specs/cpu does your pc have? I always recommend people have at least a pretty good PC to run my much larger rosters. 

  9. 5 hours ago, bogggz said:


    I'll probably need his email for something like that. either way, I actually have upgraded the storage of my Gdrive (if you check out my newer uploads) so I might be able to download this game and make a mirror link myself

  10. Hi I have returned posting on this form with a new compilation. this time, mugen you all might be familiar with and that is 




    Except, this time this is just my roster/compilation on this lovely SP. that being said here's what to expect when getting this mugen:

    Chars: around 500+ chars

    Stages: around 50+ (could be wrong because I could care less for stages)

    Last but not least what you've been waiting for....


    Download Link: You can get it here


  11. This mugen is a huge project I wanted to work on for the community. this mugen is also the last time I'll be doing mainly a cheapie-based mugen because yknow I've done it many of times so why not end this series of those type of mugens with a bang and compile over 3,000 cheapies since I know that is possible. 


    I will note this now and say this is only PART 1 of this said project meaning this is big enough for someone to download this mugen with a decent amount of disk space. and, since I don't have access to cheapies off of mugen archive this was a HARD one to fill up to that amount. I had to crawl to the depths of Winmugen cheapie youtube to the point I even encountered a few anti-malware and actual dragon tier cheapies that were made PUBLIC btw, keep that in mind. 


    So I hope you guys enjoy for I try to fill this up the best way I can, and hopefully you all can also make good use of this mugen in a way to not only mess around with the chaoticness of this mugen but maybe getting this yourself and make use of the characters on there to add onto your own rosters as well 😄


    You can download it here . BTW this only got like 2 stages because it has yet to be finished.


    Remember, this is part 1 this isn't the full 3,000+ cheapies so I don't want anyone to be like "how come the folder say over 3,000" it's because it will be over 3,000 but not atm lol it's a huge project I decided to challenge myself with that I know I am confident I can complete 😄 so yeah remember, to read the IMPORTANT README BY @XDEATHWING SILENCEX aka me before playing this mugen. not held responsible for what happens, I've also shown in the video preview how to backup your mugen in case a character were to mess it up 😄 time mark is: 23:52




  12. This is my mugen roster for MUF 1.0 (mugen ultimate fighting 1.0) a screenpack that was posted here that has around 2k slots, they mentioned an addon of 7k slots but they didn't really give any instructions on how to add it so there's that therefore made this very easy to fill up IMO lol. anyways, the con with this is that the chars don't show up so ofc no gaps could be fixed (most of them is just chars without portraits anyways but still).


    But, if you don't care about the gaps and care more for the roster/mugen itself you're free to download it here 




  13. You know those mugen cheapie showcase/preview videos you see on Youtube and you see them using a winmugen roster like this? well, this is one of them and the roster is made by me and compiled by me and it's now available for DOWNLOAD. enjoy the chance to finally play those insane, evil jumpscare crazy cheapie mugen chars in your very own pc! it's best to watch the preview of this said mugen so you can at LEAST see what you're about to download. there's a cheapie of EVERY kind in this roster except for ofc dragon tiers (because bish I am not that type of person to share LITERAL malware 😄 


    Note: if you're a cheapie mugen character connoisseur you're free to use this link here Cheapie | MUGEN Database | Fandom to look at the tiers of cheapie chars and you can decide if you feel like I missed a character of a specific tier or not 😄

    Link to get this disaster I mean amazing mugen is here  


  14. On 12/18/2023 at 3:55 PM, CraigDudeBruh said:

    I managed to download the collection. I used Jdownloader (and editthiscookie) to fix the expiration problem but I ran into a different issue when I looked in the RAR folder there is a good deal of characters that are missing. The folders (and even the folders in those folders) are there but they are totally empty.

    I don't know if the problem has something to do with Jdownloader or not. I validated the RAR using 7zip, let Jdownloader perform a checksum on the RAR and even deleted the whole collection and redownloaded it. Nothing fixed the problem. I don't know if this helps diagnose the problem or not but the sound folder is also empty.

    I'm posting to the forum to see if this a problem unique to me or not. 

    Some of the characters that are missing include !fortbuster_hadoman, 890omega, 2204355 and Quantum TV but there are easily over a hundred if not a few hundred that are missing and I only list these ones because when I redownloaded the collection the exact same characters were missing in the folder so either its a consistent problem with my instance of Jdownloader or it may not be unique to me. Also interestingly there are no characters who came after quantum TV alphabetically who were missing from the collection.

