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Everything posted by Noside

  1. At last Excahm, your pic looks better than my photo taken with my crappy cell phone.
  2. Taken with my crappy/broken Samsung Touch :3 MAXIMUM THE HORMONE RULES FUCKERS!!
  3. @Brock, you scared the shit out of me for a moment.
  4. Ese ultimo del pollo con el pavo esta buenisimo! +1
  5. Excahm stop your dumb excuses and upload a pic of yourself.
  6. Say Wuut?? right now?? i guess is too late, didn't have a chance to say goodbye to yaa!
  7. Abobo's Big Adventure is a parody game which pays tribute to the 8-bit glory days of the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). The Story: Abobo's son has been kidnapped and now it's up to you to help Abobo fight his way through some of the greatest NES games of all time in order to rescue him. Not only does Abobo have to fight through these classic games, but he has to adapt to their varying gameplay styles. Gameplay ranges from beatemup, to underwater platformer, to side-scroller, to top-down dungeon crawler, wrestling, run-and-gun, boxing, and MOAR! Oh, and did we mention BOSSES?! Mini-bosses, medium bosses, large bosses, and ultra-huge multi-stage bosses will assault you at every step of your journey. Abobo's path is a long and hard one, he'll encounter more enemies than any single character has ever had to fight, but this is Abobo we're talking about here. He has the heart of a lion... probably because he actually punched a lion and ate its heart! Abobo will stop at nothing to save his beloved son, Aboboy. Are you ready to unleash his rage into this violent world of pixelated foes? You better be. If you're not, Abobo may pummel you too. Also, you can unlock trophies and special features like a bonus game. Trailer http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6atT6G8Gng This game is full of nostalgia, i finished it yesterday and believe me, there's a "BIG" surprise when you face the final boss, it's a TOTALLY FREE GAME play it on line or dowload it, enjoy. Official Website http://abobosbigadve...om/fullgame.php NOTE: ZombieBrock, you are gonna love this game
  8. Those are just Sprites, not complete characters.
  9. I bet they are gonna use a lame cheap ass translator on the net.
  10. LMFAO! what happened ryon?
  11. This is one of my favorite shows on youtube, The Angry Videogame Nerd and this episode is so freaking funny, can't stop watching it over and over! James Rolfe is my hero.
  12. This game will be: "The game of the year" thanks to the Foxhound Engine, i guarantee.
  13. Easy as shit, my middle name in backwards.
  14. When i first saw the title, thought it was The Abyss stage from MVC2.
  15. Moneyspider, No tienes nada de que preocuparte, mucho menos pedir disculpas, aqui eres libre de expresarte y dar a conocer tus opiniones, como ves, no todo el tiempo me la paso bromeando y diciendo estupideces solo que cuando ando en las paginas de Mugen, a parte de ver las novedades, me relajo un poco, y ese tema de la universidad ya lo pase hace mucho, y porsupuesto que primero lo primero, las prioridades de nustras vidas personales, disfruta tu estancia, no hay limites para nada, saludos.
  16. "Ai seu te pego! ai ai seu te pego!" *dances* nooo!! noooo! i can't control it!!
  17. Superman Reeve one hit and you are dead.
  18. Ironic isn't it? "HIGH" paying job.
  19. Es muy dificil o al menos que alguien sea tan bondadoso de hacer una limpieza de sprites, lo mas recomendable (incluso en mi caso) es buscar tutoriales sobre los programas en los que deseas trabajar como Fighter Factory ó Photoshop, soy un veterano de Mugen desde el 2000, cuando intente hacer mi primer personaje en ese entonces vi el tutorial de como crear personajes en la nota que viene por defaul cuando descargas el Mugen, pero se me hizo tan pesado que a parte de rippear sprites, programar los movimientos etc etc, mejor lo deje por la paz y mejor me dedique a coleccionar personajes, escenarios y lifebars, pero si en tu caso quieres aprender, creo que aqui en el foro Ryon subio unos buenos tutoriales en video, te deseo buena suerte.
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