    The main reason I'm writing this is just because I noticed that the roster collection txt file says that it will also be available on archive.org. If you do put it on archive.org will you be linking that on Mugen Free For All or will it be something I should check your discord or youtube channel for? The nice thing about archive.org is you can open the zip files and download individual files without downloading the whole zip.

    Regardless thank you for making a very nice and extremely expansive collection.


    Hello, thank you for your reply. sorry for the VERY late response, I get notifications on everything BUT people replying to my posts for some reason so that's why I found this reply now. but anywho I hope all is well, here is what I can say in regards of your reply that can be of help. The sound folder is empty because I didn't add any music in there. and, I did state in my discord (which I recommend everyone join for updates and inquiries on all my mugens) that I did try my best to fix most of the missing chars to te best of my ability. and I didn't know that about archive.org. I was thinking of adding svcum 1.1 roster on there first but wasn't too sure and sometimes wouldn't have time for it I still plan to make time for it to add it on there considering it's a really REALLY huge mugen remember to open the .bat file of the mugen and not the mugen.exe because nothing will show ofc (idk why they set it up like that but it is what it is). and no problem, I am thankful that you like my collection 😄 I hope what I said was of use if not feel free to DM me or reach out to me via my discord because I am just simply more active on there than I am on here and Youtube.

  15. On 12/3/2023 at 12:58 PM, Neo Oceanboy06 said:

    Can't Download. It Expires Before it's Finished.

    Have you tried the following methods? (sorry I am now seeing this reply on this post)

    • Waiting a bit until it is clear to download
    • Don't want to wait try this method https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=djtIeDwW614
    • Tried the first method and didn't work? try this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6vLJQNpnZE
    • And, if you tried those two and it didn't work did you try the last resort? which is trying you can just open up the download link of the file that you wish to download in a browser. then in the address bar where the link is present, remove "uc" part of the link and type in "open" instead.
  16. ♡ Hello everyone!


    ♡ In this post, this is just a mugen roster I made on behalf of my community for we had a mugen screenpack poll where people vote for which screenpacks they think should be filled with characters and be made available to everyone and in one of those polls (yes there was more than one) they voted for Xedart's EX SP to be the one of the choices where it has characters filled. that being said let's get to it....


    Chars: 910+

    Stages: I think about 100+ 😄

    Where to download? Here <- Part 1 and Here <- Part 2 (they are in a total of two parts. no worries)


  17. Hi, 


    This is just a mugen roster I made, that was a request from someone I know of off discord 😄 . this is a mainly OBVIOUSLY joke edition of Legacy, of course, this is EVERY joke character in mugen existence in this mugen. the rest of the characters of course if is it's not obvious I had to fill up the mugen regardless as the person requested. so, you'll notice some normal characters there that you're free to use them as a victim of these joke characters 😄 lol I had me a good laugh either wayy....


    Chars: 800+

    Stages: 200+

    Where to Download? Here



  18.  Hi, it's been a while since I've posted another thing here right? lol. well I am back with a new but interesting submission. this mugen was actually requested by kryptonian_messiah from my discord server. he wanted a mugen rosters filled with cheapies, nulls and all the other craziness I DID in fact do something like this before with a touhou winmugen but to them that was not enough chars lol either way... I am sharing this because I know this might be some of you guys favorite thing. so other than that, here is the info:


    CHARS: 500+ chars


    STAGES: 10+ stages


    LINK(S): You can get the mugen here


    1. While the majority of the mugen is consistent of nulls and all types of nulls. it also contains MAINLY cheapies as well so it won't only be like chars tampering with other chars files, glitching mugen, etc etc

    2. You MUST watch the video I made in the folder called: "how to backup this game" because some chars will make sure you fuck around and find out fr lol some chars are known to delete the folders of other chars, delete codes of other chars, and doing anything they can do defeat their opponent. they are nulls for a reason.

    3. Some chars will not work not because they could be an incorrect version but thats because some chars are simply built like that, they will just crash the mugen or make it unresponsive. (just like what happened in that one part of the video)
    as stated before, some gaps will be present in the mugen because some chars require you do some editing of their files or names or overall special instructions to make them appear in the game.

    last but not least...

    4. I recommend if certain chars you are afraid or hesitant to use (lol like I was ngl) search up a showcase on the character. some chars btw, also contain jumpscares, screamers, ear rape, loud noises and seziure inducing lighting and flickering with their crazy hypers. so I would keep that in mind before playing. selecting a character is like russian roulette. you either pick a character with a one hit ko or your average cheapie or a null character that will either glitch the game, mess with the files of their opponents, create visual glitches and overall mess with the game and even your mental and physical health (if you're epileptic or if horror or screamers/jumpscares are a trigger for you these chars do NAWT care)

    Other than that, that is all...there is even a notepad file stating something similar that I've explained so please read that because I am not held accountable for what happens 😄



  19. Hellooooo.....hope all is well with you all 😄


    So, this is just going to be an update post in regards of this post here:

    - So, just wanted to say this mugen has been completed! it has actually correction, around 8k characters. yes, it is NEARLY 9k but it's not actually 9k per say that everyone has been saying. nonetheless, both links has been updated. because, I am pretty sure you all would much prefer a completed one this time around (besides I already replaced the one in the google drive when uploading the completed one so it is what it is) other than that, here are the stats:


    Chars: 8425 TOTAL

    Stages: around 400+

    Link(s): As per usual, it is your friendly neighborhood google drive link. so you get it here


  20. Link 

    On 2/28/2021 at 12:45 PM, ・yoonybin・ said:

     💬˚ ༘♡ Hi, I am back after being literally absent on this forum since, 2019. My last post was EVE Mugen 1.0 which if you haven't checked that out please check it out here: https://mugenfreeforall.com/topic/36749-eve-11-full-mugen-2019/


    😊> I would like to now proceed onto this mugen. This Mugen is, ofc a really huge mugen that I wanted everyone to mess around with. this idea came to mind because, I wanted everyone to finally be able to get a huge mugen in their possession without any hassle and without having to encounter mugens that are just as huge as this, but they never provided the download link for people to enjoy. It's by far the biggest mugens I've ever worked on, after all my years of filling up / playing mugens. It was fun, and overall, was really worth the add up...


    👍SOOOOOO, that being said, I now present to you all EVE Mugen All-Stars 2020 (NOW DOWNLOADABLE) 🤩
    + Chars: 3,092 (This actually, has 4,000 slots but, I was debating on filling it up) 
    + Stages: 119
    + Bonus: Comes w/ the 3v3/4v4 Mod (it was going to come with the Uno Tag Team Patcher Mod but IDK) 
    + DL Link(s):  Download the game here

    [recommended for you to use a download manager if you can.]
    + Preview: More information is in this video of mine here.

    UPDATE AS OF 06/23/2021: Just recently uploaded the full and completed version of this mugen! it's over 4000+ chars, if you're interested in the complete version head on to the post here

    Link has been updated! no longer you shall use mega.nz

  21. This is just my personal mugen roster, yknow the main mugen I always play that's strictly curated for me. I was actually planning to do this AFTER BrokenMugen because yk this is a personal mugen roster of mine but I decided why not. I'll do a double upload and give you guys the best of both worlds 😄 either way that is all. Here some info on this:


    Chars: 1082 Chars (well actually 1089 chars)

    Stages: Around 200 stages 

    Link(s): You can get it here


  22. Helloooo, people. it is me again with another wonderful collection! 😄 

    - Now, just letting you guys know this mugen is no joke, it does really have over 9000 slots! go ahead post that vegeta gif of him saying "it's over 9000!" LMAO and it is true. someone by the youtuber named: Thonzy but he failed to do one important thing that is IMO a pretty important and nice thing to do for the community and that is sharing said collection. so, while getting inspo from him and Wailordlover (another person who has worked on BrokenMugen) I decided to make a collection with this wonderful SP, and share it with you all. Now, that I got that out of the way, let's talk about the info of said collection:


    Chars: 2,791

    Stages: around 400 to be exact (I know in my desc of the video below I said 200+ but I was wayyy off lmao)

    Link(s): You can get this mugen here

    Note: This mugen is called PT.1 (aka PART 1) for a reason, this has around 2k chars because once this is finished it will be exactly 9k chars, so once that time comes when this is completed I will go into more detail because this is no joke so for now enjoy this part 😄 this will have the Mugen All-stars EVE  treatment. meaning part 1 have a good amount chars and the second/final part will be completed!


  23. On 12/6/2022 at 4:31 AM, SmokeyPDungus said:

    Hey I'm trying everything I can to download this pack, I've used everything reccomended previously and more but it seems that nearly 40 gbs is surprisingly a lot of data and nothing has worked. As of writing this it is nearly 5 in the morning and I started this problem around Midnight. I've tried literally everything besides waiting the 3+ days to download it off mega 5 gb at a time. If you have any sort of alternate download links please, at this point it is required if I wanna play this pack

    If anyone sees this just letting you know that the link has been updated to a google drive link. enjoy 🙂 it will also be uploaded to archive.org 😄 

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